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Questions - Heartland - BIDEN - National July 2024

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Survey of 5,605 Battleground State Likely Voters (AZ, NV, GA, PA, WI, MI)

Conducted July 5-12, 2024, By Rasmussen Reports and the Heartland Institute


1.    Biden Favorability



2.    President Biden says the U.S. economy is “strong” and that his policies are responsible for historic job growth and better living conditions for most families. When it comes to the state of the economy, how honest do you think President Biden has been with the American people?



3.    Agree or disagree? President Biden’s policies are responsible for creating 15 million jobs since he took office, and Biden deserves most of the credit for the added jobs.



4.    Earlier in June, President Biden signed a 10-year security agreement with Ukraine, and since the war between Russia and Ukraine began, Congress has appropriated $175 billion in aid for Ukraine’s military and civilians. Would you support or oppose legislation to reduce aid and military support for Ukraine?



5.    Prices of gasoline, groceries, cars, and homes have increased dramatically since Joe Biden has become president. How much do you blame President Biden’s policies for these higher prices?



6.    Agree or disagree? Joe Biden’s recent mental decline poses a threat to the safety and security of the United States.



7.     Agree or disagree? Joe Biden is one of the worst presidents in American history.



8.    Who did you vote for in the 2020 Presidential Election? President Joe Biden or Former President Donald Trump?



NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence