Toplines - Arizona - July 21, 2009
Arizona Voters Give Legislature, Governor Poor Marks on Budget Crisis
Most Arizona Voters Put Immigration Over Health Care as Priority for Congress
See Crosstabs
Daily Snapshot
July 21, 2009
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How would you rate
the job Barack Obama has been doing as President… do you strongly
approve, somewhat approve, somewhat
disapprove, or strongly disapprove of the job he’s been
30% Strongly approve
16% Somewhat approve
8% Somewhat
45% Strongly disapprove
1% Not sure
2* How would you rate
the job Jan Brewer has been doing as Governor… do you strongly approve,
somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, or strongly disapprove of the job he’s
been doing?
9% Strongly approve
39% Somewhat approve
34% Somewhat disapprove
14% Strongly disapprove
4% Not sure
3* How
would rate the way that Governor Jan Brewer has handled the state’s budget
crisis….excellent, good, fair or poor?
5% Excellent
20% Good
51% Fair
21% Poor
2% Not sure
Okay….how would you rate the way the state legislature has handled the state
budget crisis….excellent, good, fair or poor?
1% Excellent
16% Good
38% Fair
43% Poor
3% Not sure
5* Which is more important… gaining
control of the border or legalizing the status of undocumented workers already
living in the
65% Gaining control of the border
20% Legalizing the status of
undocumented workers
15% Not sure
6* Is it possible to end illegal
50% Yes
34% No
16% Not sure
7* Which is a more important goal for Congress….immigration
reform or healthcare reform?
51% Immigration reform
45% Healthcare reform
4% Not sure
8* Have the policies and activities of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe
Arpaio helped or hurt
57% Helped
27% Hurt
7% They have had no impact
8% Not sure
9* Are you
willing to pay one cent more per dollar in sales tax to fund K through 12
education in Arizona?
57% Yes
38% No
5% Not sure
Earlier this year, Congress and the president enacted a $787 billion economic
stimulus plan. So far, has the economic stimulus plan helped the economy, hurt
the economy or had no impact on the economy?
24% Help
40% Hurt
32% No impact
5% Not sure
Generally speaking, do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or
strongly oppose the health care reform plan proposed by President Obama and the
congressional Democrats?
24% Strongly favor
21% Somewhat favor
10% Somewhat oppose
42% Strongly oppose
4% Not sure
NOTE: Margin of
Sampling Error, +/- 4.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence