Toplines - Starbucks - August 8-9, 2008
See Article
See Crosstabs
Daily Snapshot
National Telephone Survey of 1,000
Likely Voters
By Rasmussen Reports
August 8-9, 2008
1* In a typical month, how often
do you go to a Starbucks?
76% Rarely or never
14% Occasionally
4% About once a week
2% Several times a week
2% Every day, or nearly every day
2% Not Sure
2* Do you generally
order coffee and food to go, or do you stay at Starbucks for a while?
66% Order coffee and food to go
20% Stay there for a while
14% Not Sure
3* Do you go to Starbucks primarily for the coffee, for the
food, for the wireless internet service, or for some other reason?
80% Coffee
5% Food
6% Internet
8% Some Other Reason
1% Not Sure
4* Is Starbucks coffee overpriced?
73% Yes
6% No
21% Not Sure
5* Do you have a
favorable or unfavorable opinion of Starbucks?
38% Favorable
27% Unfavorable
35% Not Sure
NOTE: Margin of
Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence