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Toplines - Looking Ahead (Economy) - March 7-8, 2009

Daily Snapshot

National Survey of 1,000 Adults

Conducted March 7-8, 2009

By Rasmussen Reports

1* A year from today, will the U.S. economy be stronger than it is now, or weaker?

42% Stronger

37% Weaker

9% About the same

12% Not sure

2* What about five years from today? Will the U.S. economy be stronger than it is now, or weaker?

64% Stronger

17% Weaker

5% About the same

14% Not sure

3* Over the next few years, how likely is it that United States will enter a 1930s like Depression?

19% Very likely

34% Somewhat likely

32% Not very likely

7% Not at all likely

7% Not sure

4* Will today’s children be better off than their parents?

26% Yes
49% No
25% Not sure

NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.