Toplines - Currency - March 29-30, 2009
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Daily Snapshot
National Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted March 29-30, 2009
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How closely have you followed news
reports about proposals from
19% Very closely
22% Somewhat closely
30% Not very closely
27% Not at all
3% Not sure
2* A
bill has been introduced in Congress to prevent the dollar from being replaced
by a new global currency. Would you favor or oppose a law that prevents the
dollar from being replaced by a new global currency?
46% Favor
33% Oppose
21% Not sure
3* Are proposals to create a new
global currency primarily designed to help the global economy or to weaken the
economic power of the
21% To help the global economy
49% To weaken the economic power of the
30% Not sure
4* How
important is it to you that the dollar remain the currency of the United States
– very important, somewhat important, not very important, not at all important?
70% Very
18% Somewhat important
5% Not very important
3% Not at all important
4% Not sure
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage
points with a 95% level of confidence