Majority Support Workers Resisting Vaccine Mandates
More than half of voters support workers refusing to comply with mandatory vaccination against COVID-19, and believe that firing workers for non-compliance would hurt the U.S. economy.
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More than half of voters support workers refusing to comply with mandatory vaccination against COVID-19, and believe that firing workers for non-compliance would hurt the U.S. economy.
COVID-19 has created the ideal medium for a summer of continuous protest.
Political protests and demonstrations used to be weekend affairs during which angry leftists shouted at empty government offices before shuffling home Sunday afternoon to gear up for the workweek. With 1 out of 4 workers having filed for unemployment and many more working from home, tens of millions of Americans have free time to march in the streets. Sporting events, movie theaters, retail stores and even houses of worship are closed due to the coronavirus lockdown.
The Boy Scouts of America filed for bankruptcy this week amid a deluge of sex-abuse lawsuits. The Catholic clergy's pedophilia conspiracies have cost the church more than $3 billion and countless followers. Scandal after scandal shows how cunning child predators have exploited trusted civic institutions under cover of "diversity," "inclusion" and "progressivism."
Should U.S. citizens have input into whether their neighborhoods are fundamentally and permanently transformed into United Nations refugee camps full of welfare dependents and tax burdens?
Leftists want to change the world. They want peace, equal income, equal wealth, equal rights for everybody.
When Alexis de Tocqueville visited America in 1830, he was struck by how many Americans were participating in voluntary associations. It was quite a contrast with his native France, where power was centralized in Paris and people did not trust each other enough to join in voluntary groups.
Tocqueville might have a different impression should he, utilizing time travel, visit the America of 2030. Or so I conclude on reading the recently released Pew Research Center report on the attitudes and behavior of America's Millennial generation.
For nearly four-out-of-five U.S. voters, the problem is not their unwillingness to pay taxes. It’s their elected representatives’ refusal to cut the size of government.
ACORN, a national organization of community activists, is encouraging people in foreclosure to resist the law and refuse to leave their homes. Twenty-one percent (21%) of Americans support the idea.