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September 3, 2009

60% Say Tax Hikes Hurt The Economy

Sixty percent (60%) of likely voters now say tax increases hurt the economy, up six points from last month. While this is the highest total measured in over a year, the result has remained fairly consistent for over a decade.

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September 3, 2009

Most Voters Say Town Hall Meetings Should Be for Congressmen to Listen, Not Speak

At town hall meetings on the health care issue, most Americans say it’s more important for those in Congress to listen rather than speak.

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September 3, 2009

New Facts Undercut Old Positions on Immigration By Michael Barone

Before leaving for his vacation on Martha's Vineyard, Barack Obama said the next big item on his legislative agenda -- well, after health care and cap-and-trade and maybe labor's bill to effectively abolish secret ballots in union elections -- was immigration reform.

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September 3, 2009

51% Say Congress is Too Liberal, 22% Say It’s Too Conservative

Fifty-one percent (51%) of voters nationwide believe that Congress is too liberal while 22% hold the opposite view and say it is too conservative. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 14% say the ideological balance of Congress is about right and 12% are not sure.

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September 3, 2009

Hey, Conservatives, We're Recovering By Lawrence Kudlow

Believe it or not, sometimes good news on the economy can be bad news for stocks.

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September 2, 2009

Voters’ Opinions on Nation’s Direction Remain Steady

For the third straight week, just one-third (34%) of likely voters believe the United States is heading in the right direction, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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September 2, 2009

Virginia Governor: McDonnell 51% Deeds 42%

In the race to become the next Governor of Virginia, Republican Robert F. McDonnell retains a steady lead over Democrat R. Creigh Deeds.

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September 2, 2009

68% Say Passage of Health Care Reform Will Increase Deficit

Despite President Barack Obama’s promise that any health care reform legislation will be deficit-neutral, 68% of voters nationwide say that passage of the Congressional health care reform legislation is likely to create larger deficits.

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September 2, 2009

In Memory of Teddy By Susan Estrich

It's been a long and ugly weekend, e-mail wise. Ted Kennedy may be gone, but the haters are still out there. Every time I said a nice word, my BlackBerry would start vibrating.

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September 2, 2009

One in Four Baseball Fans Pick the Yankees to Win 2009 World Series

In the course of just over one month, baseball fans have shifted their prediction for this year’s World Series Championship team from the Boston Red Sox to their arch rivals, the New York Yankees.

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September 2, 2009

Waterboarding Policy and Consequences By Tony Blankley

"President George W. Bush kept us safe from further terrorist attacks." Few presidential claims have been less persuasive to the public than that. Yet after Sept. 11, most Americans thought, "It's not a question of whether, but when." We would have been grateful if we had known at the time that there would be no further attacks while Bush was president.

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September 2, 2009

Democrats See Their Congressmen Holding Similar Views to Democratic Voters

Just 27% of Democratic voters say the average Democratic member of Congress is more liberal than the average Democrat.

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September 1, 2009

Republicans Widen Lead Over Democrats on Generic Ballot

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 43% would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate while 36% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent.

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September 1, 2009

42% Say People Randomly Selected from Phone Book Better Than Current Congress

Forty-two percent (42%) of U.S. voters say a group of people randomly selected from the phone book would do a better job than the current Congress. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that an identical number (42%) disagree, but 16% are not sure.

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September 1, 2009

Republican Voters Say GOP Reps in Congress Still Out of Touch

Seventy-four percent (74%) of Republican voters say their party’s representatives in Congress have lost touch with GOP voters nationwide over the past several years. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 18% of GOP voters believe their elected officials have done a good job representing the base.

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September 1, 2009

Partisan Trends: 37.3% of Americans Are Democrats, 32.6% Republican

While August was seen as a bad month politically for President Barack Obama and his party, the number of Americans identifying themselves as Democrats inched up by half a percentage point during that time.

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September 1, 2009

How They Missed Jaycee By Debra J. Saunders

Since 1999, when he was placed under California parole supervision for a 1976 rape in Nevada, Phillip Garrido, 58, was subject to drug testing, required to wear a GPS device and subject to twice-monthly visits by his state parole officer.

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September 1, 2009

Obama Approval Index Month-by-Month: August 2009

When you track the President’s Job Approval on a daily basis, people sometimes get so caught up in the day-to-day fluctuations that they miss the bigger picture. To look at the longer-term trends, Rasmussen Reports has compiled the numbers on a full-month basis and the results can be seen in the graphics below.

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September 1, 2009

Biggest Danger to Democrats By Froma Harrop

Flip the calendar pages -- as they do in the old movies to show passage of time -- and stop at Nov. 2, 2010. That will be Election Day. How Congress handles health care reform will influence which party gets to party that night.

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September 1, 2009

Fear of Potential Terrorist Attack Has Declined

Forty-nine percent (49%) of Americans believe it is at least somewhat likely that there will be a significant terrorist attack in the United States in the next year. That figure is down from 70% in the summer of 2007 and 58% in December 2008.