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October 1, 2009

60% Favor Less International Economic Oversight, Not More

At last week’s G20 summit, the leaders of the world’s most powerful nations pushed ahead with plans for greater international coordination of their national economic policies.

White letter R on blue background
October 1, 2009

Fix Health Care Now, Remove Warts Later By Froma Harrop

"Rome was not built in a day," Montana Democrat Max Baucus said with resignation after the Senate committee he heads voted to reject a "public option." A government-run health plan that would compete with private insurers' offerings, the public option is a means to curb spiraling health care costs.

White letter R on blue background
September 30, 2009

Virginia Governor: McDonnell 51% Deeds 42%

The race to become the next governor of Virginia has gotten a lot closer. Right now, it’s effectively a toss-up between Republican Robert F. McDonnell and Democrat R. Creigh Deeds.

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September 30, 2009

Only 22% Say Most in Congress Will Understand Health Care Plan Before They Vote

While majority Democrats in Congress struggle to put together a final health care reform plan, just 22% of U.S. voters believe that most members of Congress will understand what is in the plan before they vote on it.

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September 30, 2009

83% Say Congress Should Post Bills Online For All To Read Before Voting On Them

Eighty-three percent (83%) of U.S. voters say legislation should be posted online in final form and available for everyone to read before Congress votes on it. The only exception would be for extreme emergencies.

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September 30, 2009

Roman the Rapist By Susan Estrich

He had sex with a 13-year-old girl. He got her to go to Jack Nicholson's house by promising that she would be in a photo shoot. When she got there, he fed her a Quaalude and alcohol -- champagne for a 13-year-old, how enticing -- and then he raped her.

White letter R on blue background
September 30, 2009

30% Confident In U.N. To Fight Terrorism

Just 30% of U.S. voters have at least some confidence in the ability of the United Nations to combat terrorism, with nine percent (9%) who are very confident.

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September 30, 2009

Cut and Walk From Afghanistan? By Tony Blankley

The gist of Gen. Stanley McChrystal's analysis that presumably will be presented to President Barack Obama is: If 1) you and Congress fully resource the effort (troops, materiel and civilian aid) and 2) if we get much better at coordinating all our assets -- Defense and State departments, the U.S. Agency for International Development, intelligence, contractors, NATO and others -- then 3) there is a better than even chance of success in Afghanistan, which will take 4) between five and seven more years.

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September 29, 2009

2010 Arkansas Senate: Lincoln Runs Behind Four GOP Challengers

Another Democratic senator may be at-risk in 2010. Arkansas' Blanche Lambert Lincoln trails all four of her leading Republican challengers in the first Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 survey in the state.

White letter R on blue background
September 29, 2009

51% Say Obama Not Tough Enough on Iran

Fifty-one percent (51%) of U.S. voters say President Obama has not been aggressive enough in responding to Iran's nuclear program.

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September 29, 2009

Liberals -- Choose Your Friends Wisely By Froma Harrop

Nearly as unappetizing as the video of ACORN workers explaining how to run a prostitution business, cheat on taxes and import underage streetwalkers from Central America is the presence of Michael Moore's mug on TV screens everywhere.

White letter R on blue background
September 29, 2009

Democrats Trail Republicans By Two On Generic Ballot

Democratic Congressional candidates have pulled within two points of Republicans this week in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot.

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September 29, 2009

61% of Arizona Republicans Say McCain Out of Touch With Party Base

Arizona Senator John McCain was the Republican Party’s presidential nominee in 2008, but he’s always had a challenging relationship with the GOP’s base voters.

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September 29, 2009

L.A. Is Not 'Chinatown' By Debra J. Saunders

Our Betters in Europe, of course, are outraged that Switzerland arrested and may allow the extradition of film director Roman Polanski, 76, a fugitive from California justice after he pleaded guilty to unlawful sex with a 13-year-old in 1977.

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September 29, 2009

26% Say Their Firms Laying People Off, Lowest Since November

Twenty-six percent (26%) of American workers now say their employers are laying people off. That’s down from 28% a month ago and 30% two months ago. It’s the lowest number reporting layoffs since last November.

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September 29, 2009

37% Favor Sending More Troops to Afghanistan, 40% Oppose

Americans are closely divided over whether the United States should send more troops to fight the war in Afghanistan, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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September 28, 2009

2010 Arizona Governor: Goddard 42%, Brewer 35%

State Attorney General Terry Goddard has an early lead over embattled incumbent Jan Brewer in Arizona’s 2010 race for governor.

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September 28, 2009

12% Say U.S. Should Be World's Policeman

As President Obama draws America back from the "nation-building" era of his predecessor, George W. Bush, just 12% of U.S. voters continue to believe that the United States should be the world's policeman.

White letter R on blue background
September 28, 2009

Americans Still Say Local Solutions Better for Economy Than G-20

The leaders of the world’s most powerful nations may have agreed late last week to work more closely together to control and protect the global economy, but Americans believe more than ever that the best solutions start at home.

White letter R on blue background
September 28, 2009

2010 California Governor: Brown, Not Newsom, Leads All Republicans

California Attorney General Jerry Brown leads all Republican challengers in an early look at the state's 2010 governor’s race. But with San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom as the Democratic candidate, the three Republicans are competitive.