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October 26, 2009

57% Say Health Care Plan Will Increase Costs, 53% Say It Will Reduce Quality of Care, 45% Favor Passage

If the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats passes, 57% of voters nationwide believe it will raise the cost of health care, and 53% believe the quality of care will get worse. That’s part of the reason that just 45% support the plan. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% are opposed to it.

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October 26, 2009

49% in Massachusetts Say Patrick Should Not Seek Reelection, But Independent Candidate Gives Him A Boost

Forty-nine percent (49%) of Massachusetts voters say embattled Governor Deval Patrick should step aside rather than seek reelection next year, even as his chances look slightly better with an
independent candidate in the race.

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October 26, 2009

Michigan Voters Rate Two Parties Even Looking Ahead to 2010 Governor’s Race

Voters in Michigan have a slightly less gloomy view of the economy but strongly disapprove of the job Democratic Governor Jennifer Granholm is doing. Right now at least Republicans have an even chance of regaining the governor’s mansion next year in a state that has been trending blue of late.

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October 26, 2009

Obama at Odds With His Own Vision for the World By Michael Barone

Barack Obama, who found time to go on a 24-hour jaunt to Copenhagen on Oct. 2 to seek the 2016 Olympics games for Chicago, apparently cannot find the time for a 24-hour trip to Berlin on Nov. 9 for a celebration of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. Well, we all have our priorities, and the president can't be everywhere at once, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will surely represent the United States ably in Berlin.

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October 26, 2009

33% Say Stimulus Helped Economy, 31% Say It Hurt

Questions linger about the effectiveness of the $787-billion economic stimulus plan proposed by President Obama and passed by Congress in February.

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October 25, 2009

17% Pick Vikings to Win Super Bowl

While the sports world is preparing for the World Series, pro football fans think that Bret Favre and the Minnesota Vikings might be the team to beat for the Super Bowl this year. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of 1,704 NFL fans found that 17% believe the Vikings will win it all.

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October 25, 2009

The Long and the Short of Steve Poizner By Debra J. Saunders

Why isn't Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner doing better in his bid for governor? On paper, Poizner is a solid contender.

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October 24, 2009

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls: Week Ending October 23, 2009

These days, political turmoil isn’t a one-way street.

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October 23, 2009

Voters Trust Republicans More On 10 Top Issues

For the first time in recent years, voters trust Republicans more than Democrats on all 10 key electoral issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports. The GOP holds double-digit advantages on five of them.

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October 23, 2009

Americans Favor Limits on Executive Pay For Bailed Out Firms

The Obama administration and the Federal Reserve Board this week both moved a step closer to regulating compensation at major banks and bailed-out financial firms, but most Americans have reservations about how far the government should go.

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October 23, 2009

38% Say Deficit Reduction Top Priority, 23% Say Health Care Reform

Thirty-eight percent (38%) of voters say cutting the federal budget deficit in half in the next four years should be the Obama administration's top priority, while 23% say health care reform is most important.

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October 23, 2009

Most Americans Support Caps on Bank Overdraft Fees But Say Frequent Offenders Should Pay More

Fifty-seven percent (57%) of Americans say the federal government should place limits on how much banks charge when customers overdraw their bank accounts, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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October 23, 2009

2010 Georgia Democratic Primary: Barnes Still Distant Front-Runner for Governor

The 2010 Democratic Primary race for governor in Georgia is still Roy Barnes’ to lose, but State Attorney General Thurbert Baker has moved 10 points closer over the last two months.

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October 23, 2009

Obama Hits Opponents With Chicago Brass Knuckles By Michael Barone

"His father was a great friend of my father." The reference to William Ayers' father was how Mayor Richard M. Daley began his defense of Barack Obama for his association with the unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist. Daley's father, of course, was Richard M. Daley, mayor of Chicago from 1955 until his death in 1976. Ayers' father was head of Commonwealth Edison, the Chicago-based utility, from 1964 to 1980.

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October 23, 2009

The Real Flaw: Fox Is a No-Fawn Zone By Debra J. Saunders

The Obama White House's war on Fox News heated up when President Obama appeared on five Sunday talk shows in September, but snubbed Fox's Chris Wallace. Then White House Communications Director Anita Dunn told CNN's Howard Kurtz, "Fox News often operates almost as either the research arm or the communications arm of the Republican Party." On ABC's "This Week" Sunday, Obama guru David Axelrod commented on Fox mogul Rupert Murdoch's "talent for making money" -- and added that Fox News programming is "not really news."

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October 23, 2009

49% Say No Health Care Reform Better Than Current Plan

Forty-nine percent (49%) of voters nationwide say that passing no health care reform bill this year would be better than passing the plan currently working its way through Congress.

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October 22, 2009

73% of GOP Voters Say Congressional Republicans Have Lost Touch With Their Base

President Obama told an audience at a Democratic Party fundraiser Wednesday night that Republicans often “do what they’re told,” but GOP voters don’t think their legislators listen enough to them.

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October 22, 2009

48% Say Guantanamo Prison Not Likely to Close in January

For the first time this year, a plurality (48%) of U.S. voters think it’s unlikely that the Guantanamo prison camp for suspected terrorists will be closed by January as President Obama has repeatedly vowed.

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October 22, 2009

Competition Wanted: 65% Favor Removing Anti-Trust Exemption for Health Insurance Companies

Sixty-five percent (65%) of voters nationwide say laws should be changed so that health insurance companies are subject to anti-trust regulations. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 12% disagree, while 23% are not sure.

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October 22, 2009

Playing Monopoly With America's Health By Joe Conason

Popular disgust over the fat premiums that financial executives bestow upon themselves is burgeoning, and rightly so. Those Wall Street piggy banks are filling up with billions upon billions of government-subsidized dollars.