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December 11, 2009

52% Consider Holiday Season Joyous

For most Americans, the December holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year.

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December 11, 2009

62% Less Likely to Travel This Holiday Season

Most American adults (62%) say they are less likely to travel this holiday season compared to past years, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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December 11, 2009

2010 Colorado Senate: Norton Runs Best Against Democrats

The election is nearly a year away, but right now former Lieutenant Governor Jane Norton appears to be the Republican with the best shot of beating either of the potential Democratic candidates in Colorado’s race for the U.S. Senate.

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December 11, 2009

2010 Nevada Senate: Reid Trails Amidst Strong Opposition to Health Plan

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid continues to lag behind all potential Republican challengers in next year’s U.S. Senate race in Nevada, according to new Rasmussen Reports telephone polling in the state.

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December 11, 2009

Happy Hanukkah By Susan Estrich

I like Hanukkah. It's a very nice holiday, as Jewish holidays go; one of the few where the Jews actually won, as opposed to having the Temple destroyed, or fleeing the divided sea, or being spared from the evil Haman. Usually, it's enough if we survive. Often, we don't even do that.

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December 10, 2009

Americans Strongly Favor Religious Displays on Public Lands, Celebrating Religious Holidays in Schools

Americans remain overwhelmingly in favor of allowing religious symbols to be displayed on public land and feel even more strongly that public schools should celebrate at least some religious holidays.

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December 10, 2009

Most Voters Lack Confidence in NATO To Do Its Part In Afghanistan

President Obama in his recent speech laying out his strategy for the war in Afghanistan stressed how important it is for America’s NATO allies to pitch in.

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December 10, 2009

43% Favor Urgent Action Against Global Warming, 43% Say Not So Fast

Americans remain evenly divided over how urgent it is to deal with global warming.

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December 10, 2009

Fair and Balanced (and Phony) Science By Joe Conason

Evading the challenges of climate change -- and the human responsibility to save the planet -- is simple enough even for the laziest citizen. Pay attention only to the theories that support the comforting skepticism of the oil industry. Focus on a set of purloined emails that prove nothing except that scientists can be as unpleasant to each other as any other group of people. Get the "facts" from Fox News Channel, the Wall Street Journal editorial page, the Moonie-controlled Washington Times and all the other conservative outlets that are as fair and balanced as an Exxon press release.

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December 10, 2009

Misusing Knowledge to Expand Government Power By Michael Barone

"Knowledge is becoming more specialized and more dispersed, while government power is becoming more concentrated," writes economist Arnold Kling in his new book, "Unchecked and Unbalanced." "This discrepancy creates the potential for government to become increasingly erratic and, as a result, less satisfying to individuals."

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December 10, 2009

2010 Ohio Senate: Portman 40%, Brunner 33%; Portman, Fisher Neck-and-Neck

Republican Rob Portman has managed to pull away somewhat from Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner but still finds himself in a highly competitive race with Democratic Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher in potential 2010 U.S. Senate match-ups in Ohio.

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December 10, 2009

2010 Illinois Senate: Giannoulias 42%, Kirk 39%

Democratic State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias has now crept past Republican Congressman Mark Kirk in Illinois’ 2010 race for the U.S. Senate, and other Democratic hopefuls are closing the gap.

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December 10, 2009

2010 Pennsylvania Senate: Toomey With Narrow Lead Over Both Specter and Sestak

Likely Republican nominee Pat Toomey is now ahead of both Democrats who are vying to run against him next year in Pennsylvania’s 2010 race for the U.S. Senate.

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December 10, 2009

"Socialized Medicine"? Whatever By Froma Harrop

So it's come down to this. Republicans and some Democrats wouldn't vote for a government-run health plan that competed with private insurers -- though it would enjoy no special taxpayer subsidies. That's socialism.

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December 9, 2009

In 2010 Ohio Governor Match-up, Strickland Trails Kasich

Unemployment in Ohio has jumped to 10.5%, the state is wrestling with an $851 million budget shortfall, and Governor Ted Strickland has proposed delaying a tax cut approved in 2005. Add it all together, and it’s a tough environment for the incumbent Democratic governor who now trails his expected general election opponent by nine percentage points in an early look at the 2010 race.

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December 9, 2009

53% Say EPA Should Not Regulate Greenhouse Gases Without Congress' OK

The Environmental Protection Agency on Monday declared carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions a danger to public health and said it will regulate them accordingly.

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December 9, 2009

Tiger Woods' Favorables Fall to 38%

The news coverage of the past week has taken its toll on the image of Tiger Woods.

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December 9, 2009

Tiger's Feet of Clay By Susan Estrich

Nine women. And counting.

When did this guy find time to play golf?

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December 9, 2009

2010 Pennsylvania Senate Primary: Specter 48%, Sestak 35%

Longtime Senator Arlen Specter holds a 13-point lead over his Democratic Primary challenger Joe Sestak.

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December 9, 2009

54% in Virginia Oppose Health Care Plan

Barack Obama was the first Democratic presidential candidate in decades to carry Virginia, but that support isn’t carrying over to the president’s national health care plan.