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December 28, 2009

Texas Shows Its Swagger in New Population Estimates By Michael Barone

Every year roundabout Christmastime, the Census Bureau releases its population estimates for each state for the 12 months ending on July 1. The numbers look dry on a sheet of paper (or on an Excel spreadsheet on your computer), but they tell some vivid stories. The more so when they reflect, as the numbers for 2008-09 do, the effects of a sharp downward shift in the nation's economy.

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December 27, 2009

Americans More Wary of Using Credit Cards Online

With the Christmas shopping season over, Americans admit to being less comfortable using their credit cards online than in past years as their worries about identity theft remain high.

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December 27, 2009

52% Worry Government Will Do Too Much

Voters end a year that has produced some of the most far-reaching big government policies in decades with the same level of concern they’ve voiced for months.

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December 26, 2009

For First Time, Plurality Believes Stimulus Plan Hurt the Economy

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 30% of voters nationwide believe the $787-billion economic stimulus plan has helped the economy. However, 38% believe that the stimulus plan has hurt the economy. This is the first time since the legislation passed that a plurality has held a negative view of its impact.

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December 26, 2009

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Ending December 26, 2009

‘Twas the night before Christmas … and the Senate just barely made it out of town. At 7 in the morning of Christmas Eve, 60 Democratic senators passed the long-debated plan to reform health care in America.

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December 25, 2009

The Future of Paper By Froma Harrop

All through the long winter night, my digital gadgets lay snug in their recharging docks as Enya crooned on the iPod. It was on such a wintertide eve last December that I resolved to figure out all the things these wonderful devices could do -- other than have me tend to their ravenous energy needs and update their programs.

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December 25, 2009

The Year of Living in Everybody's Face By Debra J. Saunders

It was the year of the Octomom, the balloon boy and the White House party crashers. The year of "Jon & Kate Plus 8" -- minus Jon. The year Tiger Woods ran into a tree, revealing a scandal that linked him not so much to another woman as duplicates of a pouty-lipped prototype.

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December 25, 2009

Christmas Comes But Once A Year

The cares and woes of the preceding year are set aside on Christmas Day. Even the shopping, mercifully, is done. For most Americans, it’s a day off to celebrate the joys of family, peace on Earth – and, most importantly, the birth of Jesus Christ.

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December 24, 2009

Voters Frown on Health Plan Details - Abortion, Proof of Citizenship, Public Option

Senate Democrats are celebrating this morning for passing their version of health care reform, but voters still don’t like much of what they see.

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December 24, 2009

66% Rate Christmas as Nation's Most Important Holiday

Two-out-of-three (66%) Americans rate Christmas as one of the nation’s most important holidays in a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. That puts it at the top of the list for American holidays.

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December 24, 2009

The Yield Curve Is Signaling Bigger Growth By Lawrence Kudlow

What's a yield curve, and why is it so important?

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December 24, 2009

It’s the Day Before Christmas and 23% Have Not Finished Holiday Shopping Yet

As they wake up on Christmas Eve morning, 23% of American adults have not yet finished their holiday shopping. In fact, a Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 17% have not even gotten started yet.

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December 24, 2009

When Legerdemain Is Used to Pass an Unpopular Bill By Michael Barone

It's time to blow the whistle on two erroneous statements that opponents and proponents of the health care legislation being jammed through Congress have been making.

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December 23, 2009

43% Are Having Difficulty Getting Into Holiday Spirit

While most Americans consider the holiday season joyous, not everyone is feeling the spirit this year.

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December 23, 2009

Just 29% Say U.S. Heading In Right Direction

Just 29% of U.S. voters now say the country is heading in the right direction, the lowest level measured since early February, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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December 23, 2009

45% Say Cyberattack Greater Economic Threat Than Another 9/11

President Obama on Tuesday named the first White House cybersecurity chief, even as news reports surfaced that computer hackers may have stolen U.S.-South Korean military secrets and millions of dollars from Citgroup.

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December 23, 2009

Voters Still Put Health Care Second to Deficit Cutting As Top Obama Priority

Voters, as they have all year, rate cutting the federal deficit in half by the end of his first term as President Obama’s number one budget priority.

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December 23, 2009

'Yet, Freedom!' By Tony Blankley

Taking stock this second Christmas after the election of Barack Obama to the presidency -- as a conservative Republican (with growing "tea party" tendencies) -- I'm filled with a thrilling, unexpected hopefulness that the president may be well on his way to losing his battle for the hearts and minds of the American people -- tempered by a shocked disbelief that so much long-term damage could be perpetrated on our economy, national security and way of life in just 11 months of ill-judged governance.

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December 23, 2009

55% View Michelle Obama Favorably

Highly popular First Lady Michelle Obama is a little less well-liked this month but still rates far ahead of her husband as far as most voters are concerned.

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December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas By Susan Estrich

Or happy holidays.

Does it really matter?

Once again this year, there are folks howling about the so-called "War on Christmas." With real wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention painfully high unemployment that has left parents struggling to play Santa, you'd think people would have better things to worry about. Think again.