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February 28, 2010

Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Fantasyland By Debra J. Saunders

The villain in "A Time to Run," Sen. Barbara Boxer's first novel, is a conservative writer for The San Francisco Chronicle. A salvo at moi? Hardly.

White letter R on blue background
February 27, 2010

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending February 27, 2010

President Obama and congressional Democrats seem to be doing everything in their power to revive their national health care plan, but the public still isn’t buying.

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February 27, 2010

Maryland Senate: Mikulski 54%, Generic Republican 36%

Senator Barbara Mikulski from Maryland is one Democratic incumbent who is not feeling the heat this election cycle.

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February 26, 2010

67% Say Concert Tickets are Too Expensive

As artists big and small begin to announce their spring and summer concert schedules, a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 67% of adults who attend at least one professional music concert a year say tickets in general are too expensive.

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February 26, 2010

Many Americans Are Suspicious of Their Fellow Taxpayers

Tax day will be here before you know it, but many Americans still don’t believe everyone pays their fair share.

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February 26, 2010

25% Expect Their Home To Lose Value Over Next Year

Homeowners continue to express little confidence in the short-term prospects for the U.S. housing market, but most still have more hope for five years down the road.

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February 26, 2010

34% Favor More Regulation of Financial System, 47% Opposed

Americans are looking a little more favorably on further government regulation of the U.S. financial system as Capitol Hill lawmakers put the final touches on legislation aimed at avoiding another Wall Street meltdown.

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February 26, 2010

South Dakota Governor: No Clear Front-runner So Far

The first Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 look at this year’s race for governor of South Dakota finds a wide-open contest with none of the major candidates from either party near 50% support.

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February 26, 2010

Playing Nice By Susan Estrich

A funny thing didn't happen today. People were not plugged in to their televisions, computers or radios. Someone did stop me at lunch to ask what I was having (the chicken salad), but no one solicited the latest on what was going on in Washington. There was no buzz. Can we be frank? Nobody is watching.

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February 26, 2010

North Carolina Senate: GOP's Burr Takes Bigger Lead

Incumbent Republican Richard Burr leads two potential leading Democratic challengers in this year’s U.S. Senate race in North Carolina. However, his numbers continue to display potential weakness.

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February 26, 2010

Zazi Case Vindicates Justice By Joe Conason

Before Najibullah Zazi is finally dispatched to a secure cellblock for good, it is important to remember how the taxi driver-turned-terrorist was brought to justice -- and why the critics who jeered his civilian prosecution were dead wrong. By convicting Zazi and pursuing the leads that his capture and interrogation have provided, the FBI has shown that traditional American methods -- rather than the "enhanced interrogation" and military tribunals favored by the right -- are highly effective instruments of national security.

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February 26, 2010

Maryland Governor: O’Malley 49%, Ehrlich 43%

Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley is expected to seek reelection this fall, and it’s a six-point race for now if it’s a rematch of 2006.

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February 25, 2010

“American Idol” Viewers Pass Positive Verdict On Show's Judges

With the ninth season of “American Idol” underway, viewers of the popular reality show sing high praises for the show’s current judges. But replacing one of them with shock jock Howard Stern is likely to cost the show some viewers.

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February 25, 2010

50% See China As Long-Term Threat To U.S.

Half the nation’s voters (50%) view China as a long-term threat to the United States, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Fueling this sentiment is concern over how much U.S. debt China now owns and the expectation that China will use that debt against the United States at a later point in time.

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February 25, 2010

47% Oppose Public Option Health Plan; 58% Oppose If Workers Forced To Change Coverage

As President Obama convenes a bipartisan summit today in hopes of getting his health care plan back on track, voters remain closely divided on the creation of a government-run health insurance option. But opposition increases dramatically if its creation might force people to change their existing coverage.

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February 25, 2010

Obama's Nanny Care Insults the American Spirit By Michael Barone

You are victims. You are helpless against the wiles of big corporations and insurance companies, and you need protection. You need the government to take over and do things you cannot do for yourself.

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February 25, 2010

South Dakota House: Herseth Sandlin 45%, GOP's Nelson 38%

South Dakota Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin’s reelection effort appears to be suffering from the same political backlash as those of many incumbents around the nation.

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February 25, 2010

Americans Can Speak for Themselves on Health Care By Froma Harrop

Have you voted on any of the Democratic health care reform plans? Me neither.

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February 25, 2010

Delaware Senate: Castle 53%, Coons 32%

Now it’s official: There’s an announced Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in Delaware, but, as party leaders feared, he has a long way to go.

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February 25, 2010

Jerry Brown Flies Below the Radar By Debra J. Saunders

With the other name Democrats out of the race, Attorney General Jerry Brown basically has a lock on his party's primary election. That's good for Brown, who won't have to blow millions of dollars on a primary. But it's only good if Brown can win in November.