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March 15, 2010

Just 13% Say It’s Illegal Not To Answer Census Questions

As 120 million U.S. Census forms begin to arrive in mailboxes around the country, 13% of Americans say they think it is illegal not to answer all of the Census questions.

White letter R on blue background
March 15, 2010

Three-Way Ballot: Democrats 34%, GOP 27%, Tea Party 21%

Both Republican and Tea Party candidates have gained a little ground in a potential three-way congressional contest, but Democrats remain on top.

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March 15, 2010

43% Favor Health Care Plan, 53% Oppose

Democrats in Congress are vowing to pass their national health care plan with a vote in the House possible by the end of this week. But most voters still oppose the plan the same way they have for months.

White letter R on blue background
March 15, 2010

43% Favor Health Care Plan, 53% Oppose

Democrats in Congress are vowing to pass their national health care plan with a vote in the House possible by the end of this week. But most voters still oppose the plan the same way they have for months.

White letter R on blue background
March 15, 2010

Tea Party Brings Energy, Change and Tumult to GOP By Michael Barone

The political commentariat doesn't know what to make of those thousands of Americans who have spontaneously thronged to tea parties and town hall meetings to oppose the big government programs of the Obama administration and Democratic congressional leaders.

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March 14, 2010

81% Say People Learn More Outside The Classroom Than Inside

An overwhelming majority of Americans (81%) continue to believe that people learn more practical skills through life experiences and work after college rather than in college.

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March 13, 2010

47% Don’t Think Daylight Saving Time Worth the Hassle

Daylight Saving Time begins early tomorrow morning, but, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey, 47% of Americans don’t think the time change is worth the hassle. Forty percent (40%) disagree, and 13% more aren’t sure.

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March 13, 2010

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Ending March 13, 2010

Are national Democrats on a kamikaze mission to pass their health care reform plan and destroy themselves at the polls in November? That’s what it seems like to many political commentators, and our latest numbers here at Rasmussen Reports aren't too encouraging for the president's party at this point.

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March 13, 2010

Yellen Is Spellin' Future Inflation By Lawrence Kudlow

The new Obama Fed is going to be very dovish when it comes to fighting future inflation and defending the value of the dollar.

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March 12, 2010

56% Say Their Employer Typically Promotes From Within

Fifty-six percent (56%) of American workers say their employer typically looks to promote an existing employee for an open position before considering other candidates.

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March 12, 2010

38% in Minnesota for Pawlenty If He Runs for President

Minnesota voters have mixed feelings about Governor Tim Pawlenty these days, and just 38% say they’d vote him if he wins the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. That’s down four points from November.

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March 12, 2010

64% Say Spring Puts Them in a Better Mood

Spring is almost here, and 64% of Americans say the arrival of the new season will put them in a better mood.

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March 12, 2010

Negatives for Pelosi, Reid, Boehner Hit Record Highs

Congress' top leaders are feeling the heat from voters this month, as a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows three of the four reaching or matching their highest unfavorable ratings of the past year.

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March 12, 2010

Coming Between You and Your Doctor By Froma Harrop

The lights must dim around Google's data-storage centers every time someone does a search for "government bureaucrat coming between you and your doctor." Foes of the Democrats' health-reform proposals have been chanting this on the hour for a year -- with a surge after Democrats put money for "comparative effectiveness research" in the stimulus bill.

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March 12, 2010

Louisiana Senate: Vitter 57%, Melancon 34%

A brief brush with scandal hasn’t hurt incumbent Republican Senator David Vitter’s bid for reelection in Louisiana so far. He remains more than 20 points ahead of his Democratic challenger, Congressman Charlie Melancon.

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March 12, 2010

Real Genius By Susan Estrich

A year ago, David Axelrod, the president's senior adviser, was a genius. A year ago, Rahm Emanuel, the president's chief of staff, was a wizard.

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March 11, 2010

Minnesota Governor: Anything Goes At This Point

The only thing it’s safe to say about this year’s governor’s race in Minnesota is that both parties will pick their candidates in primaries on August 10. Other than that, the race is a free-for-all.

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March 11, 2010

Dems Are Stuck With a Mess of Their Own Making By Michael Barone

There's a lively debate going on in the blogosphere and the press about whether Democrats would be better off passing or not passing a health care bill.

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March 11, 2010

Only 15% Think War in Iraq Is Over

Obama administration and U.S. military officials insist that Iraq’s recent elections were a success and that the plan for removing all troops from the country by the end of next year is on schedule. But most U.S. voters remain skeptical about the situation in Iraq.

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March 11, 2010

New Hampshire Governor: Lynch Still Running Strongly

New Hampshire Governor John Lynch still has little reason to worry in his expected bid for reelection this fall.