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March 25, 2010

25% Now Say China Is Biggest Threat to United States

U.S. voters are growing increasingly wary of China’s relationship with the United States.

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March 25, 2010

Florida Governor: McCollum 47%, Sink 36%

State Attorney General Bill McCollum maintains his double-digit advantage over Democrat Alex Sink in the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of the Florida gubernatorial race.

White letter R on blue background
March 25, 2010

Springtime for Libya and Terrorism By Debra J. Saunders

If you want to know how Americans may look at Sept. 11 in another 10 years, look to Libya. In a luxury villa in Tripoli, Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi -- the convicted bomber of the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 that left 270 dead -- has been living in style since his "compassionate release" from a Scottish prison last August, precipitated by reports that al-Megrahi had less than three months to live. You may recall the scene at the Tripoli airport, where the Lockerbie bomber received a hero's welcome before a crowd waving Libyan flags and Scottish saltires.

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March 25, 2010

The Wingers Who Cried Wolf By Joe Conason

Listening to right-wing talk radio on the day after Congress passed health care reform, Bill O'Reilly was stunned. To him, the hosts and the callers sounded "crazed" as they shrieked about "the end of the world, we're socialist now, we have to take the country back."

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March 25, 2010

70% Say U.S. Society Is Fair and Decent

Americans continue to have a rosier view of U.S. society than they have had in several years.

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March 25, 2010

Take Student-Loan Companies Off Welfare By Froma Harrop

When the government hands money to poor people, that's welfare, Republicans say. That's taking money from productive taxpayers and encouraging dependency, they assert.

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March 25, 2010

55% Favor Repeal of Health Care Bill

Just before the House of Representatives passed sweeping health care legislation last Sunday, 41% of voters nationwide favored the legislation while 54% were opposed. Now that President Obama has signed the legislation into law, most voters want to see it repealed.

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March 24, 2010

Tennessee Governor: Republicans Hold Early Advantage

In the first Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 survey of the governor's race in Tennessee, all three top Republican candidates hold double-digit leads over two potential Democratic opponents, but no one earns 50% support in any of the match-ups.

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March 24, 2010

26% Say U.S. Heading In Right Direction

Twenty-six percent (26%) of U.S. voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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March 24, 2010

54% of Florida Voters Favor Suing Federal Government Over Health Care

As Florida’s attorney general, Bill McCollum is suing the federal government to prevent implementation of the newly passed health care plan.

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March 24, 2010

North Carolina Senate: GOP’s Burr Feels Little Heat For Now

Little has changed in North Carolina’s U.S. Senate race, with Republican incumbent Richard Burr still well ahead of his two chief Democratic challengers.

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March 24, 2010

Just 35% Say U.S. Safer Today Than Before 9/11

Confidence that America is winning the war on terror is down slightly this month, and belief that the United States is safer today than it was before 9/11 has hit its lowest level ever.

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March 24, 2010

Obamacare: "The Bigger The Lie" By Howard Rich

Lost amid the partisan sniping and procedural jousting over the passage of “Obamacare” is a fundamental, unavoidable hypocrisy - one that’s worth unmasking as Washington politicians continue to ignore the will of the American people and plunge our nation deeper into full-blown socialism.

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March 24, 2010

Guts and Glory By Susan Estrich

No Republicans supported Medicare in the House of Representatives until it reached the floor. It came out of the House Ways and Means and Rules committees on strict party-line votes. On the procedural vote that brought Medicare to a vote, exactly 10 Republicans voted for the bill. Only when it was clear that Democrats had the votes did it become a "bipartisan" bill, passing with the support of 70 Republicans and 237 Democrats.

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March 24, 2010

Iowa Governor: Branstad 52%, Culver 36%

This year's race for governor in Iowa continues to be largely a battle between two candidates who've already held the office.

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March 24, 2010

Sunday's Socialist Triumph By Tony Blankley

Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday launched the Democrats' argument for the health care bill, claiming, "This is an American proposal that honors the traditions of our country." Does that suggest that opposition is un-American? And what are the traditions that are American that this law fulfills? The Democrats argue that the bill fulfills the "right" of all Americans to government-assured health care services. The congressional Democrats claim many other things that a majority of the country believes to be inconsistent with truth and reality.

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March 24, 2010

Florida Senate: Rubio, Crist Remain Ahead of Meek

Both Republican contenders for the U.S. Senate still hold double-digit leads this month over presumptive Democratic nominee Kendrick Meek.

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March 23, 2010

Vermont Governor: Dubie Leads Five Top Democrats

Republican Lieutenant Governor Brian Dubie leads all five of his potential Democratic opponents in the first Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 survey of this year’s race for governor in Vermont.

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March 23, 2010

16% Likely To Miss A Credit Card Payment In Next Six Months

There appears to be a little better news on the credit card front: Just 16% of Americans now say they are at least somewhat likely to miss a credit card payment in the next six months, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Eight percent (8%) say it’s very likely.

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March 23, 2010

Arizona Governor: GOP's Martin, Mills Lead Goddard

Likely Democratic candidate Terry Goddard now trails two potential Republican opponents in the latest look at Arizona’s gubernatorial contest.