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April 2, 2010

Reading in Black and White By Froma Harrop

Such is our gadget obsession that the launch of a new electronic reader has set off a death match between two new-media gorillas, Apple and Amazon.com. Apple's iPad seeks to end the Amazon Kindle's domination of the market for devices that let you download books and read them on a screen.

White letter R on blue background
April 1, 2010

Alabama Governor: Republicans Slightly Ahead in Wide Open Contest

With both parties' primaries just two months away, Alabama's gubernatorial race is wide open.

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April 1, 2010

Alabama Senate: Shelby 59%, Barnes 32%

Alabama Republican Senator Richard Shelby is another incumbent who is facing little opposition to date on his road to reelection.

White letter R on blue background
April 1, 2010

Partisan Trends: Number of D’s and R’s Both Grow During Health Care Debate

In March, the number of Democrats increased by just over a full percentage point and the number of Republicans increased by just under a full percentage point. This is consistent with other data showing that the health care debate heightened passions on both sides of the aisle.

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April 1, 2010

51% of New York Voters Say Teachers Should Be Paid More Than Athletes

The New York Yankees payroll in 2009 was around $200 million dollars, more than the national GDP of 13 nations. The average player for the Yankees earned seven million dollars last year, making them the highest paid sports teams on the planet.

White letter R on blue background
April 1, 2010

49% Think New Student Loan Plan Is A Bad Idea, 35% Like It

President Obama this week signed into law a plan that gets the federal government more directly involved in the student loan market, but just 35% of Americans think that’s a good idea. Most don’t think it will save the billions of dollars the president says it will, either.

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April 1, 2010

Tea Partiers Embrace Liberty, Not Big Government By Michael Barone

Over the past 14 months, our political debate has been transformed into an argument between the heirs of two fundamental schools of political thought, the Founders and the Progressives.

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April 1, 2010

Arkansas Senate: Republicans Build Leads Over Lincoln

Four of Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln’s Republican opponents now earn more than 50% of the vote as her path to reelection grows even steeper. The numbers are closer when Lieutenant Governor Bill Halter is the Democrat in the race, but only because there are more undecided voters.

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April 1, 2010

Lower Prices and More Foreclosures Will Solve Housing By Lawrence Kudlow

With everybody focused on Obamacare, and its new entitlement spending and taxing, the administration has tried to sneak in yet another bailout for housing. Yet again, Team Obama is rewarding reckless behavior, punishing the 90 percent of responsible homeowners who are making good on their mortgages, and setting up a greater moral hazard that will surely lead to an expansion of bailout nation.

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April 1, 2010

Obama Approval Index Month-by-Month: March 2010

When tracking President Obama’s job approval on a daily basis, people sometimes get so caught up in the day-to-day fluctuations that they miss the bigger picture. To look at the longer-term trends, Rasmussen Reports compiles the numbers on a full-month basis, and the results can be seen in the graphics below.

White letter R on blue background
April 1, 2010

In the Bay Area, Karl Rove Was Arresting By Debra J. Saunders

Karl Rove knew how to fire up an already fired-up crowd at a Contra Costa County Republican Party lunch in Lafayette, Calif., on Tuesday. While a handful of protesters outside waved an "arrest Rove" banner, he hit ObamaCare, crowed about the "delicious opportunity" 2010 offers in defeating Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer, and picked local tea party activist Sally Zelikovsky out of the crowd to extol her activism.

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April 1, 2010

Ohio Governor: Kasich 46% Strickland 45%

Democratic Governor Ted Strickland and Republican challenger John Kasich are now in a virtual tie in Ohio’s gubernatorial race.

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March 31, 2010

35% Say U.S. Heading In Right Direction

Thirty-five percent (35%) of U.S. voters now say the country is heading in the right direction, up nine points from last week and the highest level of optimism measured since early September 2009, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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March 31, 2010

65% Say Middle Class Pays Bigger Share of Income In Taxes Than Wealthy

It’s income tax season again, and most Americans have questions about how much they have to pay.

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March 31, 2010

31% Trust Russia to Honor Nuclear Arms Agreement

U.S. voters are feeling a little more neighborly these days with America’s old Cold War rival.

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March 31, 2010

Rejection Season By Susan Estrich

Yesterday, Stanford University announced it had accepted a mere 7.2 percent of the tens of thousands of high school seniors across the country who applied for admission to the class of 2014. Other highly selective schools will be making similar announcements in the days ahead.

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March 31, 2010

Idaho Senate: Crapo Starting Strong in Reelection Bid

Republican Senator Mike Crapo of Idaho appears to be safely on his way to reelection so far.

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March 31, 2010

New York Governor: Cuomo Still Posts Big Leads

Any way you cut it at this point, state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is comfortably ahead of his rivals in the race for governor of New York, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Empire State voters.

White letter R on blue background
March 31, 2010

Idaho Governor: GOP’s Otter 60%, Allred 28%

Idaho Governor C.L. "Butch" Otter enjoys a comfortable head start in his bid for a second term.

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March 31, 2010

Frustrating, Stubborn Facts By Tony Blankley

The late, splendid Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan once famously asserted, "Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts." The senator was wrong. (Of course, for those of us who still believe that objectivity is objective, a fact is still a fact, though the heavens may fall.)