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April 26, 2010

58% Favor Welcoming Immigration Policy

While Americans continue to strongly support efforts that will slow or stop illegal immigration, most also still favor a generally welcoming policy of legal immigration.

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April 26, 2010

North Dakota House: Berg (R) 49%, Pomeroy (D) 45%

Support for both candidates in North Dakota’s race for the House continues to hover in the 40s, with the contest closer now that it has been to date.

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April 26, 2010

Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 44%, Democrats 38%

Republican candidates now hold a six-point lead over Democrats in the latest edition of the Generic Congressional Ballot, the narrowest gap between the two parties this year.

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April 26, 2010

60% Believe Health Care Law Will Increase Deficit, 58% Favor Repeal

Support for repeal of the recently-passed national health care plan is proving to be just as consistent as opposition to the plan before it was passed.

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April 26, 2010

Hold the VAT -- Taxpayers May Prefer Spending Cuts By Michael Barone

The Obama Democrats' stealth strategy for increasing the size and scope of the federal government is well underway, despite huge voter backlash. Federal spending has been increased from a 30-year average of 21 percent of gross domestic product to 25 percent, and a bipartisan commission tasked with reducing the deficit may recommend tax increases.

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April 26, 2010

Nationally, 60% Favor Letting Local Police Stop and Verify Immigration Status

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer last week signed a new law into effect that authorizes local police to stop and verify the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant.

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April 26, 2010

South Dakota House: Herseth Sandlin (D) 45%, Nelson (R) 41%

Democratic Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin is still in a close race with her strongest Republican challenger but has gained support in match-ups with two other GOP hopefuls.

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April 25, 2010

34% View Michael Steele Favorably In His Home State of Maryland

He was Maryland’s first African-American lieutenant governor and then ran unsuccessfully for the U.S. Senate.

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April 25, 2010

80% Say Religious Faith is Important To Their Daily Lives

Eight-out-of-10 Americans (80%) say that their religious faith is at least somewhat important in their daily lives, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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April 24, 2010

66% in Texas Say America Is Overtaxed

Sixty-six percent (66%) of likely Texas voters believe that America is overtaxed, according to a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in the state. Twenty percent (20%) disagree, and 13% more aren't sure.

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April 24, 2010

42% Say U.S. and Allies Winning War on Terror

Forty-two percent (42%) of voters nationwide now believe the U.S. and its allies are winning the War on Terror.

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April 24, 2010

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Ending April 24, 2010

Now that Congress has finished the health care debate, the Obama administration is turning its attention to the financial industry.

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April 23, 2010

64% Say Judges More Anti-Religious Than Founding Fathers Intended

Only 21% of Americans think that rulings by judges in recent years regarding religion in public life have correctly interpreted the U.S. Constitution, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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April 23, 2010

Wisconsin Governor: Race Tightens Up

Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, the likely Democratic candidate, now attracts virtually the same level of support as his two Republican opponents in Wisconsin’s race for governor.

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April 23, 2010

60% Support Government-Recognized National Day of Prayer

A federal judge in Wisconsin recently struck down the National Day of Prayer, declared by Congress in 1952, as unconstitutional, following a court challenge by an atheist group.

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April 23, 2010

64% In Pennsylvania Prefer Smaller Government With Lower Taxes

As Pennsylvania wrestles with another tough budget year, 64% of voters in the state say they prefer a smaller government with lower taxes than a more active state government with higher taxes.

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April 23, 2010

46% Expect Tax Hike During Obama Administration

Forty-six percent (46%) of voters expect their own taxes to go up during the Obama administration. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 12% expect their taxes to go down.

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April 23, 2010

The AG: Attorney General as Aspiring Governor By Larry J. Sabato

Political observers have had their attention directed to state attorneys general of late, due to the court suits against the federal health care reform bill initially filed by fifteen AGs (14 of them Republican, and a lone Democrat from Louisiana).

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April 23, 2010

Bad Service Dressed as Good Service By Froma Harrop

More service is not necessarily good service. And bad service dressed as good service is even worse. Here are examples:

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April 23, 2010

The First Amendment and Animals By Susan Estrich

Let me be clear at the outset: I love dogs. Not like them, love them. Of course, I love mine the best: Judy J. Estrich, Molly Emily Estrich and Irving A. Estrich. Judy is named after one of my dearest friends, Judy Jarvis, who died of cancer 10 years ago. Molly is named after her dog, who took care of her when she was sick and taught me not to be afraid of big dogs.