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June 30, 2010

Stay Out of the Mainstream By Tony Blankley

There seems to be one thing on which everyone can agree. From archconservative pundits to archliberal White House staffers responsible for Solicitor General Elena Kagan's confirmation to the Supreme Court, all agree that the test is whether she is in the "mainstream of current legal thought."

White letter R on blue background
June 30, 2010

Kentucky Senate: Paul (R) 49% Conway (D) 42%

The U.S. Senate race in Kentucky is little changed from earlier this month, with Republican Rand Paul continuing to hold a modest lead over Democrat Jack Conway.

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June 30, 2010

Hawaii Governor: Democrats Remain Far Ahead

Former Congressman Neil Abercrombie continues to run slightly stronger than fellow Democrat Mufi Hannemann, but both are well ahead of their Republican foes in Hawaii’s race for governor.

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June 30, 2010

The Supreme Charade By Susan Estrich

Supreme Court confirmation hearings are nothing but a charade. "Balls and strikes" is what John Roberts said he'd call. Sonia Sotomayor, no fool she, said the same. Elena Kagan, ditto, is going to be a neutral arbiter. She isn't a "progressive." She will be fair and open.

White letter R on blue background
June 29, 2010

Hawaii Senate: Inouye 68%, Roco 20%

Democratic Senator Daniel Inouye looks like one incumbent without much to worry about this year. He holds a better than three-to-one lead over his only announced Republican opponent in Hawaii’s race for the U.S. Senate.

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June 29, 2010

74% in Louisiana Like Job Governor Jindal Is Doing

Seventy-four percent (74%) of Louisiana voters now approve of the job being done by Governor Bobby Jindal, a 10-point jump from April for the already–popular chief executive.

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June 29, 2010

49% Favor Deepwater Oil Drilling

Forty-nine percent (49%) of Americans favor continued deepwater drilling despite the oil rig disaster that caused the ongoing environmental disaster in the Gulf of Mexico.

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June 29, 2010

Rasmussen Employment Index Dips Slightly in June

The Rasmussen Employment Index slipped a point in June after reaching a multi-year high the month before.

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June 29, 2010

Administration Apparently In No Hurry, but 54% Still Oppose Closing of Guantanamo

A hot issue during the closing months of the Bush presidency and on the
2008 campaign trail, the prison camp for terrorists at the Guantanamo
Naval Base in Cuba has now faded from the headlines. President Obama’s
vow to close the prison seems on indefinite hold.

White letter R on blue background
June 29, 2010

Hawaii Senate: Inouye 68%, Roco 20%

Democratic Senator Daniel Inouye looks like one incumbent without much to worry about this year. He holds a better than three-to-one lead over his only announced Republican opponent in Hawaii’s race for the U.S. Senate.

White letter R on blue background
June 29, 2010

In Washington, 'Disclose' Means Stifle By Debra J. Saunders

Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed HR5175, also
known as the Disclose Act, by a 219-206 vote. "Disclose," you see, is an
acronym for "Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in

White letter R on blue background
June 29, 2010

Louisiana Senate: Vitter (R) 53%, Melancon (D) 35%

Louisiana’s race for the U.S. Senate looks largely the same way it has since the beginning of the year, with incumbent Republican David Vitter continuing to earn over 50% of the vote in a state with unusually high Tea Party membership.

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June 29, 2010

Heaven Must Wait for a Money-Savvy Public By Froma Harrop

In the conservative paradise, a nation of strong, hard-working individuals borrow responsibly and save for future needs. They don't need government telling them how to manage their money. If they do foolish things, they pay the price.

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June 29, 2010

New York Governor: Cuomo Still Far Outpaces GOP Rivals

State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo continues to draw strong support from New York voters in the state’s gubernatorial contest - even though he's yet to officially declare his candidacy.

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June 28, 2010

Utah Governor: Herbert (R) 58%, Corroon (D) 31%

The governor’s race in Utah is virtually unchanged from April, with incumbent Republican Gary Herbert ahead of Democrat  Peter Corroon by a nearly two-to-one margin.

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June 28, 2010

Just 25% Share Favorable Opinion of BP

In recent weeks, BP has run a slew of television commercials boasting about its cleanup efforts in the Gulf of Mexico.  But a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows the ads aren’t helping the company's image. 

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June 28, 2010

Louisiana Voters Strongly Support Offshore Drilling, Deepwater Drilling

Even as oil washes up on their shores from the still-spewing oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, 79% of Louisiana voters believe offshore oil drilling should be allowed, and nearly as many support deepwater drilling.

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June 28, 2010

25% Favor Immediate Troop Withdrawal from Afghanistan, 28% Say Send More Troops

Following a shake-up of the U.S. military leadership in Afghanistan last week, President Obama on Sunday defended his war strategy and insisted that Americans would assist Afghanistan “for a long time to come." But the president still plans on starting the process of removing troops from Afghanistan by July 2011.

White letter R on blue background
June 28, 2010

Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 44%, Democrats 38%

Republican candidates now hold a six-point lead over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending Sunday, June 27. 

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June 28, 2010

Washington Senate: Murray 48%, Rossi 47%

Making it official hasn’t changed the numbers. Republican Dino Rossi is now formally challenging incumbent Democrat Patty Murray for the U.S. Senate in Washington, but the two candidates remain virtually tied as they have for months.