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July 16, 2010

Georgia Democratic Primary for Governor: Barnes 59%, Baker 16%

Former Governor Roy Barnes appears headed toward an easy win next Tuesday in Georgia's Democratic Gubernatorial Primary race.

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July 16, 2010

Washington Senate: Murray Falls Behind Two GOP Challengers

Washington's Senate race looks increasingly like a referendum on incumbent Democrat Patty Murray with two Republican candidates edging past her this month.

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July 16, 2010

46% In California Favor Offshore Oil Drilling, 41% Oppose

As BP appears to be making progress with capping the Gulf oil leak, 46% of voters in California say offshore oil drilling should be allowed.  That's down eight points from early April, and is 14 points lower than the national average.

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July 16, 2010

47% Say GOP Takeover of Congress Would Bring ‘Noticeable Change’

Most voters now believe it is at least somewhat likely that Republicans will win control of both houses of Congress in this November’s elections, and nearly half say there will a noticeable change in the lives of Americans if this happens.

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July 16, 2010

MIDTERM MORSELS: WV Senate and AL Governor By Larry J. Sabato

West Virginia Senate—It is looking very likely that we’ll have a 37th Senate election to noodle about, the extra being held in the Mountain State to choose the successor to the late Senator Robert C. Byrd (D), the longest serving member of Congress in history who passed away on June 28. At first, all indications were that a gubernatorial appointee would fill the seat until November 2012, when Sen. Byrd would have come up for his tenth Senate term. The Secretary of State in West Virginia tentatively ruled so, though West Virginia law is somewhat ambiguous on the point.

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July 16, 2010

23% Say U.S. Government Has the Consent of the Governed

The notion that governments derive their only just authority from the consent of the governed is a foundational principle of the American experiment.

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July 16, 2010

Republican's Regional Recipe By Thomas F. Schaller

With a dozen weeks to go before the 2010 midterm elections, speculation is rising about the possibility of the Republicans retaking the House. On Sunday, that speculation rose to a fevered pitch when White House press secretary Robert Gibbs conceded during a Meet The Press appearance that there are enough House seats “in play” this November to put control of the chamber at risk.

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July 16, 2010

As Obama Kowtows, Unions Eye the Private Sector By Michael Barone

One of the interesting things about the Obama administration is the strange dominance of labor unions. Yes, Barack Obama and other Democratic leaders do owe the unions something: Unions gave $400 million to Democrats in the 2008 campaign cycle, and they expect to get something in return.

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July 16, 2010

Pennsylvania Governor: Corbett (R) 48%, Onorato (D) 38%

Republican State Attorney General Tom Corbett holds a 10-point lead again this month over Democrat Dan Onorato in Pennsylvania’s race for governor.

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July 15, 2010

Delaware Senate: Castle (R) 47%, Coons (D) 36%

Congressman Mike Castle’s support has fallen below 50% for the first time in his race with Democrat Chris Coons for the U.S. Senate in Delaware.

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July 15, 2010

76% in Mississippi Support Offshore Oil Drilling

Mississippi voters are strongly supportive of both offshore and deepwater drilling even after nearly three months of oil leaking into the Gulf of Mexico from a deepwater site. Voters in the Republican-leaning state are also more critical of President Obama's handling of the cleanup from the oil leak than they are of the drilling companies involved.

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July 15, 2010

California Governor: Whitman (R) 47%, Brown (D) 46%

Republican Meg Whitman and Democrat Jerry Brown remain virtually tied in the race for governor of California.

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July 15, 2010

60% in Colorado Favor Immigration Law Like Arizona’s; 61% Disagree With Challenge of Law

By a two-to-one margin, voters in Colorado oppose the U.S. Department of Justice’s challenge of the recently enacted immigration law in Arizona.  Similarly, voters in the state favor such legislation in their own state by the same margin.

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July 15, 2010

68% Say Political Class Doesn’t Care What Most Americans Think

The frustration that voters are expressing in 2010 goes much deeper than specific policies. At a more fundamental level, voters just don’t believe politicians are interested in the opinions of ordinary Americans.

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July 15, 2010

Democrats Can Avoid Rout -- It's Up to Them By Froma Harrop

When the pollster calls and asks whether I think the country is going in the right direction, I will say "no." When she asks if I approve of the job Congress is doing, I will say "no." And when she follows up with a question on President Obama's performance, I will answer: "Sometimes good, sometimes bad. The guy drives me nuts at times."

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July 15, 2010

A Change Election -- In Wrong Direction by Joe Conason

The headline for the latest poll says that public confidence in President Obama has sunk to a new low, with a majority of Americans saying they don't trust him to make the best policy choices, especially on the ailing economy. These same voters, surveyed by The Washington Post and ABC News, are even more disdainful of Congress, split almost evenly between Democrats and Republicans. Those numbers may portend a shift in partisan control of the House and a loss of Democratic seats in the Senate if citizens express their anger by punishing incumbents.

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July 15, 2010

Texas Governor: Perry (R) 50%, White (D) 41%

Republican incumbent Rick Perry holds a modest lead over Democratic challenger Bill White again this month in his bid for a third term as governor of Texas.

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July 15, 2010

Wisconsin Senate: Johnson (R) 47%, Feingold (D) 46%

Democratic incumbent Russ Feingold and his chief Republican challenger Ron Johnson remain locked in a neck-and-neck battle for the U.S. Senate in Wisconsin.

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July 15, 2010

Georgia Republican Primary for Governor: Deal, Handel Tied For Lead At 25% Apiece

Boosted by major endorsements this week, ex-Congressman Nathan Deal and former Georgia Secretary of State Karen Handel are tied for the lead in the state’s Republican Primary contest for governor. Both, however, are far short of the number of votes needed to avoid a runoff.

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July 15, 2010

Gillard's Personal Life Not the Prime Issue By Debra J. Saunders

When Julia Gillard, 48, orchestrated the ouster of Labor Party Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, whom she replaced, she made history as Australia's first female prime minister. But Gillard is much more than that. Gillard is the rare national leader of a modern country -- in fact, I cannot think of another, male or female -- who is not married and has never been married. Moreover, Gillard has not been a parent, and she's an atheist.