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July 21, 2010

Voters Slightly Less Critical of Obama, Oil Companies For Gulf Leak

Voters are a little less critical this month of both President Obama and the oil companies involved for their handling of the three-month-old oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico.

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July 21, 2010

89% Concerned About Economic Impact of Gulf Oil Leak

Most Americans continue to be concerned about the overall economic impact of the Gulf oil leak, but they're less worried about gas prices rising at the pump.

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July 21, 2010

45% in California Support DOJ Challenge of Arizona’s Immigration Law, 47% Opposed

Voters in California are almost evenly divided on whether or not they support the U.S. Department of Justice’s decision to challenge Arizona’s immigration law.

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July 21, 2010

In Georgia, Barnes (D) vs. Handel or Deal (R)

The top two vote getters in Georgia’s Republican Gubernatorial Primary – Karen Handel and Nathan Deal – are headed for an August 10 runoff, while former Governor Roy Barnes easily captured the Democratic nomination for his old job.

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July 21, 2010

The Obama Paradox By Susan Estrich

You don't need to be a political pollster, much less a worried Democrat, to know that the president's approval ratings have plummeted. "Down to the immediate family," we used to say mockingly, when President Bush was at about the same point. Of course, it's a little bit better than that -- down to the hardcore, the yellow dog Democrats (as in, I'd rather vote for a yellow dog than a Republican), but there's no denying that the bloom is off the rose, and any other cliche you can think of.

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July 21, 2010

Idaho Governor: Otter (R) 53%, Allred (D) 36%

Incumbent Republican C.L. “Butch” Otter still holds a sizable lead over his Democratic opponent Keith Allred in Idaho's race for governor.

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July 21, 2010

Is It Enough for the GOP To Just Say No? By Tony Blankley

Over the past year, the Democrats fixed on what they thought was a devastating four-word slogan to defeat Republicans in 2010: "The Party of No." Unlike many campaign slogans, it was fair enough. After all, the Republicans had opposed almost unanimously all of President Obama's major bills (socialized health care, stimulus, nationalization of GM and Chrysler, "cap and trade," financial overregulation, multitrillion-dollar yearly deficits, tax increases, etc.)

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July 21, 2010

Kentucky Senate: Paul (R) 49% Conway (D) 41%

It’s the same story in Kentucky’s race for U.S. Senate again this month. Republican Rand Paul continues to hold a modest lead over Democrat Jack Conway.

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July 21, 2010

Minnesota Governor: DFL’s Dayton, Kelliher Edge Ahead

Former Senator Mark Dayton and state House Speaker Margaret Anderson Kelliher are both running slightly stronger this month against their Republican and independent rivals in Minnesota’s race for governor.

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July 21, 2010

Ohio Governor: Kasich (R) 48%, Strickland (D) 43%

Little has changed in the gubernatorial race in Ohio this month, with Republican John Kasich continuing to hold a small lead over incumbent Ted Strickland.

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July 20, 2010

Nebraska Governor: Heineman (R) 71%, Meister (D) 18%

Republican Governor Dave Heineman continues to earn strong support from voters in his bid for reelection in Nebraska.

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July 20, 2010

47% Confident in U.S. Banking System

Forty-seven percent (47%) of Americans are at least somewhat confident in the stability of the U.S. banking industry today, the highest number measured since April of last year. 

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July 20, 2010

Voters Still Think Bailouts Were A Bad Idea

Looking back, voters remain unhappy with the government bailouts of the financial industry and troubled automakers General Motors and Chrysler.

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July 20, 2010

69% in Texas Support Arizona-Like Immigration Law In Their State; 64% Disagree with DOJ Challenge

A solid majority (69%) of voters in Texas would favor an immigration law similar to the one passed in Arizona in their state, eight points higher than the national average.

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July 20, 2010

56% Support Offshore Drilling; 47% Favor Deepwater Drilling, Too

With the deepwater oil leak apparently capped after three months of gushing into the Gulf of Mexico, support for both offshore oil drilling and drilling further out in deepwater remains largely unchanged. Most voters also remain concerned about the potential environmental impact of new drilling.

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July 20, 2010

Wild Kingdom in the City Backyard By Froma Harrop

It's a savage wilderness, here in my city yard. From a distance, it looks like a Victorian postcard -- a pastoral scene of sweet flowers, sun-kissed vegetables and trilling birds. The reality is considerably rougher. Hang around, and one sees a Darwinian jungle of predators and prey. The Animal Planet's "Untamed & Uncut" program has nothing on my backyard.

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July 20, 2010

“Financial Reform” And America’s March to Marxism By Howard Rich

Contrary to Barack Obama’s rhetoric about protecting consumers, his new financial reform law represents a dangerous big government power grab that willfully ignores the true roots of the recent financial crisis.

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July 20, 2010

Idaho Senate: Crapo (R) 64%, Sullivan (D) 27%

Republican Senator Mike Crapo continues to hold a big lead over Democrat Tom Sullivan in his bid for reelection in Idaho.

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July 20, 2010

Connecticut Senate: Blumenthal (D) 53%, McMahon (R) 40%

Connecticut’s U.S. Senate race is a little closer this month, but Democrat Richard Blumenthal still captures over 50% of the vote against three potential Republican challengers.

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July 20, 2010

Love for Labor Lost By Debra J. Saunders

SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA -- Australia is the rare major economic power that, under Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, avoided a recession in 2009. The unemployment rate here is 5.1 percent. Yet the reigning Labor government is as fearful as Washington Democrats -- with a national unemployment rate of 9.5 percent -- of losing big in the next election.