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White letter R on blue background
July 23, 2010

Arkansas Senate: Boozman (R) 61%, Lincoln (D) 32%

Republican John Boozman now holds a near two-to-one lead over Democratic incumbent Blanche Lincoln in Arkansas’ U.S. Senate race, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state.

White letter R on blue background
July 23, 2010

West Virginia Senate: Manchin (D) 53%, Capito (R) 39%

A special Senate election this November to replace the late Robert Byrd is still awaiting the green light from West Virginia’s attorney general, but popular Democratic Governor Joe Manchin is the early leader in hypothetical matchups with two of his possible Republican opponents.

White letter R on blue background
July 23, 2010

Arizona Governor: Brewer (R) 53%, Goddard (D) 35%

Arizona’s gubernatorial race is shaping up as a referendum on two of the nation’s hottest political issues – health care and immigration. Republican Governor Jan Brewer has turned to outside legal help to challenge the national health care bill and defend Arizona’s new immigration law because the state’s Democratic attorney general, Terry Goddard, opposes both moves.

White letter R on blue background
July 23, 2010

58% in New York Oppose Mosque Near Ground Zero

Most voters in New York (58%) oppose the building of an Islamic mosque near Ground Zero in New York City.

White letter R on blue background
July 23, 2010

Rhode Island Governor: Chafee (I) Holds Slight Lead

Former Senator Lincoln Chafee and Democratic State Treasurer Frank Caprio now earn the same level of support from voters in Rhode Island’s gubernatorial election.

White letter R on blue background
July 23, 2010

It's a Fiscal Problem, Not a Fed Problem By Lawrence Kudlow

Ben Bernanke threw a curveball in his midterm report to Congress this week. The Fed view of the economy has been downgraded since it last reported in February. Although the official Fed forecast for 2010-11 is still 3 percent to 4 percent real growth, Bernanke sounded particularly gloomy when he characterized the economy as "unusually uncertain." And he indicated that the majority view of the Fed Board of Governors and Reserve Bank presidents is that the risks to growth are "weighted to the downside."

White letter R on blue background
July 23, 2010

West Virginia Special Senate Election: Manchin (D) 51% Raese (R) 35%

Now that state legislators have officially approved a special Senate election this November to replace the late Robert Byrd, the state’s Democratic governor still earns majority support to win the job.

White letter R on blue background
July 23, 2010

Arizona Governor: Brewer (R) 56% Goddard (D) 37%

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer was struggling earlier this year but now holds a commanding lead in the campaign to keep her job.

White letter R on blue background
July 22, 2010

20% Favor Mosque Near Ground Zero, 54% Oppose

Just 20% of U.S. voters favor the building of an Islamic mosque near the Ground Zero site of the World Trade Center in New York City, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

White letter R on blue background
July 22, 2010

63% Oppose Full-Year School Calendar

Though most Americans believe children need to spend more time in school, they don’t think extending the school year to a 12-month calendar is a good idea.

White letter R on blue background
July 22, 2010

Georgia Governor: Early Polls Show Close Race

Following the primaries on Tuesday, and regardless of which Republican wins the run-off, Democrat Roy Barnes finds himself in a close race as he seeks to reclaim the title of Governor.

White letter R on blue background
July 22, 2010

Florida Senate: Crist-Rubio Still a Toss-Up

The race to become the next U.S. senator from Florida remains a very close one between Republican Marco Rubio and Independent Charlie Crist as both potential Democratic candidates struggle to gain traction.

White letter R on blue background
July 22, 2010

50% in Pennsylvania Have Voted For An Independent Candidate

While half of voters in Pennsylvania have voted for an independent candidate, the plurality is less likely to vote for an independent candidate in this election than past elections.

White letter R on blue background
July 22, 2010

38% Support One-Year Moratorium on New Government Regulations, 34% Oppose

Voters have mixed feelings about government regulation of big business, but most feel small businesses are regulated too much. There is also a strong belief that more competition and less regulation would be better for the economy and job creation.

White letter R on blue background
July 22, 2010

"2010: A Space Odyssey" Updated By Froma Harrop

The most wrong assumption in the sci-fi movie classic "2001: A Space Odyssey" was that technology would liberate humans from a life of hassle. Made 42 years ago, Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece shows 21st century humankind going about its business in a leisurely fashion as machines do the bull work. A gentle Strauss waltz plays in the background.

White letter R on blue background
July 22, 2010

Our Secret Leviathan By Joe Conason

Back in the bad old days of the Cold War -- when mutual nuclear annihilation was a policy option -- a culture of secrecy arose in Washington. What wise observers understood even then was that while governments tried to keep secrets from each other, their chief concern was to keep secrets from their own people.

White letter R on blue background
July 22, 2010

Arkansas Governor: Beebe (D) 50%, Keet (R) 40%

The gubernatorial race in Arkansas is a little closer this month, but Democratic incumbent Mike Beebe still leads his Republican challenger by 10 points.

White letter R on blue background
July 22, 2010

Rising Speculation About Bombing Iran's Nukes By Michael Barone

Many years ago, I was privileged to attend a dinner with James Rowe, one of the "passion for anonymity" young aides to Franklin Roosevelt, original author of the winning strategy for Harry Truman's 1948 campaign and close confidante of then-President Lyndon Johnson.

White letter R on blue background
July 22, 2010

New York Governor: No Contest for Cuomo (D) Again This Month

State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo continues to draw strong support from New York voters in the state’s gubernatorial contest - even though he's yet to officially declare his candidacy.

White letter R on blue background
July 21, 2010

27% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Thirty-one percent (31%) of Likely Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, July 11.