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July 30, 2010

Pennsylvania Senate: Toomey (R) 45%, Sestak (D) 39%

Republican Pat Toomey continues to hold a small lead over Democratic Congressman Joe Sestak in Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senate race.

White letter R on blue background
July 30, 2010

Chelsea's Wedding By Susan Estrich

No, I wasn't invited. I shouldn't be. I'm a friend of her parents. They aren't getting married. She is. The rule that invited guests should have a personal relationship with the bride or the groom is only the latest example of how good the Clintons (and the Mezvinskys) have been at the most important job in the world: being parents.

White letter R on blue background
July 30, 2010

Wisconsin Governor: Walker (R) 50%, Barrett (D) 43%

Republican Scott Walker for the first time earns 50% of the vote in the race to be the next governor of Wisconsin. It's his best showing to date.

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July 29, 2010

Oklahoma Governor: Fallin (R) 57%, Askins (D) 36%

Republican Congresswoman Mary Fallin holds a sizable lead over Democratic Lieutenant Governor Jari Askins in Rasmussen Reports' first post-primary look at the race for governor of Oklahoma. The winner will be the state's first woman governor.

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July 29, 2010

Nevada Governor: Sandoval (R) 50%, Reid (D) 40%

Republican Brian Sandoval holds just a 10-point lead now over Democrat Rory Reid in Nevada's race for governor, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state. It's the closest the contest has been to date.

White letter R on blue background
July 29, 2010

Wisconsin Senate: Johnson (R) 48%, Feingold (D) 46%

The Wisconsin Senate race is still a toss-up, with Republican Ron Johnson and incumbent Democrat Russ Feingold in a near tie.

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July 29, 2010

Voters See Cutting Spending and Deficits as Good for the Economy, Political Class Disagrees

In official Washington, there appears to be a belief that policy makers must choose between helping the economy or reducing spending and deficits. A number of polling companies have even asked questions on the trade-off.

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July 29, 2010

45% in New York Disagree with Legal Challenge of Immigration Law, 47% Favor Similar Law in Their Own State

Although a plurality of Empire State voters disagrees with the U.S. Justice Department decision to challenge the legality of Arizona’s controversial immigration bill, the number of voters in the state who feel this way is 11 points lower than the national average.

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July 29, 2010

Support for Mexican Border Fence Up to 68%

Support for the building of a fence along the Mexican border has reached a new high, and voters are more confident than ever that illegal immigration can be stopped.

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July 29, 2010

Dr. Donald Berwick, Taxpayer Hero By Froma Harrop

Welcome, Dr. Donald Berwick. Once you pull the arrows out of your back, you can get down to the important work for which you are supremely qualified: fixing the government health-insurance programs.

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July 29, 2010

House Democrats Head for a Thumping at the Polls By Michael Barone

Democratic spin doctors have set out how their side is going to hold onto a majority in the House. They'll capture four at-risk Republican seats, hold half of the next 30 or so Democratic at-risk seats, and avoid significant losses on target seats lower on the list.

White letter R on blue background
July 29, 2010

Illinois Governor: Brady (R) 44%, Quinn (D) 37%

Republican State Senator Bill Brady has now opened a seven-point lead over embattled Governor Pat Quinn in Illinois’ gubernatorial race.

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July 29, 2010

Missouri Senate: Blunt (R) 49%, Carnahan (D) 43%

Republican Congressman Roy Blunt has opened a slightly wider lead over Democrat Robin Carnahan in Missouri’s race for the U.S. Senate.

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July 29, 2010

Leaking to Avert Disaster By Joe Conason

The outpouring of tens of thousands of classified military documents by WikiLeaks is not precisely comparable to the publication of the Pentagon Papers -- but in at least one crucial respect, it may be more valuable. While the Pentagon Papers revealed the duplicity of American policy-makers in the senseless Vietnam War, their release came too late to save many lives or change the course of that conflict. The WikiLeaks disclosures may have arrived in time to influence policy and prevent disaster.

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July 28, 2010

Oregon Senate: Wyden (D) 51%, Huffman (R) 35%

Democratic Senator Ron Wyden has surpassed the 50% support mark this month in his bid for reelection in Oregon.

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July 28, 2010

60% in Montana Disagree with Legal Challenge of Arizona Law

By a two-to-one margin, voters in Montana disagree with the U.S. Department of Justice’s decision to challenge the legality of Arizona's new immigration law.

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July 28, 2010

42% Say No Jobs Available in America, 42% Disagree

Americans are now evenly divided over whether anyone who wants to work can find a job in the United States.

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July 28, 2010

Florida Voters Divided Over Constitutional Ban on Offshore Drilling

Florida voters are now divided over an amendment to the state constitution proposed by Governor Charlie Crist which would ban offshore oil drilling in Florida waters. State law already prohibits such drilling, but a Constitutional amendment would ensure that the ban isn’t lifted. 

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July 28, 2010

42% Say Government Would Have Done Worse Job Than BP Responding To Oil Leak

BP has replaced its CEO as fallout from the massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico continues, but 42% believe the government would have done a worse job responding to the leak if it has been in charge of the oil company.

White letter R on blue background
July 28, 2010

Cry Racism! and Let Slip the Dogs of Politics By Tony Blankley

In the last fortnight: 1) The NAACP called the tea party racists; 2)
 Andrew Breitbart called the NAACP racist; 3) Shirley Sherrod called
 Republican opponents of Obamacare racists; 4) Secretary of Agriculture Tom
 Vilsack called Shirley Sherrod racist; 5) many in mainstream media called
 Andrew Breitbart racist; 6) Howard Dean called Fox racist; and, 7) it was
 revealed that liberal journalist Spencer Ackerman proposed calling Fred
 Barnes and Karl Rove racist.