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August 18, 2010

Watch Out for Haley Barbour by Susan Estrich

The Drudge Report headline declaring that "Murdoch Gives $1 Million to Haley Barbour" is not technically accurate.

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August 18, 2010

Summertime 2010 By Tony Blankley

With apologies to George Gershwin and DuBose Heyward and their 1935 classic song, "Summertime" (and the living is easy):

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August 18, 2010

Nevada Senate: Reid (D) 47%, Angle (R) 47%

The U.S. Senate race in Nevada remains very close.

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August 18, 2010

Ohio Governor: Kasich (R) 48%, Strickland (D) 40%

Republican John Kasich now holds an eight-point lead over incumbent Democrat Ted Strickland in the race for governor of Ohio, shifting the state from a Toss-Up to Leans Republican in the Rasmussen Reports Election 2010 Gubernatorial Scorecard.

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August 18, 2010

Arnold and Jerry Take a Legal Holiday By Debra J. Saunders

When 52 percent of California voters passed Proposition 8 in November 2008, Attorney General Jerry Brown said he would defend the measure during the inevitable appeals. Then, as is his fashion, Brown changed his mind.  Ditto Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who twice vetoed same-sex marriage bills passed by the Legislature in deference to California voters who passed an earlier same-sex marriage statute in 2000. 

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August 17, 2010

69% Say Americans are Becoming More Rude, Less Civilized

So much for a kinder, gentler America.

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August 17, 2010

56% Say Government Should Keep Out of Housing Market

While Washington policy makers continue to fret about the troubled housing market, most Americans remain opposed to government intervention in that sector of the economy.

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August 17, 2010

Pennsylvania Senate: Toomey (R) 46%, Sestak (D) 37%

The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters in Pennsylvania shows Republican Pat Toomey picking up 46% support, while his Democratic opponent Joe Sestak earns the vote from 37%. Five percent (5%) prefer a different candidate, and 12% are undecided.

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August 17, 2010

Voters Less Critical of Response to Gulf Oil Leak by Obama, Oil Companies

Nearly two weeks after British Petroleum (BP) sealed the massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, voters are a bit less critical of the company and President Obama for their response to the disaster.

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August 17, 2010

52% in Illinois Say Budget Can Be Balanced Without Raising Income Taxes

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey in Illinois finds that 52% of Likely Voters believe Illinois’ budget can be balanced without increasing the state income tax.

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August 17, 2010

Just 37% Say Their Congress Member Deserves Reelection

Incumbent members of Congress don’t exactly get a vote of confidence from their constituents in a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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August 17, 2010

Lessons of the Summer Swoon by Lawrence Kudlow

The economy is suffering from something like a summer swoon. In the words of business columnist Jimmy Pethokoukis, the recovery summer has gone bust. We all know this from the sloppy statistics coming in for jobs, retail sales and, most recently, manufacturing. But market-based indicators are telling the same story.

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August 17, 2010

Ohio Senate: Portman (R) 45%, Fisher (D) 37%

The latest Rasmussen Reports statewide telephone survey of Likely Voters in Ohio shows Republican Rob Portman picking up 45% support, while his Democratic opponent, Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher, earns the vote from 37%. Five percent (5%) prefer a different candidate, and 13% are undecided.

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August 17, 2010

The Real JetBlue Heroes By Froma Harrop

The JetBlue flight attendant who theatrically quit his job by cursing out a "rude" passenger and exiting via an emergency slide has become a working-class hero to many. But Steven Slater's story didn't hold up for long. It now appears that the gash allegedly caused by someone slamming an overhead bin into his head was there before the flight. Slater was acting like a jerk long before takeoff, according to recent reports.

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August 17, 2010

58% Favor English-Only Election Ballots

The U.S. Justice Department has told a major Ohio county to print bilingual ballots for the November election or it will be sued by the government. But most voters believe that election ballots in this country should be printed only in English.

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August 17, 2010

Flaws Aside, Rosty and Stevens Put Public First By Michael Barone

The deaths this week of two political Old Bulls has inspired some harsh commentary.

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August 16, 2010

48% Say It’s Too Easy To Get An Abortion in America

Nearly half (48%) of U.S. voters continue to believe that an abortion is too easy to obtain in this country, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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August 16, 2010

Only 18% Expect Their Home’s Value To Increase Over the Next Year

Short-term confidence in the U.S. housing market has fallen back to the level it was at at the beginning of the year, and long-term confidence is at its lowest point in over 18 months.

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August 16, 2010

60% In Colorado Say Most Members of Congress are Willing to Sell Their Vote

Colorado voters believe most Congress members are willing to sell their vote and are fairly confident that their own representatives are no exception.

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August 16, 2010

65% of Voters Are Angry At Federal Government’s Policies

With midterm elections less than three months away, nearly two-out-of-three U.S. voters (65%) remain at least somewhat angry at the current policies of the federal government, including 40% who are Very Angry.