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October 30, 2010

The Final Nail in the Democrats' Coffin By Lawrence Kudlow

On the eve of the midterm elections, a third-quarter gross domestic product report showing a meager 2 percent growth rate is the final nail in the Obama Democrats' political coffin.

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October 30, 2010

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending October 30, 2010


On Tuesday, America will elect a whole bunch of governors, a sizable part of the U.S. Senate and the entire House of Representatives. They do so at a time  when most voters think it would be better to dump the entire Congress rather than to keep the crew that’s in there now. That’s not likely to happen, but there will probably be a change in control of the House even as the vast majority of incumbents get re-elected. But talk’s cheap in campaign seasons. This is what we know from our final week of surveys before Election Day.

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October 30, 2010

The Final Days By Susan Estrich

For half of the candidates on Tuesday's ballot, these are the days you remember.

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October 30, 2010

Arizona Senate: McCain (R) Runs Far Ahead of Glassman (D)

Republican Senator John McCain holds a 21-point lead over Democratic challenger Rodney Glassman in his bid for reelection in Arizona.

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October 29, 2010

Florida Senate: Rubio (R) Grows His Lead Over Crist (I), Meek (D)

Republican Marco Rubio now enjoys a 20-point advantage over Independent candidate Charlie Crist in the U.S. Senate race in Florida, with Democratic Congressman Kendrick Meek still running third.

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October 29, 2010

Arizona Governor: Brewer (R) Still Well Ahead of Goddard (D)

Incumbent Republican Jan Brewer remains well ahead of Arizona’s Democratic Attorney General Terry Goddard in the state’s gubernatorial contest.

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October 29, 2010

Most Think Government Workers Get Higher Wages But Don't Work As Hard

Most Americans continue to think government workers have it better than those who work in the private sector.

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October 29, 2010

79% Happy To Call America Home

Although things may be tough in the United States right now, most Americans still would rather live here than anywhere else in the world.

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October 29, 2010

Colorado Governor: Hickenlooper (D), Tancredo (ACP) Take It to the Finish

Republican candidate Dan Maes now has just single-digit support, but Democrat John Hickenlooper still holds a slight lead over independent candidate Tom Tancredo in Colorado’s race for governor.

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October 29, 2010

52% Say Most Members Get Reelected Because Rules Are Rigged

Roughly half (52%) of Likely U.S. Voters say most members of Congress get reelected not because they do a good job representing the folks at home but because election rules are rigged to their benefit.

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October 29, 2010

Pennsylvania Senate: Toomey (R), Sestak (D) Locked in A Tight Race

Republican Pat Toomey still holds a small lead over Democratic Congressman Joe Sestak in the closing days of Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senate race.

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October 29, 2010

Massachusetts Governor: Patrick (D), Baker (R) Nearly Tied

The Massachusetts governor’s race is now closer than it has been all year.

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October 29, 2010

Proposition 23: Jobs or Wishful Thinking? by Debra J. Saunders

I love this quote from clean-tech exec Eric Dresselhuys to the San Francisco Chronicle's David R. Baker: "If California isn't leading the charge on implementing these technologies, why be here?

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October 29, 2010

The Rise of Sewer Money by Joe Conason

In New York, there is a traditional name for the kind of anonymous cash now cascading into the American electoral process.

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October 29, 2010

California Governor: Brown (D) Remains Just Ahead of Whitman (R)

With only a few days until Election Day, Democrat Jerry Brown holds a slightly smaller lead over Republican Meg Whitman in California’s gubernatorial race.

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October 29, 2010

A Clear and Present Threat By Howard Rich

A new Gallup poll shows that forty-six percent of Americans believe the federal government “poses an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.”

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October 29, 2010

Kentucky Senate: Paul (R) Enjoys Double Digit Lead

Following the uproar over Democrat Jack Conway’s ad criticizing his opponent’s college antics and questioning his religious faith, Republican Rand Paul has taken a 12-point lead in Kentucky’s bitter U.S. Senate race.

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October 28, 2010

Oregon Senate: Wyden (D) Still Clears 50% Against Huffman (R)

Republican Jim Huffman posts his best showing yet in Oregon's U.S. Senate race, but Democratic incumbent Ron Wyden still holds a double-digit lead with the election just days away.

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October 28, 2010

Most Americans Say Tax Cuts Trump Increased Government Spending

When faced with a budget crisis, most Americans think "it's always better to cut taxes than to increase government spending because taxpayers, not bureaucrats, are the best judges of how to spend their money."

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October 28, 2010

California Senate: Boxer (D) Holds Her Edge Over Fiorina (R)

Incumbent Democrat Barbara Boxer still holds a small lead over Republican Carly Fiorina in California’s U.S. Senate race, according to the latest Rasmussen Reports survey of Likely Voters in the state.