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White letter R on blue background
December 14, 2010

Voters Still Put Border Control Well Ahead of Legalizing Those Here Illegally

Voters still strongly believe that gaining control of the border should be the legislative priority.

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December 14, 2010

Kevin Cooper Is Guilty of Murder By Debra J. Saunders

Federal judge William A. Fletcher recently told the Gonzaga University School of Law that Kevin Cooper, who was convicted and sentenced to death for the brutal 1983 slaying of Chino Hills, Calif., chiropractors Doug and Peggy Ryen, their 10-year-old daughter Jessica and 11-year-old house guest Christopher Hughes, is "probably" innocent. Cooper, Fletcher added, is "on Death Row because the San Bernardino Sheriff's Department framed him."

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December 13, 2010

Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 45%, Democrats 39%

Republicans hold a six-point lead over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending December 12, 2010.

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December 13, 2010

Americans Still Favor Religious Symbols on Public Land, Religious Holidays in the Schools

It becomes a hot-button issue this time every year:  Should religious symbols be displayed on public land, or is that a violation of the long-standing separation between church and state?  While legal battles continue to arise, Americans still overwhelmingly support such displays.

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December 13, 2010

51% Concerned About Toy Safety This Holiday Season

Just over half of American adults are concerned about the safety of toys being sold this holiday season despite the fact that most have yet to buy a toy recalled for safety reasons.

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December 13, 2010

Voters Have Mixed Feelings About Legalizing Young People Brought Here Illegally

Voters are evenly divided over whether young people brought to this country illegally by their parents should be viewed as breaking the law. Making a distinction between illegal immigrants and their children is at the heart of the so-called DREAM Act that some in Congress are hoping to pass before the end of the lame duck session.

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December 13, 2010

Obama Riles Dems by Spurning New Deal Complacency By Michael Barone

"The single most important jobs program we can put in place is a growing economy." So said Barack Obama at his surly press conference last week defending the tax deal he made with Republicans.

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December 13, 2010

Support for Health Care Repeal Hits Highest Point Since September

Time doesn’t seem to be winning the new national health care law any more friends. Most voters have favored repeal of the law every week since it was passed and support for repeal has now inched up to its highest level since mid-September. Many Americans remain concerned that the law will force them to change their health insurance coverage.

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December 12, 2010

Look for More Holiday Travelers This Year

Americans appear slightly more likely to travel this holiday season than they were a year ago.

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December 11, 2010

Americans Worry About Personal Information On Social Networking Sites

One-out-of-two Americans now use some sort of social networking site such as Facebook, Myspace, LinkedIn or Twitter, but an overwhelming majority of Adults are concerned about the safety of personal information on these sites.

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December 11, 2010

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending December 10, 2010

President Obama threw a couple curve balls in the last few days when it comes to the economy - closing a deal with congressional Republicans that would continue the Bush tax cuts for all Americans and extending a ban on offshore drilling in the eastern Gulf of Mexico and along the Eastern seaboard.

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December 11, 2010

A Guy on a Bike By Susan Estrich

For weeks now, speculation has been rampant about who killed well-liked publicist to the stars Ronni Chasen and why.

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December 10, 2010

41% Now Say Global Warming is Caused By Human Activity, More Say Planetary Trends

Most U.S. voters continue to be concerned about global warming but still are more inclined to think it's caused by planetary trends rather than human activity.

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December 10, 2010

Americans Are Still Gloomy About the U.S. Job Market

Americans remain just as pessimistic about the country's job market as they have been all year.

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December 10, 2010

Voters Put Spending Cuts Ahead of Deficit Reduction

First things first. Despite official Washington’s increasing fixation on the federal budget deficit, most voters think cutting federal spending is a bigger priority.

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December 10, 2010

Sell Bonds, Buy Stocks By Lawrence Kudlow

For once, top Obama economic advisor Larry Summers got it right. Warning opponents of the big tax-cut deal, Summers told reporters, "Failure to pass this bill in the next couple weeks would materially increase the risk that the economy would stall out and we would have a double-dip recession."

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December 10, 2010

GOP Makes Historic State Legislative Gains in 2010 By Tim Storey

Late last week, a state judge on Long Island in New York certified that Mineola mayor Jack Martins, a Republican, had won the race for state Senate District 7 by a mere 451 votes out of the more than 85,000 cast.

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December 10, 2010

Americans Still Strongly Favor Audit of the Fed

Looks like the Republicans want the fox watching the henhouse. Ron Paul, one of Congress’ sharpest critics of the Federal Reserve, has been chosen to lead the House subcommittee that monitors the Fed’s activities, and he promises to push again for a full audit of the nation’s central bank.

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December 9, 2010

37% Predict U.S.-Muslim Relations Will Be Worse A Year From Now

Voters nationwide continue to show little optimism about America’s relationship with the Muslim world.

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December 9, 2010

Only 17% Say Today's Children Will Be Better Off Than Their Parents

Americans historically have always worked to make sure their children were better off than they were, but the number who believe today's youth will be better off than their parents has fallen to its lowest level ever.