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December 23, 2010

63% Have Finished Holiday Shopping

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and one-in-three adults still has holiday gift shopping left to do.

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December 23, 2010

Credit Card Theft Up, but Americans Are Still More Confident About Charging Online

More Americans are confident about using their credit cards for purchases on the Internet, despite an increase in the number of adults who say they've been the victims of credit card theft online.

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December 23, 2010

Slow-Growing Population? Great! By Froma Harrop

The analysis of the new census numbers were predictable, and I take issue with nearly every one. Let's start with the suggestion that population rising at the lowest rate since the Great Depression is to be lamented.  Anything likened to the Great Depression can't be a positive development, right? Wrong.

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December 23, 2010

Sept. 11 Heroes Disdained on the Right By Joe Conason

To understand the depths of shame and cynicism in the partisan stalling of health legislation for 9/11 first responders, it is only necessary to recall how eagerly Republican politicians once rushed to identify themselves with New York City's finest and bravest. 

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December 23, 2010

Voters Question Whether Russia Will Honor New START Treaty

The Senate late yesterday approved the so-called START Treaty that calls for a reduction in the nuclear weapons stockpiles of both Russia and the United States, but U.S. voters remain wary of the former Soviet Union’s willingness to comply.

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December 23, 2010

Stopping the Descent By Howard Rich

At long last there are finally signs that the American Republic’s breakneck descent into full-blown socialist madness – which was fast approaching terminal velocity prior to November’s elections – could be leveling out.

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December 22, 2010

Awards Don't Determine What Most Americans Watch or Listen To

And the award goes to … the most popular? Maybe that helps explain why Americans overwhelmingly say entertainment awards don't determine what movies or TV shows they watch or what music they buy.

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December 22, 2010

Fewer Americans Expect To Miss A Credit Card Payment In Next Six Months

Even during the busy holiday shopping season, fewer Americans with credit cards think they'll miss their bill payments in the next six months compared to past surveys.

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December 22, 2010

Tea Party at Year's End

The Tea Party movement was one of the biggest political stories during the 2010 election season. From an electoral standpoint, the grassroots movement had it first impact by forcing long-time Senator Arlen Specter out of the Republican Party (and eventually out of the U.S. Senate). By the end of the season, several Tea Party candidates such as Florida’s Marco Rubio and Kentucky’s Rand Paul were elected to the U.S. Senate.

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December 22, 2010

The American Miracle By Tony Blankley

A few years ago, I was in China and, through the help of a friend, had the chance to spend a few hours with a senior editor of the People's Daily --the Communist Party's voice, and the most influential journal in China. 

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December 22, 2010

It Never Rains in California By Susan Estrich

It Never Rains in California Except when it does.  Which isn't often. Usually, when it rains, we apologize to tourists and visitors, take out our (perpetually) almost new raincoats and say things like "We need this" and "Don't you just love the rain?"

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December 22, 2010

23% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

For the second week in a row, just 23% of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, December 19. This remains the most pessimistic finding since January 2009.

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December 22, 2010

Majority of Voters Say Protecting Individual Rights Is Government’s Chief Role

Most voters think the most important role for government is to protect their individual rights.

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December 21, 2010

45% Are Having Difficulty Getting In the Holiday Spirit, 49% Are Not

Americans overwhelmingly plan to celebrate Christmas with their families this year, but many indicate that they are having difficulty getting into the holiday spirit.

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December 21, 2010

Voters Still Give Lukewarm Marks to Stimulus Plan

Voters continue to send mixed signals about the $787-billion economic stimulus plan approved last year by Congress, even as spending for some portions of the plan begin to run out.

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December 21, 2010

Voters Say Businesses Should Spend To Create Jobs But Don’t Want Government To Force Them

President Obama in a meeting last week with top U.S. business leaders urged them to use some of their ample cash reserves to create new jobs, and most voters think that’s a good idea. But they draw the line at the government making the businesses spend their money that way.

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December 21, 2010

SUCCEEDING IN YOUR BUSINESS: Oh, Ben Turpin, Where Art Thou?

As the year draws to a close, it's time to get a little philosophical and take a longer-range view of some things that are happening in the world.

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December 21, 2010

Can We Break the China Habit? By Froma Harrop

It's been tough watching fellow shoppers fill their carts with Chinese imports as the People's Republic stomps on American interests and values. At WalMart, Bed Bath & Beyond and other big chains, it's hard to find goods NOT-made-in-China. Lamps, popcorn makers, kitty scratch boards. Cuisinart toasters and Emeril cookware. Made in China.

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December 21, 2010

President Obama Governs as Bush 44 By Debra J. Saunders

Once upon a time in America, when George W. Bush served as America's 43rd president, Democrats criticized the Bush tax cuts, especially for the wealthy. This month, President Obama called a measure extending all the Bush tax rates "a win for our economy" -- after excoriating liberal critics of his compromise tax package as "sanctimonious." 

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December 21, 2010

Most Oppose Voting Suggestions from Religious Leaders

Though a sizable number of voters view the religious faith of political candidates as important, they don’t want their local religious leaders telling them who to vote for.