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January 21, 2011

43% Are Eating Out Less Than Six Months Ago

Americans are still not rushing out to eat these days, and a good meal at home remains their preferred option.

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January 21, 2011

States of Insolvency By Howard Rich

Paced by California and Illinois, state governments across the country continue to mimic the unsustainable fiscal excesses of the federal government – creating crushing deficits and soaring unfunded liabilities. Moreover, any state attempting to plug these holes with tax hikes or other revenue enhancements could create an exodus of businesses and taxpayers – meaning fewer jobs, lost revenue streams and diminished political clout.

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January 20, 2011

47% Fear Government Will Help Economy Too Much

Voters still view the economy as issue number one but worry that the government will be more of a problem than a solution as it tries to fix things.

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January 20, 2011

Voters Still See Some Obama Foreign Policy Views As Different Than Their Own

A survey conducted just before Barack Obama’s highly-publicized talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao this week shows that voters continue to believe the president’s ideas on foreign policy don’t quite match their own.

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January 20, 2011

41% Like Boycotts to Protest Bailouts

A surprising number of voters unhappy with government bailouts are ready to act themselves rather than rely on Congress.

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January 20, 2011

High-speed Rail Is a Fast Way to Waste Taxpayer Money By Michael Barone

Where can the new Congress start cutting spending? Here's one obvious answer: high-speed rail. The Obama administration is sending billions of stimulus dollars around the country for rail projects that make no sense and that, if they are ever built, will be a drag on taxpayers indefinitely.

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January 20, 2011

Fudging the Facts on Health Care and Deficits By Joe Conason

Facts always matter, but never more so than when politicians deal with issues of real consequence, like health care and budget deficits.

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January 20, 2011

Gas Prices Up for Nearly All; 70% Expect $4-A-Gallon Gas by July

Nearly nine-out-of-10 Americans say they are paying more for gas than they were last summer and expect to pay even more six months from now. Most say $4-a-gallon gas is likely by July 1.

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January 20, 2011

Presidential Possibilities By Larry J. Sabato

Precisely two years from today, America will be inaugurating a president. But much sooner, the full-blown contest for the White House will begin.

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January 20, 2011

Those Who Eat Fast Food Go For Convenience and Cost, Not Quality

Apparently, it's the price and convenience that sells Big Macs,Whoppers and fries, not the way they taste.

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January 19, 2011

Scott Rasmussen Makes Top 100 "Dream Talk Show Interview Guests" of 2010 List

NEW YORK, NY (January 19, 2010)-- The results are in from a poll of the Top 100 "Dream Interview Guests" of 2010.

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January 19, 2011

SUCCEEDING IN YOUR BUSINESS: Three Ways Technology Is Killing Businesses

It's been more than 30 years now since the first personal computers, and more than 15 years since the Internet, gave us all a digital life. Who today can remember what it was like to do business in the days before e-mail, PowerPoint, laptops, BlackBerries, iPhones, iPods, iPads, mobile apps, Facebook and Twitter?

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January 19, 2011

27% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Twenty-six percent (26%) of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, January 9. That's down a point from last week and back to levels found in early December.

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January 19, 2011

Only 51% Say Home Worth More Than When They Bought It

The number of homeowners who say their home is worth more now than when they bought it has plummeted in the past two-and-a-half years.

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January 19, 2011

Americans View Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Unfavorably

Congressional Republicans are likely to take a closer look at government-backed mortgage lenders Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as they continue to consume billions of taxpayer dollars to cover bad loans. While many Americans have benefited from Fannie and Freddie loans, a majority don't hold high opinions of either one.

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January 19, 2011

53% Say Bailouts Have Been Bad for the Country

Most voters still aren’t convinced that government bailouts have been a good idea.

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January 19, 2011

Sick People By Susan Estrich

I got my first threat when I was a young law professor. The campus newspaper reported that in teaching criminal law to first-year students, I was not only including rape in the curriculum (unheard of at the time), but was actually telling students of my own experience in the criminal justice system as a rape victim and how it shaped my views on the law. I thought it was a nice piece. My mother thought I was out of my mind. Both appear to be true.

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January 19, 2011

How to Combat an Arrogant China? By Lawrence Kudlow

Is there a new Cold War developing between China and the United States? That’s a question hovering over President Hu Jintao and his entourage as they come to Washington to discuss military, trade, and financial flash points with the Obama administration.

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January 19, 2011

Voters Think Congress Is Listening A Bit More

With midterm elections over and a new Congress seated, more voters believe most members of Congress care what's on their minds.

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January 19, 2011

Avoid GOP Timidity in 2011 By Tony Blankley

What should the congressional GOP's policy objectives be for the next two years regarding federal deficits and prosperity?