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February 23, 2011

26% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Twenty-six percent (26%) of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, February 20. That’s down five points from last week and is the lowest level since the beginning of the year.

White letter R on blue background
February 23, 2011

Obama’s Leadership Ratings Fall To A New Low

President Obama’s job approval ratings have taken a dive this week in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, and the number of voters who give him favorable ratings for leadership has fallen to its lowest level since he took office in January 2009.

White letter R on blue background
February 23, 2011

Americans Question Fairness of Tax System

Regardless of any changes made to the tax code, many Americans continue to question the fairness of what they have to pay.

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February 23, 2011

67% Say U.S. Should Steer Clear of Political Unrest in Arab Nations

Americans are wary of the current chaotic political situation in several Arab countries including Libya but strongly believe the United States should stay out of the picture.

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February 23, 2011

Voters Still Think Bush To Blame for Bad Economy

Voters may question how President Obama is handling the economy and think his new budget doesn't cut deeply enough, but most still blame his predecessor for the problems he's trying to deal with.?

White letter R on blue background
February 23, 2011

SUCCEEDING IN YOUR BUSINESS: Do Personal Guaranties Go on Forever?

"My partner and I bought a small business five years ago from the person who originally started it. We assumed his existing lease for a terrific retail space, and personally guaranteed the lease. As we are both getting ready to retire, we decided to sell the business. We found a great buyer, who is willing to pay us an above-market price because of the business location.

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February 22, 2011

Most Voters Say It’s Better to Enforce Existing Immigration Laws Than Create New Ones

When it comes to illegal immigration, most voters believe the government just needs to enforce the laws that are already on the books.

White letter R on blue background
February 22, 2011

29% Have Already Filed Their Income Taxes

The downward trend of early tax filers continues, with only 29% of Americans saying that they have already filed their income taxes.

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February 22, 2011

47% Say GOP Has Plan for Future, 41% Say Same of Democrats

Voters have more confidence now that Republicans rather than Democrats have a plan for the future, and they’re almost evenly divided over whether either political party is really the party of the American people.

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February 22, 2011

Overall Economic Growth vs. Personal Finances

Does confidence in the direction of personal finances drive sentiment on economic growth, or is it the other way around?

White letter R on blue background
February 22, 2011

Favorability Ratings Up for Boehner, Down for Pelosi, Reid, McConnell

Now that the new Congress is fully settled in, favorability ratings have dropped for all of the top leaders except Speaker of the House John Boehner.

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February 21, 2011

Daniels and Christie Light Fuse Under GOP Lawmakers By Michael Barone

As congressional Republicans mull whether to address the government's long-term fiscal problems -- House Republican leaders are being pushed by the 87 freshmen to do so, while some Senate Republicans are seeking some bipartisan accords with Democratic colleagues -- two Republican governors barreled into Washington with the message that the lawmakers better get moving. And that congressional Republicans might do just fine politically if they do.

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February 21, 2011

Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 46%, Democrats 37%

Republicans now hold a nine-point lead over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending February 20, 2011.

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February 21, 2011

Most Americans Are Still Buying Books at the Store

The rise of electronic readers and online outlets such as Amazon threaten to make the traditional bookstore obsolete, but new Rasmussen polling finds that most Americans still prefer the old-fashioned way of buying a book.

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February 21, 2011

48% Back GOP Governor in Wisconsin Spat, 38% Side With Unions

A sizable number of voters are following new Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker’s showdown with unionized public employees in his state, and nearly half side with the governor.

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February 21, 2011

56% Favor Repeal of Health Care Plan

Most voters nationwide continue to favor repeal of the national health care law, but one-in-five now believe the plan will have no real impact on the federal deficit.

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February 21, 2011

Americans Like Washington, Lincoln A Lot More Than Their Holiday

Americans have an overwhelmingly favorable view of George Washington, the nation’s first president, but very few consider his birthday which we honor today as a very important holiday.

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February 20, 2011

Oscar Watchers Want Bridges, Portman to Win Best Actor Awards

One-in-three Americans (33%) say they are at least somewhat likely to watch the upcoming 83rd annual Academy Awards, with 15% who say it's very Likely, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.  Their favorites for the best acting categories are Jeff Bridges in "True Grit" and Natalie Portman in "Black Swan."

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February 20, 2011

37% Consider Reagan Most Influential President of the Last 50 Years

Americans view Ronald Reagan as America's most influential president in the past half-century.

White letter R on blue background
February 20, 2011

Human Nature and D.C.-backed Loans By Debra J. Saunders

In 2009, when CNBC's David Faber asked former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan what lessons could be learned to prevent another great financial meltdown in the wake of the mortgage-financing collapse, Greenspan did not have a happy-face answer.