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March 5, 2011

59% Expect Interest Rates to Go Up Over the Next Year

The number of adults nationwide who expect interest rates to go up over the next year has risen again this month to a new high.

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March 5, 2011

Stocks Diss Oil, for Now By Lawrence Kudlow

Big economic-growth stats are trumping oil prices and the Mideast tinderbox. In optimistic trading on Thursday, stocks soared nearly 200 Dow points. Oil barely fell to just under $102 a barrel. Know what? The market may be shouting out that the recent oil spike is not going to derail economic recovery.

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March 5, 2011

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending March 4, 2011

President Obama once famously noted that “elections have consequences.” Legislators in Washington, D.C. and Madison, Wisconsin can certainly attest to the truth of that statement. Republican gains have translated into major budget battles involving issues and programs that Democrats have held dear for years.

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March 5, 2011

How Law Works By Susan Estrich

My guess is that there was not a single member of the United States Supreme Court who was not personally appalled that the Westboro Baptist Church would target the funeral of a soldier who died in battle so they could get publicity for their anti-gay views.

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March 4, 2011

Opposition To Offshore Drilling Ban Rises to 55%

Gas prices have been rising dramatically in recent days, and opposition to President Obama's continuing ban on oil drilling off the Eastern seaboard and in the eastern portion of the Gulf of Mexico is up from early December when the policy was first announced.

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March 4, 2011

Just 32% See Democrats' Agenda As Mainstream

Fewer than half the nation’s voters believe the congressional agenda of either major party is in the political mainstream.

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March 4, 2011

Wisconsin Governor Walker: 43% Approval Rating

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker won his job last November with 52% of the vote, but his popularity has slipped since then.

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March 4, 2011

71% Believe Government Workers Get Better Pensions Than Those In Private Sector

Most voters believe those who work for the government get better retirement benefits than those who work for private companies and also think it’s unlikely their state can afford the benefits given to state workers.

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March 4, 2011

Don't Believe the (Union-Busting) Hype By Joe Conason

If you are a normal, trusting consumer of American journalism, you might well have gotten the impression by now that the current attempt to break public-sector unions -- with its epicenter in Wisconsin -- is overwhelmingly supported by the nation's voters.

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March 4, 2011

Who Wants To Be Charlie Sheen? By Debra J. Saunders

This week, Charlie Sheen owns network news. No wonder Americans hate the media.

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March 4, 2011

Grabbing Those Coattails By Larry J. Sabato

It is already obvious that control of the Senate will be up for grabs in 2012, with Republicans needing just 3 or 4 seats to take control (depending on whether the GOP wins the presidency and, along with it, the vice president’s tie-breaking vote).

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March 4, 2011

Wisconsin Voters Prefer Spending Cuts to Reduce State Budget Deficit

As Governor Scott Walker and public employee unions battle in the court of public opinion, Wisconsin voters continue to see spending cuts as the proper path to solving the state’s budgetary woes.

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March 3, 2011

Majority Still Concerned About Inflation

With gas prices rising by the minute, American Adults are as concerned as ever about inflation.

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March 3, 2011

71% of Americans View Charlie Sheen Unfavorably

Charlie Sheen:  “Winning” or not?  Most Americans don’t believe he is.

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March 3, 2011

Americans Still Lack Confidence in Banking System

Though most Americans are not worried their money will be lost due to a bank failure, their confidence in the banking system remains low.

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March 3, 2011

Wisconsin Poll: Support for Budget Cutting, Not for Weakening Collective Bargaining Rights

Most Wisconsin voters oppose efforts to weaken collective bargaining rights for union workers but a plurality are supportive of significant pay cuts for state workers. Governor Scott Walker is struggling in the court of public opinion, but how badly he is struggling depends upon how the issue is presented.  There is also an interesting gap between the views of private and public sector union families.

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March 3, 2011

“Collectively” Bad By Howard Rich

A decade ago, when our national debt stood at a “mere” $5.6 trillion, the federal government was already dramatically overpaying its employees to perform all sorts of non-core functions.

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March 3, 2011

Government Shutdown No Longer a 'Train Wreck' By Michael Barone

Sometimes you get an idea of the way opinion is headed by the phrases you don't hear. Case in point: In all the discussion and debate these past weeks about a possible government shutdown if Congress and President Obama fail to agree on funding bills, I don't recall having heard the phrase "train wreck."

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March 3, 2011

58% Say It’s Likely Gas Prices Will Top $5 A Gallon

Most U.S. voters have taken notice of the recent spike in gasoline prices and they believe gas is likely to top the $5 mark by the beginning of summer.

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March 3, 2011

Public Workers Join the New Reality By Froma Harrop

Too bad the showdown with public employee unions has come to this, however long in the making. One can be pro-union and still feel a growing resentment at these workers' ability to set their own dream retirement benefits as the private sector's were being amputated. Not that they are to blame. They got what they could -- it's the American way -- though they overplayed their hand by resisting honest efforts to reform government, schools above all.