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March 16, 2011

Just 31% Hold Favorable Opinion of Tiger Woods

It’s been one year since Tiger Woods announced he would make his competitive return to golf following months of tabloid scandal, but Americans’ opinions of the golfer have changed little since then.

White letter R on blue background
March 16, 2011

Last Weekend By Susan Estrich

"Did you have a nice weekend?" a friend asked on Monday, before recounting all the fun things he and his kids did over the weekend.

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March 15, 2011

16% View Interior Secretary Salazar Favorably

With gas prices soaring, the pressure's on the Obama administration to increase the number of permits for deepwater oil drilling. Right now, just 16% of Likely U.S. Voters have a favorable opinion of the man who'll grant those permits, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar, with a scant one percent (1%) who regard him Very Favorably.

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March 15, 2011

26% Say Laying Off 100,000 Federal Workers Would Help Economy, 49% Disagree

Budget worries aside, Americans aren’t prepared yet to abruptly cut the size of the government work force.

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March 15, 2011

45% Have Not Filed Income Taxes Yet

With a month to go until tax day, roughly half of Americans have filed their income taxes.

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March 15, 2011

Public Employee Union Members More Hostile to Republicans than Private Sector Union Workers

Members of public employee unions prefer Democrats over Republicans on the Generic Congressional Ballot by a 28-percentage-point margin. Among private sector union members, the gap is half that size.

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March 15, 2011

SUCCEEDING IN YOUR BUSINESS: Should You Promote Your Business on Groupon? By Cliff Ennico

"Social media" is the buzzword of the moment in online commerce, thanks largely to the success of "The Social Network," a movie about Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

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March 15, 2011

Obama at Wheel of Father's Oldsmobile By Debra J. Saunders

At Friday's news conference, President Obama tried to connect with the common man coping with rising gasoline prices. Instead, the president left little doubt that he is clueless about cars.

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March 15, 2011

11% Say Communism Better Than U.S. System of Politics and Economics

Communism as an ideological force largely died with the collapse of the Soviet Union 20 years ago, but even with many of its horrors increasingly forgotten, U.S. voters overwhelmingly reject the ideology that contended for world dominance for much of the 20th Century.

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March 15, 2011

Mother Nature Defeats Best Laid Plans By Froma Harrop

A wall of water now rules our freak-of-nature nightmares. Like the whirling funnel that drops down from the sky, it gives scant warning. But unlike a tornado, it devastates wide swathes of civilization, and there's no tsunami equivalent of a tornado cellar for sitting out the violent weather.

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March 14, 2011

Lopez Rates Highest Among New "Idol" Judges

The votes are in, and the new judges on "American Idol" have a fair number of fans so far.

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March 14, 2011

Most Voters Still Support Guantanamo Prison, Military Tribunals for Terrorists

President Obama announced as one of his first acts in office that he planned to close the Guantanamo prison camp for terrorists in Cuba, but political and legal complications have brought that effort to a halt. The president announced recently that the facility will remain open indefinitely and that trials of the inmates by military tribunals will resume there. Voters continue to support both decisions.

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March 14, 2011

Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 46%, Democrats 37%

Republicans hold a nine-point lead over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending March 13, 2011.

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March 14, 2011

62% Favor Repeal of Health Care Law

Support for repeal of the national health care law has reached its highest level since May of last year. The number of voters who believe the plan will increase the cost of care has tied its highest level since the law’s passage last March.

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March 14, 2011

Only 27% Have Positive View of Government Bailouts

While the economy keeps stumbling along, voters continue to express little confidence in government as the solution.

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March 14, 2011

On Libya and Budget, President Obama Votes 'Present' By Michael Barone

In the Illinois legislature, state Sen. Barack Obama voted "present" 129 times. Today, he seems to be voting present on two major issues, Libya and the budget.

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March 13, 2011

National Public Racket By Debra J. Saunders

Forget the recent scandals involving National Public Radio. Go back to the days before NPR chief exec Vivian Schiller resigned, before a conservative prankster videotaped NPR fundraisers disparaging tea party participants as "seriously racist, racist people" -- to even before NPR fired senior news analyst Juan Williams after he said on Fox News that he got "nervous" flying with passengers in Muslim garb.

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March 13, 2011

3% Say Ivy League Schools Produce Better Workers

Ronald Reagan was the last president we had who didn't graduate from an Ivy League school like Harvard or Yale, and the highest levels of government for much of the nation's history have been filled with Ivy League grads. But that doesn't seem to influence the thinking of most American Adults.

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March 12, 2011

47% Say Daylight Saving Time Is Not Worth the Hassle

Americans will lose an hour of sleep tonight in exchange for another hour of afternoon daylight, but nearly half don’t think the extra daylight is worth it.

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March 12, 2011

The Alley By Susan Estrich

I made it to the corner.