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White letter R on blue background
March 23, 2011

Target: Women By Susan Estrich

Someone is giving the university I love a bad name.

White letter R on blue background
March 23, 2011

Voters Underestimate Support for Tax Cuts As Economic Boost

Most voters have consistently said for years that tax cuts are good for the economy, but new surveying finds that voters underestimate the public support for that position.

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March 23, 2011

Q1 Slowdown: Caveat Emptor By Lawrence Kudlow

Caveat emptor: The first-quarter economy is slowing, and inflation is rising. A month ago, economists were optimistic about the potential for 4 percent growth. Now they are marking down their estimates toward 2.5 percent. Behind this, consumer expectations are falling, while inflation fears are going up.

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March 22, 2011

Fewer Americans Than Ever Think U.S. Economy Will be Stronger in Five Years

Americans are now showing less optimism for long-term economic recovery than ever before.

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March 22, 2011

Voters Continue to Blame Recession Under Bush For Poor Economy

Voters continue to blame the current economic problems on the recession which began under the Bush administration.  At the same time, the number who trust themselves more than President Obama to handle these issues has fallen to its lowest level in a little over a year.

White letter R on blue background
March 22, 2011

Favorable Reviews Up Slightly for Top Congressional Leaders

Voters nationwide view the top members of Congress a little more favorably this month, with House Speaker John Boehner earning his highest positive rating to date.

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March 22, 2011

34% Now Support U.S. Involvement in Libya

With the U.S. military now actively involved in Libya, voters are more supportive of an American role in the Libyan crisis but also are more critical of President Obama’s handling of the situation.?

White letter R on blue background
March 22, 2011

SUCCEEDING IN YOUR BUSINESS: How To Find a Job in a Fast-Growing, High-Technology Company By Cliff Ennico

"I lost my job as a financial executive last year, and have been looking for work in corporate America since then, mostly in the northeastern United States, where I live. I have come to the conclusion that there are few if any corporate jobs available for someone my age (I am in my mid-50s), experience level (I have been working in finance for almost 30 years) and salary range (I was making about $150,000 per year in my last position). Most large corporations want younger people who won't demand the salary and benefits I need to pay my mortgage and keep two kids in college. A number of people have suggested I look for work in a smaller, more entrepreneurial company. The idea is an attractive one, but I'm not at all sure how to go about it. Do you have any suggestions?"

White letter R on blue background
March 22, 2011

Dud Deals in California By Debra J. Saunders

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Perhaps one of the most dangerous sentences in the English language is: "It can't get any worse."  

White letter R on blue background
March 22, 2011

19% Say Hardly Anybody Believes More Government Spending Is Good for the Economy

The Obama administration has acted on the belief that increased government spending is good for the economy, and a solid plurality of voters recognize that this view is not widely shared by the American people.

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March 22, 2011

The Madness of Slamming Midnight Basketball By Froma Harrop

Eighteen years ago, "midnight basketball" was the big har-har-har on the conservative talk circuit. It was a federal program that sought to coax young men off the late-night mean city streets and onto supervised basketball courts.

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March 21, 2011

Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 45%, Democrats 37%

Republicans hold an eight-point lead over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending March 20, 2011.

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March 21, 2011

Voters Trust Republicans More Than Democrats on Nine out of 10 Important Issues

It’s been two months since Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives and they are now trusted more than Democrats on nine out of 10 important issues regularly tracked by Rasmussen Reports.

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March 21, 2011

40% Recognize That Most Americans See Government As the Problem, 46% Say That’s Mostly a Conservative View

There are certain statements that politicians and those in the political arena make every day as if they are things that everyone agrees on. The problem is, in many cases, people don’t agree on them – or do they?

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March 21, 2011

53% Favor Repeal of Health Care Law, 50% Say Repeal At Least Somewhat Likely

Most voters still want the national health care law repealed, and the number who are at least somewhat confident that repeal will happen is at the second highest level since the law's passage by Democrats in Congress a year ago.

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March 21, 2011

31% Say They Owe More on Their Mortgage Than Their Home Is Worth

Nearly one-third of U.S. homeowners continue to say that they owe more on their mortgage than their home is worth.

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March 21, 2011

US Is the Unilateral Power in a Multilateral World By Michael Barone

One thing on which there seems to have been agreement during the monthlong debate about how the United States should respond to the uprisings in the Middle East -- in particular to the anti-Moammar Gadhafi rebels in Libya -- is that we must not act unilaterally.

White letter R on blue background
March 20, 2011

Just 31% Now Give Obama Positive Marks for the Economy

The number of voters nationwide who give President Obama good or excellent marks for his handling of economic issues has fallen to a new low.

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March 20, 2011

Phillies the Favorite to Win 2011 World Series

The Philadelphia Phillies and Boston Red Sox arguably made the biggest off season moves, and fans put them ahead of the pack going in to the 2011 Major League Baseball season.

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March 20, 2011

Few Angels in the Budget Brawl By Debra J. Saunders

The White House Office of Management and Budget projects that this year, mandatory spending will exceed federal revenue. Congress could cut every dime of discretionary spending and Washington would still run a deficit. Years ahead of forecasts, Social Security paid out more money than it took in last year. So who in Washington is serious about tackling the deficit and looming tidal wave of debt?