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April 14, 2011

92% Oppose Ban on School Lunches From Home

A public school in Chicago now prohibits students from bringing lunch from home in an effort to promote healthier eating, but Americans strongly reject that idea. Not only does an overwhelming majority believe children should be allowed to bring lunch to school, but most also think lunches from home are healthier than ones bought in a school cafeteria.

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April 14, 2011

Just 9% Say A Balanced Budget Is Very Likely In Their Lifetimes

President Obama’s new deficit-reduction plan doesn’t even try to project a time when the federal budget will be balanced. Congressman Paul Ryan’s Republican alternative puts a balanced budget at least 25 years away. No wonder most voters don’t foresee a day in their own lifetimes when the budget will be balanced again.

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April 14, 2011

When Politicians 'Bicker,' They're Really Negotiating By Michael Barone

Washington Post columnist Dana Milbank attracted some attention when he promised not to mention Sarah Palin for a month. He kept his promise. The republic and the Post survived.

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April 14, 2011

Romney and Obama -- Bipartisan Brothers By Debra J. Saunders

Mitt Romney is too much like Barack Obama. I don't see how he'd win the 2012 GOP nod because he's got too much in common with the guy he wants to replace. 

White letter R on blue background
April 14, 2011

57% Are Still Confident in Online Security

Epsilon, a major online marketing firm, was hacked recently, giving cybercriminals access to millions of personal e-mail accounts from Marriott, Verizon, Chase Bank, Target and a number of other corporations.  It's just the latest online security breach, but most Americans remain confident in the safety of their financial information on the Internet.

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April 14, 2011

Tax and Debt Bomb By Lawrence Kudlow

We thought tax reform meant lowering rates and broadening the base by eliminating or cutting back on various deductions, credits and loopholes. That's what the Bowles-Simpson commission proposed. That's what Paul Ryan and David Camp are working on. And that's the pro-growth model.

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April 13, 2011

23% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Twenty-three percent (23%) of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, April 10. That's down one point from last week.

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April 13, 2011

45% Fear Government Will Do Too Much To Help Economy

Even as President Obama prepares to explain his long-term plans for cutting the federal budget deficit to the nation, a sizable number of voters still worry the government will try to do too much in response to the country’s continuing bad economy.

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April 13, 2011

65% Say Significant Long-Term Spending Cuts Unlikely Before 2012 Elections

President Obama is expected to lay out his long-term deficit-cutting plan in a speech to the nation tonight, but most voters feel the president and Republicans in Congress are unlikely to agree on major spending cuts before next year’s elections. They also aren't confident either side will come up with a serious plan to begin with.

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April 13, 2011

President's Call to Inaction To Be Withdrawn By Tony Blankley

The great American engine of democracy is beginning to build up a head of steam, and it remains the finest device created by man to organize collective human action. 

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April 13, 2011

The Dodgers Thing By Susan Estrich

A friend from out of town asked me what everyone in Los Angeles was saying about the budget crisis and the almost shutdown of the government. Did I know it would be settled? Were people as glued to their televisions as she was?

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April 13, 2011

48% Say They're Organ Donors

When Roxy Kurze posted on her Facebook page that her husband desperately needed a kidney transplant, her plea for help was answered.  Fortunately, most Americans have never been confronted with this situation.  But nearly half of Adults appear ready to respond.

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April 12, 2011

One-In-Three Americans Don’t Know Who Glenn Beck Is

Glenn Beck’s Fox News program averages roughly two million viewers a night, but new polling finds that one-in-three Americans don’t know who he is.

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April 12, 2011

72% of Adults Who Served On A Jury Liked Experience

You probably have yet to see someone jump for joy when their jury duty notice arrives in the mail, but most Americans who have served as a juror in a court of law say it was a good or excellent experience. They are also confident their jury made the right decision.

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April 12, 2011

Election 2012: Obama Between 42% and 49% Against All Republicans Tested

Not much has changed in the dynamics over the past couple of months in early 2012 election polling. No matter which of 10 Republicans is matched against President Obama, the president earns between 42% and 49% of the vote. That same dynamic was found earlier this year and suggests the election is still shaping up as a referendum on the president. That’s typical when an incumbent runs for reelection.

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April 12, 2011

65% Say Most Judges Should Be Elected, Political Class Disagrees

Even as the political battle over Wisconsin’s recent state Supreme Court election continues, most voters favor the election of judges and think there should be term limits on how long someone can serve on the bench.

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April 12, 2011

SUCCEEDING IN YOUR BUSINESS: Converting a Corporation into a Limited Liability Company By Cliff Ennico

"My two brothers and I have run a successful service business for more than 20 years, which we run as a 'C' corporation.

White letter R on blue background
April 12, 2011

26% Like Ryan’s Budget-Cutting Plan, 27% Don’t, 47% Not Sure

Washington, D.C. is abuzz with Republican Congressman Paul Ryan’s plan to cut $4 trillion in federal spending over the next decade, but voters throughout the country aren’t paying that much attention.

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April 12, 2011

Academic Mission or UCLA Speech Code? By Debra J. Saunders

If you think that academia is not the exclusive playground of the academic left, consider the fate of UCLA epidemiologist James Enstrom.

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April 12, 2011

As American Culture Hurtles Into Decline By Froma Harrop

America's tailspin toward the cultural abyss has gained speed with an ad featuring single-mother celebrity Bristol Palin. Bloggers unfriendly to her mother, conservative entrepreneur Sarah Palin, have bashed a charity for paying Bristol $262,500 to warn against teen pregnancy while doling a pitiful $35,000 to social organizations that actually deal with its problems.