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May 3, 2011

More Than 100,000 Now Follow Rasmussen Reports on Twitter

Today, the number of people following Rasmussen Reports on Twitter topped the 100,000 mark, highlighting our major - and growing - influence on the social media scene. A Twitter following of this size clearly establishes Rasmussen Reports as one of the nation's most influential political and lifestyle media outlets. You can join this growing list at twitter.com/Rasmussen_Poll

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May 2, 2011

Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 42%, Democrats 39%

Republicans now hold a three-point lead over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending May 1, 2011. This is up one point from last week which marked the narrowest gap between the parties since October 2009. 

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May 2, 2011

In 2003, Capture of Saddam Hussein Boosted Consumer, Investor Confidence

More than seven years ago, U.S. troops captured Saddam Hussein at a time when Iraq was the central front in the War on Terror, and Hussein was public enemy number one. That capture led to an immediate increase in consumer and investor confidence.

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May 2, 2011

Partisan Trends: Number of Unaffiliated Voters Up for Fourth Straight Month

In April, the number of unaffiliated voters in America grew for the fourth straight month.

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May 2, 2011

Obama’s Full-Month Rating Remains Stable

When tracking President Obama’s job approval on a daily basis, people sometimes get so caught up in the day-to-day fluctuations that they miss the bigger picture. To look at the longer-term trends, Rasmussen Reports compiles the numbers on a full-month basis, and the results can be seen in the graphics below.

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May 2, 2011

Support for Repeal of Health Care Law Falls to New Low at 47%

For the first time since Democrats in Congress passed the national health care bill in March of last year, support for repeal of the measure has fallen below 50%.

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May 2, 2011

On Foreign Policy, Obama Leads From Behind By Michael Barone

Sometimes a sympathetic and perceptive journalist paints a more devastating portrait of a public figure than even his most vitriolic detractors could. A prime example is Ryan Lizza's New Yorker article titled "The Consequentialist" and subtitled, "How the Arab Spring remade Obama's foreign policy."

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May 2, 2011

Americans Celebrate Following bin Laden Death

As news circulated on Sunday night about the death of al Qaeda terrorist leader Osama bin Laden, Americans responded to the end of the manhunt with expressions of joy, satisfaction and patriotism.

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May 1, 2011

Intolerant Left Strikes Again By Debra J. Saunders

On April 25, gay-rights advocates -- led by the Human Rights Campaign -- scored a victory after the HRC applied pressure on a law firm hired to defend the Defense of Marriage Act, which defines marriage as a union between a man and woman and denies federal benefits to same-sex partners. The firm fired its client. There are two reasons you should be outraged, no matter what your position is on DOMA.

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May 1, 2011

Favorable Ratings For Speaker Boehner Slip

The honeymoon period may be over for House Speaker John Boehner with his favorable marks falling sharply from last month's high.

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April 30, 2011

Most Voters Still Feel Tax Cuts, Less Spending Will Help Economy

Voters continue to believe tax cuts and decreases in government spending will benefit the nation’s economy.  But most also still think government spending will go up under the Obama administration.

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April 30, 2011

Thanks, Charlie By Susan Estrich

Charlie Sheen is starting a new charity, and his new charity's first priority is to raise money for the Giants fan who was beaten up at Dodger Stadium.

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April 30, 2011

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending April 29, 2011

The names have it. At this stage of the presidential campaign process, name-recognition is what it’s largely all about.

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April 29, 2011

50% Favor Title IX, 38% Say It's Been Good for College Sports

The New York Times reports that in an effort to satisfy federal Title IX legislation many Division I colleges are making questionable moves to make it look as if they are offering more spots on sports teams to women. Half of Americans support Title IX, but adults strongly oppose the government requiring colleges to match the percentage of women athletes to the number of women on campus.

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April 29, 2011

Bachmann Leads GOP Dark Horse Pack

What if they held a Republican Primary contest and the front-runners didn’t show up? Or what if voters look for anybody but the front-runner? How do primary voters view the dark horses who are possible contenders for the party’s 2012 presidential nomination?

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April 29, 2011

44% Say Fed Press Conferences Good for Economy

Ben Bernanke held the first-ever press conference by a chairman of the Federal Reserve Board on Wednesday and plans even more. Many voters think this increased transparency by the nation's chief banker will be beneficial to the economy, although they still have mixed feelings about Bernanke himself.

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April 29, 2011

Romney, Christie Neck-and-Neck Among GOP Primary Voters If Some Big Names Don’t Run

In the past few days Mike Huckabee and Donald Trump have both removed their names from consideration for the 2012 GOP Presidential nomination.

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April 29, 2011

A Generation of Termites? By Joe Conason

The aging of the baby boom generation has not improved its reputation. Having brought immense positive change to this country, the postwar population wave is frequently castigated as a self-seeking and even selfish cohort by members of the generations that have followed, who worry that those nearing retirement will cost too much to maintain amid dimming economic prospects.

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April 29, 2011

2012 Presidential Nominating Process: It's Time for The States By Rhodes Cook

The two major parties have done their job in terms of setting the parameters for the 2012 presidential nominating process. Now, it is time for the states to fill in the blanks. And what they do in that regard over the next few months could go a long way in determining who wins next year's Republican presidential nomination.

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April 29, 2011

What Fuels Presidential Approval? By Isaac Wood

With gas prices soaring as summer vacations near, many optimistic Republicans and nervous Democrats are left wondering about what impact those prices will have on President Obama's reelection chances. High gas prices, they point out, sank Jimmy Carter in 1980 and added to the baggage George W. Bush passed on to Republican nominee John McCain in 2008.