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May 11, 2011

29% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Twenty-nine percent (29%) of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, May 8.

White letter R on blue background
May 11, 2011

29% Say They’re Conservative On Both Fiscal and Social Issues

Voters remain more conservative fiscally than socially, but 29% characterize themselves as both fiscal and social conservatives. By contrast, only 10% of Likely U.S. Voters say they are liberal in both areas, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

White letter R on blue background
May 11, 2011

Newt and Callista By Susan Estrich

It was probably ironic that in at least one of the online papers I was reading, the story of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver's separation played literally back to back with the story of Newt and Callista Gingrich's ascension and how it is expected that she will turn the liability of his infidelity, which led to their marriage, into an asset.

White letter R on blue background
May 11, 2011

Americans Spending More On Groceries Than Ever Before

Adults nationwide remain heavily concerned about inflation, and the number who says they are paying more for groceries now compared to a year ago has reached a new high.

White letter R on blue background
May 11, 2011

65% Want U.S. To Stay Out of Syrian Crisis

Dictatorial Syria appears to be cracking down harder on anti-government protestors than any other country in the region except Libya, but U.S. voters are adamant about staying out of the problems of yet another Arab country.

White letter R on blue background
May 11, 2011

Conditions of Anonymity By Tony Blankley

There is a particular media conceit that, in the garb of purported impeccable disclosure, is in fact a license for news sources to market talking points.

White letter R on blue background
May 11, 2011

Bailouts Remain Popular With Just 25% of Voters

Despite General Motors' seemingly improved financial picture and Chrysler's hopes to repay the government by next month, voters remain convinced that the bailouts of the big automakers were a mistake.

White letter R on blue background
May 10, 2011

Obama 45%, Generic Republican 43%

Voters are fairly evenly divided over whether they want to give President Obama a second term in the White House.

White letter R on blue background
May 10, 2011

72% of Working Adults Say Leaving Their Current Job Will Be Their Choice

Most working Americans continue to plan on staying with their current employer, but now nearly three-out-four say it will be their choice when it comes time to move on.

White letter R on blue background
May 10, 2011

50% Are At Least Somewhat Confident in U.S. Banking System

Americans remain narrowly divided in their views of the stability of the U.S. banking system but still express little concern about the safety of the money they have in the bank.

White letter R on blue background
May 10, 2011

59% Favor Cutoff of Federal Funds to Sanctuary Cities

New legislation being considered by the House would stop all federal funding for cities that give sanctuary to illegal immigrants, and most voters like the idea. But very few believe Congress is likely to pass such a measure.

White letter R on blue background
May 10, 2011

A 'Rich Guy' Speaks Out Against Higher Taxes (Part 1 of 2) By Cliff Ennico

You don't know me. My name is Joe, and I make exactly $250,000 per year before taxes.

White letter R on blue background
May 10, 2011

GOP: Try Again on Medicare By Froma Harrop

Nice try, Republicans, running a political protection racket to push your Medicare scheme. Scrubbed of the sweet talk about saving Medicare, your offer boiled down to this: You older folks support us, and we won't touch a hair on your government health-insurance plan. Only those 55 and under get whacked.

White letter R on blue background
May 10, 2011

Voters Express More Confidence About War in Afghanistan

Even as more voters than ever call for a withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan, optimism about America's longest-running war has increased slightly following the killing of Osama bin Laden. Praise for the U.S. military has risen, too.

White letter R on blue background
May 10, 2011

Obama Values: Kill But Don't Waterboard By Debra J. Saunders

At the end of his "60 Minutes" interview, President Obama said of Osama bin Laden's death, "Justice was done. And I think that anyone who would question that the perpetrator of mass murder on American soil didn't deserve what he got needs to have their head examined." 

White letter R on blue background
May 9, 2011

Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 41%, Democrats 38%

Republicans now hold a three-point lead over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending May 1, 2011. This is up one point from last week which marked the narrowest gap between the parties since October 2009. 

White letter R on blue background
May 9, 2011

39% Say Obama Governing in a Bipartisan Way, 44% Disagree

President Obama has received a bounce in support following the killing of Osama bin Laden, and now the gap in voter sentiments over whether he’s doing a good job reaching across the congressional aisle is at its narrowest point in two years of monthly tracking. But voters feel no change in the behavior of either party in Congress.

White letter R on blue background
May 9, 2011

20% Classify Themselves As the Working Poor

The number of working poor is at a recent high, but workers in general are expressing slightly more confidence in their short-term earnings.

White letter R on blue background
May 9, 2011

56% Favor Bringing Troops Home From Afghanistan Within A Year

Voters feel more strongly than ever that U.S. troops should be brought home from Afghanistan right away or a timetable should be set to bring them back within a year.

White letter R on blue background
May 9, 2011

What the GOP Can Learn From Canada's Conservatives By Michael Barone

Some years ago, the columnist and editor Michael Kinsley sponsored a contest to come up with the most boring headline. The winner was, "Worthwhile Canadian Initiative."