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June 23, 2011

Democrats Blue As Senate Acquires a Reddish Tinge By Larry J. Sabato and Kyle Kondik

As we take a fresh look at next year's Senate races, one thing is clear: Barring an unexpected reelection landslide by President Obama, Republicans are at least slightly favored to take the Senate. It's just a basic matter of numbers.

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June 23, 2011

The Mormon Question By Susan Estrich

Back in 1980, when I was working for Sen. Ted Kennedy, the Cardinal of Boston instructed priests to take to their pulpits to denounce the candidacy of Democratic Congressman Barney Frank because of his support for abortion rights. "Get me my brother's speech," the senator said to me.  

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June 23, 2011

61% Are Still Angry At The Media

Most voters are still angry at the media, but they’re less convinced that the majority of reporters are biased in favor of President Obama.

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June 23, 2011

Why Tim Pawlenty Is No Reagan By Froma Harrop

They, some Republicans, are at it again with the pipe dream of helping the middle class by making the rich much richer. We speak of Tim Pawlenty, Minnesota governor and candidate for president. His extraordinary vision for reviving the economy: Stop taxing investment income, and money will come pouring into the U.S. Treasury.

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June 23, 2011

Has the Retirement Nest Egg Cracked?

Americans' ongoing uneasiness about their finances is putting some cracks in how they feel about their retirement nest eggs. The COUNTRY Financial Security Index® dropped one point to 63.7 in June, in part because confidence in retirement reached an all-time low.

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June 22, 2011

26% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Twenty-six percent (26%) of Likely U.S. Voters now say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, June 19.

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June 22, 2011

46% Say Average Reporter Is More Liberal Than They Are

Voters still think most reporters are politically biased and tend to view them as more liberal than they are.

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June 22, 2011

25% Favor Abolishing EPA, 61% Oppose

Though voters nationwide place more importance on jobs than environmental protection, just one in four thinks the Environmental Protection Agency should be abolished.

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June 22, 2011

Just 8% Approve of Job Congress Is Doing

Voter approval of Congress' job performance has now fallen to a near five-year low.

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June 22, 2011

GOP Not Isolationist By Tony Blankley

Sen. John McCain, whose life is a continuing exemplar of the American heroic ideal, regrettably has got it quite wrong when he says that growing GOP opposition to the Libyan and Afghan wars is evidence of isolationism. In his words on weekend television:

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June 22, 2011

Most Favor Immigration Police Checks, Tough Sanctions on Those Who Hire or Rent to Illegal Immigrants

Alabama this month became the latest state to authorize routine police checks of immigration status and to require employers to verify that those they hire are in this country legally. Voters continue to strongly support tougher enforcement in both areas.

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June 21, 2011

44% Give Obama Positive Marks On Leadership

Voter perceptions of President Obama’s leadership skills remain relatively stable.

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June 21, 2011

Most Americans Put Deficit Reduction Ahead of Increasing Food Safety Inspections

Just a few days after the House of Representatives passed a bill that slashes spending on food safety and nutrition programs, most Americans say reducing the deficit is more important than increasing food safety inspections. Either way, Americans are mostly confident their food is safe.

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June 21, 2011

Mixed Reviews for EPA—47% Favorable, 45% Unfavorable

Protecting the environment is a concept most Americans embrace, but they’re not so sure about the agency set up to handle that mission.

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June 21, 2011

The Right Way to Advertise Your Securities? Don't! By Cliff Ennico

It pays to read your junk mail sometimes. Last week, I received a postcard from a Broadway production company looking to raise money for a revival of a classic Broadway musical.

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June 21, 2011

Generic Republican Candidate 45%, Obama 43%

For the fourth week in a row, a generic Republican candidate holds a very slight advantage over President Obama in a hypothetical 2012 election matchup.

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June 21, 2011

High-Tech, High-Touch: Back to the Future By Froma Harrop

While fetching my digital camera from the repair shop, I noted a bunch of clunky old film cameras and their flashes lining a back table. I thought no one used film anymore. Wrong.

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June 21, 2011

47% See Buying A Home As Family’s Best Investment

Most Americans continue to believe now is not a good time for someone to sell their house.  At the same time, confidence that buying a home is the best investment a family can make has fallen to a new low.

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June 20, 2011

Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 43%, Democrats 37%

Republicans hold a six-point lead over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending Sunday, June 19.

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June 20, 2011

Confidence in Housing Values Plummets

Overall confidence in housing values among homeowners has plummeted, with the number who say their home is worth more than what they owe on their mortgage lower than ever.