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August 2, 2011

Democrats Also Need a Presidential Primary in 2012 By Froma Harrop

Ed Rendell, do you have plans for 2012? Hillary Clinton? If you, the former Democratic governor of Pennsylvania, or you, the secretary of state, are free next year and wouldn't mind, would you please launch a primary challenge against President Obama?

White letter R on blue background
August 2, 2011

Three-Way Race: Romney 34%, Bachmann 27%, Perry 26%

Candidates will fall by the wayside as the primary battle for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination gets under way. If the race were already down to just the three top candidates, Mitt Romney would still be just slightly ahead.

White letter R on blue background
August 1, 2011

Generic Congressional Ballot: Republicans 43%, Democrats 39%

Republicans hold a four-point lead on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending Sunday, July 31.  

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August 1, 2011

Partisan Trends: 34.8% of Americans are Democrats, 33.1% Republicans

The number of Americans who consider themselves Republicans fell for the second straight month in July. For the first time since last fall, the number of Democrats in the country has topped the number of Republicans in two consecutive months.

White letter R on blue background
August 1, 2011

Obama’s Full-Month Approval in July Falls to 2011 Low

When tracking President Obama’s job approval on a daily basis, people sometimes get so caught up in the day-to-day fluctuations that they miss the bigger picture. To look at the longer-term trends, Rasmussen Reports compiles the numbers on a full-month basis, and the results can be seen in the graphics below.

White letter R on blue background
August 1, 2011

Voters Divided Between Candidate Who Promises Debt Reduction with Only Spending Cuts and One Who Calls for “Balanced Approach”

The debt ceiling debate has highlighted the political difficulty of coming to grips with the federal government’s massive debt. Voters now are almost evenly divided over whether they prefer a congressman who would reduce that debt with spending cuts only or opt for a mix of spending cuts and tax increases.

White letter R on blue background
August 1, 2011

55% Favor Repeal of Health Care Law

Most voters nationwide continue to favor repeal of the national health care law, but those who already have health insurance are less convinced the new law will force them to change their coverage.

White letter R on blue background
August 1, 2011

Romney, Perry, Bachmann Run Close Among GOP Primary Voters

The inclusion of likely candidate Rick Perry has tightened the race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination dramatically, with former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney still ahead – but just barely.

White letter R on blue background
August 1, 2011

Republicans Win When the Fight Is Over Cuts Not More Taxes By Michael Barone

Everyone seems pretty cross at this juncture in the fight over raising the debt limit. As this is written, the House has just passed the bill that Speaker John Boehner yanked from the floor Thursday night and then revised with a balanced-budget amendment on Friday. The Senate has yet to pass Majority Leader Harry Reid's measure that in many but not all respects is not that much different.

White letter R on blue background
July 31, 2011

In This Brave New World, 160 Million Girls Are 'Missing' By Debra J. Saunders

The world is becoming unbalanced. In pockets across the globe, women are giving birth to too many boys. In China, the sex ratio is 121 boys to 100 girls. In India, it's 112-to-100. Sex selection also is a force in the Balkans, Armenia and Georgia. In her eye-opening book, "Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, and the Consequences of a World Full of Men," journalist Mara Hvistendahl estimates that ultrasound and abortion have "claimed over 160 million potential women and girls -- in Asia alone." That's more than the entire female population of the United States.   

White letter R on blue background
July 31, 2011

30% Say Obama Too Confrontational, Highest Since Health Care Debate

The number of voters who see President Obama's leadership style as too confrontational has reached its highest level since the health care issue was front and center.

White letter R on blue background
July 30, 2011

Why China is Laughing All the Way to the Bank By Joe Conason

The global impact of the American debt crisis -- and the likelihood of permanent damage to American interests -- are already visible to Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., from his perch as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Indeed, he is not only seeing but hearing those effects.    

White letter R on blue background
July 30, 2011

Only 18% Favor Law Prohibiting Employers From Considering Criminal Background When Hiring

San Francisco is considering a new law that would prohibit employers from inquiring about an individual’s criminal history before hiring them. Hawaii, New York, Massachusetts and Philadelphia already have similar laws. But just 18% of American Adults favor a law that would prohibit employers from considering an applicant’s criminal record when making a hiring decision.

White letter R on blue background
July 30, 2011

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending July 29, 2011

Take this economy, puh-leez. And while you’re at it, take this Congress and this president with you, too. That’s the message from most Americans these days. 

White letter R on blue background
July 30, 2011

Rasmussen To Release New GOP Presidential Race Numbers in Radio Broadcasts Sunday


Chicago, IL/ Washington DC– July 27, 2011 – Public opinion pollster and analyst Scott Rasmussen will release his latest findings from the hotly contested race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination during a new hour-long radio program this Sunday on WMAL 630AM in Washington, DC and WLS 890AM in Chicago, two of the nation’s top news talk radio stations. The show will be streamed live online as well. 

White letter R on blue background
July 29, 2011

63% Say College Degree Still A Good Investment, Younger Adults Less Convinced

Americans still believe a college degree is a helpful tool in today’s economy, but they also continue to feel life experience is more valuable.

White letter R on blue background
July 29, 2011

Congress Still Viewed Least Favorably On List of Professions

While the ongoing debt ceiling debate hasn’t helped matters, Americans still list being a member of Congress as the least favorable on a list of nine professions.

White letter R on blue background
July 29, 2011

Voters View All Top Congressional Leaders More Negatively

House Speaker John Boehner is the only congressional leader whose favorables are up noticeably this month, but his negatives have risen even more as the debate over raising the federal debt ceiling drags on.

White letter R on blue background
July 29, 2011

The Nazi from Norway By Susan Estrich

They were texting their parents as they were being killed.

White letter R on blue background
July 29, 2011

50% Give Obama Poor Marks On Economy

With the debate over the nation’s debt ceiling dragging on and consumer confidence near two-year lows, voters are souring even more on President Obama's handling of economic issues.