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October 13, 2015

Are Both Parties Incapable of Governing? by Michael Barone

Important parts of our two great political parties seem bent on demonstrating that their parties are incapable of governing coherently.

October 12, 2015

24% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Twenty-four percent (24%) of Likely U.S. Voters now think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey for the week ending October 9.

October 12, 2015

War on Terror Concern Climbs to 11-Year High

More voters than ever think terrorists have the advantage over the United States and its allies.

October 12, 2015

Americans Still Honor Columbus’ Day

Christopher Columbus is still hanging in there.

Fifty percent (50%) of American Adults think America still should honor with a national holiday the man long considered as the one who discovered the New World for Europe. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 32% disagree and don’t believe Columbus deserves a holiday. Eighteen percent (18%) are not sure.

October 10, 2015

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending October 10, 2015

Next week, it’s the Democrats’ turn: The first of six scheduled debates between Hillary Clinton and the four other announced candidates for the party’s presidential nomination in 2016. Joe Biden is still a no-show.

Albert H. Teich / Shutterstock.com
October 9, 2015

Trump’s Chances for Nomination Hold Steady

All eyes are on the Democrats’ side of the equation going into their first presidential candidate debate next week, but Donald Trump remains an odds-on favorite among Republicans.

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October 9, 2015

Clinton's Leftward Tack on Immigration and Guns Has Risks for November By Michael Barone

You win the presidency, Richard Nixon supposedly observed, by tacking to the right in the primaries and to the center in the general election. Hillary Clinton seems to be following that strategy except, as a Democrat, she is tacking to the left.

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October 9, 2015

Feminist Fabricator Lena Dunham Rides Again By Michelle Malkin

In Hollywood, anything is possible -- if you're a privileged femme fraudster with cover-up pals in all the right (or rather, left) places.

Last week, upper-crust Manhattanite actress Lena Dunham dropped in at the Beverly Hills home of billionaire mogul Ron Burkle, who was co-hosting an event with Hanoi Jane Fonda, organized by the Rape Foundation, to honor her longtime friend and HBO "Girls" show producer, Judd Apatow.

Attila JANDI / Shutterstock.com
October 9, 2015

Voters Worry Syrian Refugees Are Threat to America

Voters may have mixed opinions about the number of refugees the government should allow to resettle in the United States, but most are concerned that taking in a large number of Syrians poses a security threat.

October 8, 2015

Are Americans Following Their Doctor’s Orders?

Americans continue to be diligent about their medical checkups, and slightly fewer report they’ve been scolded by their doctor for unhealthy habits.

October 8, 2015

Will Syrian No-Fly Zone Trigger U.S. Conflict With Russia?

Some lawmakers are proposing that the U.S. military establish a no-fly zone in Syria to protect civilians in that civil war-torn country, and voters here tend to think that’s a good idea. But they also worry that it may lead to a U.S.-Russian military conflict.

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October 8, 2015

House 2016: Is It Possible for Republicans to Kick Away Their Majority? By Kyle Kondik

Republicans working to maintain the party’s historically large House majority appear relatively confident about the aspects of the next campaign they can control: incumbent performance, recruitment of challengers, staffing, fundraising, etc. What concerns them are the aspects of the campaign they do not control.

October 7, 2015

Americans Claim to Be Healthier Than Ever

Something about the past year must have been good for Americans because more are reporting better health than they have in quite some time.

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October 7, 2015

Gitmo Extended Stay America Suites in Colorado? Hell No! By Michelle Malkin

Liberal readers have scoffed at my repeated warnings about the dangerous prospect of an enemy combatant dump on American soil. Over the years, I've flagged the Obama administration's scouting forays in Illinois, Kansas and South Carolina. Now, the White House is considering my adopted home, Colorado, as the new digs for the dregs of Gitmo.

October 7, 2015

Voters Question Government’s Focus on Domestic Terrorism

Voters continue to feel the federal government is not devoting enough attention to the terrorist threat of radical Islam here at home.

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October 7, 2015

Escaping Tyranny By John Stossel

North Korea is called the "worst place on earth" for good reason. Thousands of people are tortured. Some North Koreans eat rodents to try to survive, and many starve anyway. In winter, they freeze. No one but the dictator has any true freedom, and no one is allowed to leave.

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October 7, 2015

Obama Offers ‘Crazy List’ As Silver Bullet To Gun Massacres By Charles Hurt

Like the bumper sticker says, a gun’s only serious enemies are rust and politicians. At least rust has principles.

October 7, 2015

What Drives Americans’ Voting Decisions?

Voters still insist they value substance over more superficial factors when deciding whom to vote for, but they are a bit more likely to admit their emotions play a role.

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October 6, 2015

Charlatans and Sheep By Thomas Sowell

One of the many painful signs of the mindlessness of our times was a recent section of the Wall Street Journal, built around the theme "What's Holding Women Back in the Workplace?"

Whenever some group is not equally represented in some institution or activity, the automatic response in some quarters is to assume that someone has prevented equality of outcomes.

October 6, 2015

Support for Planned Parenthood Holds Steady

Voter attitudes about Planned Parenthood have not changed in the nearly three months since the release of the first secretly-taken video showing representatives of the group discussing the sales value of body parts of aborted babies. But for a sizable majority, it’s an issue they’ll remember come election time.