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October 24, 2015

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending October 24, 2015

Ronald Reagan famously declared in the 1980s that it was “morning in America,” and Americans believed. Not anymore.

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October 23, 2015

Trump Change: More GOP Voters Than Ever Say He’s The Man

Bang! More Republicans than ever think Donald Trump will be their party’s presidential nominee next year.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 74% of Likely Republican Voters believe Trump is likely to end up as the GOP nominee, with 34% who say it is Very Likely. The overall finding is a 16-point jump from a week ago and up eight points from Trump’s previous high among Republicans of 66% in early September. This is also the highest number to date who see a Trump nomination as Very Likely.

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October 23, 2015

Biden Decision Leaves Both Parties in Disarray by Michael Barone

Joe Biden has made it official: He is not running for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. It's the latest development in a presidential campaign cycle that has not been going according to script.

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October 23, 2015

Doctors Agree: Obama's Electronic Medical Records Mandate Sucks! By Michelle Malkin

Hey, who's up for a stiff dose of "See, I told you so?"

For the past several years, medical professionals have warned that the federal electronic medical records mandate -- buried in the trillion-dollar Obama stimulus of 2009 -- would do more harm than good. Their diagnosis, unfortunately, is on the nose.

October 23, 2015

Voters Don’t Hold Much Hope For America’s Future

Belief among voters that America’s best days are still to come now hovers near its lowest level this year.

October 22, 2015

Voters Still Believe Society is Fair and Decent

American voters still generally have faith in society, though that faith is slipping.

October 22, 2015

Voters Think U.S. Should Stay Out of Latest Israeli-Palestinian Clash

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Thursday and is set to meet with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas about the recent escalation of violence in Jerusalem between Israelis and Palestinians, but most voters don’t want to see much more U.S. involvement in the situation.

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October 22, 2015

Biden Out By Kyle Kondik

The decision by Vice President Joe Biden to pass on the presidential race confirms what would have been true even if he had entered the contest: This is Hillary Clinton’s race to lose.

October 22, 2015

Voters Doubt Clinton's Honesty About Benghazi

Hillary Clinton is scheduled to testify today before a special congressional committee about the attack in Benghazi that happened while she was secretary of State. Clinton claims the probe is politically motivated, but most voters don't think she's telling the whole story about the incident in Libya three years ago.

October 21, 2015

One-in-Four Have Lost Someone to Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and for a quarter of the population who have lost a loved one to the disease, it’s an important month.

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October 21, 2015

GOP Leaders Won’t Pledge Loyalty to Trump By Charles Hurt

Just last month, Republican Party officials scurried into Trump Tower to extract a loyalty pledge from a certain unpredictable billionaire real estate mogul turned presidential candidate.

Who knew that it should have been Donald Trump extracting just such a loyalty pledge from Republican bigs?

October 21, 2015

Do Voters Agree With President Obama’s Plans For Afghanistan?

It’s the war that keeps on going. America’s drawn out presence in Afghanistan is set to go even longer following President Obama’s announcement last week that thousands more U.S. troops will remain there indefinitely. Voters tend to agree with the decision, but are more critical of the administration’s handling of the situation and remain puzzled as to what the United States has actually achieved there.

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October 21, 2015

Forced Silence By John Stossel

In a democracy, citizens must be able to criticize their leaders. It's a reason America's founders put free speech in the Bill of Rights. I assumed that right is safe in the United States. So I was shocked to learn what happened in Wisconsin.

October 21, 2015

Most Still Oppose Obama’s Anti-Deportation Plan

President Obama’s plan to exempt millions of illegal immigrants from deportation still remains on hold courtesy of the federal courts, and that’s fine with most voters. While voters continue to view hard-working newcomers favorably, they aren’t as sure hard work is what they have in mind.

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October 21, 2015

Stop Obama's War On Watchdogs By Michelle Malkin

In the sadistic era of fraudulent Hope and Change, inspectors general inside the federal government have been kicked, neutered and starved of the authority and information they need to do their jobs.

October 20, 2015

Clinton vs. Trump, Fiorina

Rasmussen Reports’ first head-to-head matchup between the two frontrunners for the 2016 presidential nomination shows a tight race.

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October 20, 2015

Democrats' Debate: No Solution for Economic Inequality, No Interest in Economic Growth By Michael Barone

You may not have noticed, but Lincoln Chafee, the erstwhile Republican U.S. senator and Independent-turned-Democratic governor, had one penetrating comment at the Democrats' debate Tuesday night. "But let me just say this about income inequality," he said toward the end. "We've had a lot of talk over the last few minutes, hours or tens of minutes, but no one is saying how we're going to fix it."

October 19, 2015

24% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Twenty-four percent (24%) of Likely U.S. Voters now think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey for the week ending October 15.

JStone / Shutterstock.com
October 19, 2015

Hillary Meter: Clinton’s Chances Improve After First Debate

Democrats - and voters in general - are more convinced that Hillary Clinton will be the Democratic nominee following the first debate among the party's presidential hopefuls.