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November 11, 2015

Americans Don't See False Arrest As A Major Problem

Local crime remains a problem for most Americans who also feel that local cops aren't aggressive enough in dealing with it.

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November 11, 2015

My Trump Problem By John Stossel

Sometimes I like Donald Trump. He makes me laugh when he mocks reporters' stupid questions.

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November 11, 2015

Obamnesty Falls Apart. American Workers Win. by Michelle Malkin

Well, this should make the crapweasels in D.C. listen.

November 11, 2015

What Are The Biggest Challenges Facing Military Veterans?

Of the many hurdles military veterans face in America today, they name adjusting back to everyday life as the most significant challenge. Many also feel that private companies are not making the adjustment any easier.

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November 11, 2015

Jeb Bush, John Kasich Seal Their Fates By Pandering To Illegal Immigrants By Charles Hurt

MILWAUKEE — As if Jeb Bush’s campaign were not already finished, the candidate drilled several additional screws into his own coffin during Tuesday night’s debate here.

“Even having this conversation sends a powerful signal,” he whined as real estate mogul and presidential front-runner Donald Trump tangled with the Democratic wing of the Republican Party over the insanity of allowing 12 million illegal aliens to roam free in America without the slightest concern that our country’s laws might just apply to them.

November 11, 2015

Voters Question Whether GOP, Democrats Ready to Tackle the Future

As the presidential candidates for both major parties lay out their agendas for the next four years, voters continue to question whether either side really knows where it’s going.

November 10, 2015

Military Wants Concealed Carry Rights on Stateside Bases

America’s military risk their lives to defend this country, but now they want a better chance to defend themselves, too.

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November 10, 2015

Surge of Democratic Turnout Has Yet to Appear by Michael Barone

You don't have to wander long in the liberal commentariat to find projections that the Republican Party is in a death spiral, doomed by demographics, discredited by the dissension among House Republicans, disenchanted with its experienced presidential candidates and despised by the great mass of voters.

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November 10, 2015

The Ben Carson Flaps By Thomas Sowell

Dr. Ben Carson's whole life has been very unusual, so perhaps we should not be surprised to see the latest twist -- the media going ballistic over discrepancies in a few things he said.

November 10, 2015

Americans Still Think War On Drugs Is Failing

Americans still firmly believe the war on drugs has been a failure, and few think more money will make a difference.

November 9, 2015

27% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Twenty-seven percent (27%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey for the week ending November 5.

November 9, 2015

Americans Are More Confident In Home Sellers Market

Americans are more convinced that their local housing market is good for sellers, although homeowners’ expectations for their own home values have stayed about the same.

November 9, 2015

Support Grows for State Enforcement of Immigration Laws

Most voters continue to believe the federal government is not interested in stopping illegal immigration, and support for state rather than federal enforcement of immigration laws is now at its highest level in several years.

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November 7, 2015

Cops Gone Wild: Police Unions Are Killing Our Freedoms by Ted Rall

Police unions are out of control.

November 7, 2015

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending November 7, 2015

No matter what some elected officials tell them, Americans just aren’t buying the need for a lot more gun control.

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November 6, 2015

Trump Change: Most GOP Voters Still See Trump As Likely Nominee

It still looks like a “Donald” world as far as most Republican voters are concerned.

The latest Rasmussen Reports weekly Trump Change survey finds that 64% of Likely Republican Voters think Donald Trump is likely to be the GOP presidential nominee next year, but 33% still consider that outcome unlikely. This includes 19% who say a Trump nomination is Very Likely and 10% who consider it Not At All Likely. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

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November 6, 2015

Who's Burning Black Churches? Oh. By Michelle Malkin

Here we go again: another liberal narrative burned to a crisp. 

November 6, 2015

Americans Nix Transgender Use of Opposite Sex Restrooms

The U.S. Department of Education on Monday criticized a suburban Chicago school district for not allowing transgender students access to girls' locker rooms and restrooms, but voters in Houston a day later repealed a law barring discrimination against transgender individuals in large part because of concerns that the law would allow men claiming to be women to use women's bathrooms.

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November 6, 2015

Liberals' Response to Dissent: 'Shut Up' by Michael Barone

'Shut up,' he explained. That's a sentence from Ring Lardner's short story "The Young Immigrunts." It's an exasperated father's response from the driver's seat to his child's question, "Are you lost, Daddy?"

November 5, 2015

Americans See Heroin Abuse on the Rise

Heroin abuse is now the number one drug threat in the country, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration, and Americans say it’s affecting their communities.