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February 11, 2016

Most Republicans Don’t Consider Trump A Conservative

Yes or no, is Donald Trump really a conservative? Many in the conservative establishment including prominent commentators and the editors of National Review magazine say he is not, but what do voters think?

February 11, 2016

Should Women Vote First for Women?

Prominent female supporters of Hillary Clinton declared over the weekend that women voters have an obligation to vote for a woman candidate, but voters overwhelmingly reject that notion.

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February 11, 2016

The Democrats: Bernie’s Blowout By Larry J. Sabato, Kyle Kondik and Geoffrey Skelley

That Bernie Sanders won New Hampshire was not a surprise. That he won by so much is. It’s a tremendous shot in the arm for his campaign and a jarring setback for Hillary Clinton.

February 11, 2016

Voters Remain Pessimistic About U.S. Fight Against Terror

The number of voters who believe terrorists are winning against the United States and its allies remains near its all-time high, as they also worry that the U.S. military is already overstretched.

February 10, 2016

Most Still Know Someone Out of Work

Most Americans still know someone searching for a job, but it’s at an all-time low.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 63% of American Adults know someone who is out of work and looking for a job, but that’s the lowest finding since regular Rasmussen Reports surveying began in 2010.

February 10, 2016

Most Women Oppose Having to Register for the Draft

Since Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter announced late last year that the military would open up all combat roles to women, some top military generals have said that women like men should be required to register with the federal Selective Service System in the event there is a need for a military draft. Men like that idea, but most women don't.

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February 10, 2016

TSA: Total Security Abyss By Michelle Malkin

While a TSA agent pawed my hair bun this weekend, presumably on high alert for improvised explosive bobby pins, I pondered the latest news on the Somalia airplane terror attack.  

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February 10, 2016

High-Tech Ted by John Stossel

Politicians tailor their messages to different audiences. Facing New Hampshire's primary, Ted Cruz talked more about "free-market principles" and a "commitment to the Constitution" and said "no one personality can right the wrongs done by Washington." Politico ran the headline "Ted Cruz, born-again libertarian."

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February 10, 2016

Donald Trump Built a Juggernaut and Had the Media Pay for It By Charles Hurt

Why does the mainstream media heap such scorn and disbelief on Donald Trump over his promise to build a great wall along the border with Mexico — and make Mexico pay for it? After all, Donald Trump has built a winning presidential campaign — and made the media pay for it.

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February 10, 2016

Bloomberg vs. Trump? By Patrick J. Buchanan

The morning of the New Hampshire primary, Donald Trump, being interviewed on "Morning Joe," said that he would welcome his "friend" Michael Bloomberg into the presidential race.

Which is probably the understatement of 2016.

February 10, 2016

Forget New Hampshire: It’s Still Clinton vs. Trump

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders, as most polls projected, were the winners of the Republican and Democratic primary battles in New Hampshire, but where their respective parties go from here are two very different stories.

Consider Rasmussen Reports’ latest look at the Republican race nationally which we published on Monday. Trump still holds a double-digit lead over his closest rivals for the nomination. Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are in a virtual tie for second place. Ohio Governor John Kasich, the second-place finisher in New Hampshire, earns six percent (6%) of the national GOP vote.

February 9, 2016

How Does Bloomberg Impact a Clinton-Trump Race?

Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has made it official that he is considering entering this year’s presidential race as an independent. Early polling suggests a Bloomberg candidacy would be good for Donald Trump and bad for Hillary Clinton.

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February 9, 2016

How History Shapes the New Hampshire Primary By Michael Barone

Benning Wentworth is not a name you'll run across in New Hampshire primary coverage. But he arguably did as much as anyone else to establish the political culture -- or cultures -- of America's first-in-the-nation primary state.  

February 9, 2016

Will the Presidential Nominees Agree With You?

With the primary process finally underway, both Republicans and Democrats are more confident that the ideological leanings of their party's eventual presidential nominee will match theirs.

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February 8, 2016

What Would – and Would Not – Be Surprising in New Hampshire By Larry J. Sabato, Kyle Kondik and Geoffrey Skelley

Last week, we wrote that Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are the favorites to win New Hampshire, and while there have been plenty of fireworks between then and now (Monday afternoon), our overall assessment hasn’t changed. Polling in the New Hampshire primary is often far off the mark — the electorate has a remarkably high number of late-deciders and switchers — but keep this in mind: Trump has appeared strong in New Hampshire for more than half a year. Since mid-July, he has led 72 straight polls, almost all of them showing a double-digit lead. And since early January, Sanders has led 38 straight polls, with most also showing a double-digit lead.

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February 8, 2016

Toxic Words By Thomas Sowell

During this election year, we are destined to hear many words that are toxic in the way they misrepresent reality and substitute fantasies that can win votes.

February 8, 2016

28% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Twenty-eight percent (28%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey for the week ending February 4.

February 8, 2016

Obama, GOP Congress Aren't Much Help for Nominees

Voters still don’t see President Obama or the Republican-controlled Congress as an asset to their respective party’s presidential candidate, but GOP voters are far more likely to see their party’s legislators as a burden on the party’s nominee.

February 8, 2016

Trump Still Well Ahead Among GOP Voters Nationally

With tomorrow’s New Hampshire primary a make-or-break event for several of the candidates, Donald Trump still holds a double-digit lead nationally over his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination. Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are in a virtual tie for second place.

February 6, 2016

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending February 6, 2016

Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary could sharply redefine the Republican race, but our polling suggests a Bernie Sanders win in the Granite State won’t remake the contest for the Democratic presidential nomination.