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May 11, 2016

Pee Free or Die! Obama and Lynch Rely on Distorted Lens of Racism By Charles Hurt

The economy is gasping, the world shudders in violence, invaders heave across our southern border, and despair is etched on the faces of the American people. So, in the final year of his reign, what does our great Prophet of Hope and Change give us?

Bathroom liberation. Pee free or die! Equality before the commode!

May 11, 2016

Do Voters Care What Ryan Thinks About Trump?

House Speaker Paul Ryan, the most powerful Republican in Congress, says he’s not ready to endorse the GOP’s presumptive presidential nominee Donald Trump. The two are scheduled to meet tomorrow in hopes of working things out, but most voters don’t care much whether they do or not.

Alexandre Rotenberg / Shutterstock.com
May 10, 2016

Most Still Oppose Syrian Refugees, Cite National Security Risk

The Obama administration reportedly is speeding the vetting process for Syrian refugees so 10,000 can come to the United States this year, but most voters still don’t welcome those newcomers and fear they are a threat to the country.

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May 10, 2016

Looking Back on the Two Cuban-American Also-Rans By Michael Barone

John Quincy Adams, our greatest secretary of state (sorry, Hillary Clinton fans), thought that Cuba would inevitably become part of the United States. It hasn't, at least not yet, but two Cuban-Americans were serious presidential contenders this year.

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May 10, 2016

Dry Rot in Academia By Thomas Sowell

Jason Riley has now joined the long and distinguished list of people invited -- and then disinvited -- to give a talk on a college campus, in this case Virginia Tech.    

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May 10, 2016

Who Promoted Private Ryan? By Patrick J. Buchanan

Forty-eight hours after Donald Trump wrapped up the Republican nomination with a smashing victory in the Indiana primary, House Speaker Paul Ryan announced that he could not yet support Trump.

May 10, 2016

Clinton or Trump - Who Will Best Handle Our Allies, Enemies?

Voters tend to think Hillary Clinton will work better with the United States’ allies if elected president but are evenly divided over whether she or Donald Trump will be tougher with this nation's enemies.

May 9, 2016

27% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Twenty-seven percent (27%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey for the week ending May 5.

May 9, 2016

60% Favor Foreign Policy That Puts America First

Donald Trump has rattled some in the national security hierarchy of both major political parties with his call for returning to an America First foreign policy. Most voters agree the United States has not been putting its own interests ahead of others and should reverse course.

Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock.com
May 9, 2016

Democrats Prefer, GOP Voters Reject An Anything-Goes Convention

The likelihood of a brokered convention for either political party is extremely slim now, although Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus recently acknowledged that “nothing’s impossible.” Republican voters feel even more strongly that the candidate with the most delegates should be the nominee, but Democrats now tend to support their party’s delegates voting for whomever they want at the party’s convention.

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May 7, 2016

Hillary to Bernie Supporters: Don't Vote For Me By Ted Rall

Hey, Bernie supporters: Hillary has a talking point for you.

May 7, 2016

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending May 7, 2016

No more Trump Change: The deal’s been sealed.

May 6, 2016

60% of Women See Motherhood As Most Important Role

This Sunday is Mother’s Day, and while Americans don’t think much of it as a holiday, most still believe that being a mother is the most important role a woman can play.

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May 6, 2016

An Unmitigated Disaster By Thomas Sowell

Republican party leaders may have worried that Donald Trump would not only lose the general election for the presidency, but would so poison the image of the party as to cause Republican candidates for Congress and for state and local offices to also lose. Now they seem to be trying to patch things up, in order to present an image of unity before the general elections this fall.

Joseph Sohm / Shutterstock.com
May 6, 2016

Final Trump Change: ‘The Donald' Is A Done Deal

Rasmussen Reports’ final weekly Trump Change survey finds perceptions among Republicans and all voters that Donald Trump is the likely GOP presidential nominee at all time highs. The survey was begun before Ted Cruz and John Kasich quit the race.

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May 6, 2016

Can Trump Disrupt the General Election as He Did the Primaries? By Michael Barone

So Republicans now have a presumptive nominee -- one headed to a clear delegate majority without visible opposition -- sooner than the Democrats. It's another way in which this year's presidential race has defied expectations and ignored precedent.

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May 6, 2016

Bush Republicanism Is Dead and Gone By Patrick J. Buchanan

 "The two living Republican past presidents, George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, have no plans to endorse Trump, according to their spokesmen." So said the lead story in The Washington Post.

Image Credit: CDC
May 5, 2016

Most Still Concerned About Zika Threat

As warmer weather arrives in much of the United States, most Americans see the mosquito-borne Zika virus as a major potential health problem but are confident public health agencies can handle it.

May 5, 2016

Candidates Should Think Twice Before Endorsing Trump or Clinton

Right now as other candidates consider whether to fall in line behind their party’s presumptive standard-bearer, it’s a curse more than a blessing to endorse Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.

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May 5, 2016

How Do Clinton, Trump Stack Up Next to Obama on National Security?

Voters remain lukewarm about President Obama's national security policies and expect more of the same if Hillary Clinton moves back into the White House next January. Donald Trump, if elected, will definitely change things, voters say, but not necessarily for the best.