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July 2, 2016

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending July 2, 2016

Is Hillary Clinton in hotter water at week’s end?

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July 1, 2016

Who's Really to Blame for Brexit and Donald Trump By Ted Rall

At this writing, securities markets and the international community are reeling at the news that British voters have opted to leave the European Union. The "Brexit" has provoked angry reactions from the pro-Remain camp, who accuse Leave voters of stupidity, shortsighted ignorance and, worse, thinly-disguised racism and nativism posing as nationalism.

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July 1, 2016

Why Trump Is Routing the Free Traders by Patrick J. Buchanan

On trade, Bernie Sanders is closer to Trump. Even Hillary Clinton has begun to renounce a TPP she once called the "gold standard" of trade deals.

July 1, 2016

Warren Not Seen As Boost To Clinton Presidential Ticket

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren joined Hillary Clinton on the presidential campaign trail earlier this week, fueling speculation of an all-woman national ticket. But most voters - including Democrats and women - say a vice presidential nomination for Warren wouldn't help Clinton's chances for the White House.

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July 1, 2016

Brexit Due to Failure of Elites, Not Bigotry of Masses By Michael Barone

Bigotry! Nativism! Racism! That's what elites in Britain, Europe and here have been howling, explanations for why 52 percent of a higher-than-general-election turnout of British voters voted for their nation to leave the European Union.

June 30, 2016

If Americans Could Live Anywhere in the World, They'd Still Choose U.S.

This Fourth of July, Americans will celebrate the independence of the United States of America, and most say they wouldn’t choose to live anywhere else.

June 30, 2016

49% Say Clinton Lied To Victims’ Families About Benghazi Attack

The final report released this week by the special congressional committee investigating the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, hasn’t significantly changed voters’ opinions about how the incident will impact Hillary Clinton’s bid for the White House. Still, nearly half of voters believe the then-secretary of State lied to the victims’ families about the nature of the attack.

June 30, 2016

White House Watch: Trump 43%, Clinton 39%

The tables have turned in this week’s White House Watch. After trailing Hillary Clinton by five points for the prior two weeks, Donald Trump has now taken a four-point lead.

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June 30, 2016

The Political Science Election Forecasts of the 2016 Presidential and Congressional Elections By James Campbell

Normally around this time in a presidential election cycle — the “interregnum,” as it has come to be known — we would be waiting for the dust from the nomination campaigns to settle before moving on to the conventions and to considerations of the general election race. As you may have noticed, however, this is not a normal year. It has been anything but. No dust, just tons of rubble from two wildly contentious nomination fights left to clear away as we turn to a general election bout likely to be the political equivalent of a mixed martial arts cage fight.

June 29, 2016

More Americans Are Taking Summer Vacations

Could this be a sign of a recovering economy? More Americans say they have taken summer vacations or plan to take one this year than they have for several years.

June 29, 2016

Voters Favor More Deportation, Not Less

A tie vote in the U.S. Supreme Court last week upheld a lower court ruling that halted President Obama’s plan to exempt millions of illegal immigrants from deportation. Most voters continue to oppose that plan as they have from the start and believe instead that the U.S. government needs to more aggressively deport those who are here illegally.

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June 29, 2016

Convicted and Unemployed By John Stossel

Just got out of jail? Odds are that within five years, you'll get caught doing something illegal and go back to jail.    

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June 29, 2016

Beware of the Supreme Maestro of Shameless Cover-ups By Charles Hurt

America, you cannot say you were not warned.

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June 29, 2016

Outsourcing Security Is Dumb and Deadly By Michelle Malkin

It is not a theory that delegating the protection of our embassy and military personnel to other countries risks lives. It is a reality bathed in American blood.

June 29, 2016

Bernie's Decision to Vote for Hillary Doesn't Impress Many Democrats

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders recently announced that he will vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump but stopped short of endorsing his former Democratic primary rival. A sizable number of Democrats say they’d vote for Sanders for president if they still had that option, but most voters, regardless of political party, say his announcement will have little impact on how they vote this fall.

June 28, 2016

Most Here Aren’t Worried About ‘Brexit’

Despite the media panic and market swings that have resulted, Americans still aren’t sweating Great Britain’s decision to leave the European Union and are not particularly worried that the “Brexit” will hurt them in the pocketbook.

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June 28, 2016

Brexit Earthquake Hits Britain By Michael Barone

Earthquakes seldom hit the British Isles. But one did late Thursday night and early Friday morning, as the constituency returns started pouring in on the referendum to decide whether the United Kingdom would remain in or leave the European Union.    

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June 28, 2016

The Fraud Goes On by Thomas Sowell

Last week the Supreme Court of the United States voted that President Obama exceeded his authority when he granted exemptions from the immigration laws passed by Congress.

June 28, 2016

Voters Favor GOP Plan To Sell Health Insurance Across State Lines

Among the many changes in the House Republicans’ proposed health care alternative to Obamacare are reforms for medical liability and malpractice as well as letting consumers buy health insurance across state lines. Voters aren’t sold on government caps on malpractice payouts but remain enthusiastic about removing state barriers to purchasing health insurance.

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June 28, 2016

After Brexit, a Trump Path to Victory By Patrick J. Buchanan

Some of us have long predicted the breakup of the European Union. The Cousins appear to have just delivered the coup de grace.

While Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain in the EU, England voted for independence. These people, with their unique history, language and culture, want to write their own laws and rule themselves.