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August 11, 2016

White House Watch: Clinton 43%, Trump 40%, Johnson 8%, Stein 2%

Is the air going out of Hillary Clinton’s post-convention bounce?

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August 11, 2016

Forecasting the 2016 Presidential Election: Will Time for Change Mean Time for Trump? By Alan I. Abramowitz

The Time for Change forecasting model has correctly predicted the winner of the national popular vote in every presidential election since 1988. This model is based on three predictors — the incumbent president’s approval rating at midyear (late June or early July) in the Gallup Poll, the growth rate of real GDP in the second quarter of the election year, and whether the incumbent president’s party has held the White House for one term or more than one term. Using these three predictors, it is possible to forecast the incumbent party’s share of the major party vote with a high degree of accuracy around three months before Election Day.

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August 10, 2016

Voters Doubt More Than Ever That Obamacare Will Reduce Health Care Costs

Voters still tend to view the national health care law negatively, and fewer voters than ever expect it to lower health care costs.

August 10, 2016

Most Say Union Leaders Out of Touch With Members

Most voters – including those who are now or have been union members - believe the majority of union leaders are out of touch with their membership nationwide.

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August 10, 2016

Lies Politicians Tell By John Stossel

I don't want Hillary Clinton to be president. She's a liar.

But I can't vote for Donald Trump. He lies almost as often.

JStone / Shutterstock.com
August 10, 2016

Voters See Trump As His Own Worst Enemy

Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan wrote earlier this year that the only person who can beat Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is Trump himself, and so far voters think that's exactly what he's doing.

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August 10, 2016

Fonda & Redford: Hollywood's New Welfare Mooches By Michelle Malkin

COLORADO SPRINGS -- My adopted hometown will soon be the base of operations for a new Netflix movie starring aging elitist hippies Robert Redford (estimated net worth: $170 million) and Jane Fonda (estimated net worth: $120 million).

A state economic development commission unanimously voted last week to fork over $1.5 million in taxpayer-funded "incentives" for the liberal duo's romantic flick, arguing that it will generate "great publicity."

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August 9, 2016

CNN Leads Unhinged Media in Attacks on Trump Disguised as ‘Reporting’ By Charles Hurt

Another exciting week in the 2016 Trump Presidential Spectacular and another week of political obituaries predicting Donald Trump’s imminent demise.

Serious question: How many political obituaries have these people written about Mr. Trump since he descended into the fetid American political swamp on a glass escalator last summer?

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August 9, 2016

Old Lies By Thomas Sowell

We expect to hear a lot of lies during an election year, and this year is certainly no exception. What is surprising is how old some of these lies are, and how often they have been shown to be lies, years ago or even decades ago.

August 9, 2016

Most Still Oppose Government Prosecution of Global Warming Critics

Attorneys general in 15 states are attempting to prosecute corporations and individuals that they believe are misleading the public about global warming. Their action which critics claim is a violation of freedom of speech has prompted a congressional investigation. Most voters continue to believe the scientific debate about global warming is not over and oppose government action against those who question it.

August 9, 2016

Rasmussen Reports: Introducing Political Analyst Amy Holmes

Rasmussen Reports is pleased to welcome Amy Holmes as our broadcast political analyst.

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August 9, 2016

The End of History Not Turning Out as Hoped By Michael Barone

The scholar Francis Fukuyama has been widely ridiculed for the title of his 1992 book, "The End of History." Critics point out that we've had -- suffered -- a lot of history since then: the 9/11 attacks, prolonged wars in the Middle East, a worldwide financial crisis and deep recession.   

August 9, 2016

GOPers Favor Ryan’s Reelection But Think Party Should Be More Like Trump

Republicans still prefer a party that’s more like Donald Trump but hope nevertheless that House Speaker Paul Ryan defeats his anti-establishment opponent in today’s Wisconsin GOP primary.

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August 9, 2016

Who Got Us Into These Endless Wars? By Patrick J. Buchanan

"Isolationists must not prevail in this new debate over foreign policy," warns Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations. "The consequences of a lasting American retreat from the world would be dire."

To make his case against the "Isolationist Temptation," Haass creates a caricature, a cartoon, of America First patriots, then thunders that we cannot become "a giant gated community."

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August 8, 2016

31% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Thirty-one percent (31%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending August 4.

August 8, 2016

Pence vs. Kaine, and the Winner Is …

If the presidential contest suddenly boiled down to a battle between the two vice presidential candidates, Republicans have the edge.

August 8, 2016

Democrats, Republicans Driven By Different Issues This Election

The economy remains the number one issue for all voters this election cycle, but Republicans are a lot more worried about national security than Democrats and unaffiliated voters are.

August 6, 2016

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending August 6, 2016

Americans rely heavily on e-mail and have to take their chances on whether their privacy is protected. Hillary Clinton had the option of using a highly secure e-mail system while secretary of State but opted out: The FBI says there’s a good chance some of that e-mail is in the hands of our enemies, and Democrats ironically now complain that the Russians will be releasing it to influence the coming election.

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August 5, 2016

Khizr Khan and the Triumph of Democratic Militarism By Ted Rall

Against the wishes of her New York Democratic constituents, Hillary Clinton voted with Senate Republicans to invade Iraq. (It was a pivotal vote. Without Democratic support, George W. Bush's request for this war of aggression would have failed.)

August 5, 2016

Most Still Say U.S. At War With Radical Islamic Terrorism

President Obama and Hillary Clinton still won't say it, but most voters continue to believe the United States is at war with radical Islamic terrorism.