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November 16, 2016

Arrogant Obama Blames Deplorable Racists, Says Democrats ‘Have Better Ideas’ By Charles Hurt

For eight years after America elected her first black president, Americans were accused of being racist for pointing out President Obama’s insufferable arrogance.

Evan El-Amin / Shutterstock.com
November 16, 2016

Should Trump Still Investigate Clinton?

President-elect Donald Trump in a TV interview Sunday night appeared to back away from a campaign vow to name a special prosecutor to investigate defeated Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for her handling of classified information while secretary of State. Most voters think he should drop the idea, but a sizable majority of Republicans disagree.

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November 16, 2016

The Slacker Mandate and the Safety Pin Generation by Michelle Malkin

News flash, kids: Things aren't free. Things cost money. And "free" things provided to you by the government cost other people's money.

November 15, 2016

How We Did

Rasmussen Reports’ final White House Watch daily tracking poll survey was posted Monday morning. It showed Democrat Hillary Clinton with a two-point advantage over Republican Donald Trump – 45% to 43%. To be precise, it was Clinton 44.8% to Trump 43.1%, a difference of 1.7%.

Inspiring / Shutterstock.com
November 15, 2016

So Far, So Good, Voters Say of Obama-Trump Truce

Most voters like the way President Obama has responded to the election of Donald Trump but don’t think the early public peace between the two men says much about the future.

White letter R on blue background
November 15, 2016

A Trump Doctrine -- 'America First' By Patrick J. Buchanan

However Donald Trump came upon the foreign policy views he espoused, they were as crucial to his election as his views on trade and the border.  

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November 15, 2016

What Now? By Thomas Sowell

The good news is that we dodged a bullet in this election. The bad news is that we don't know how many other bullets are coming, or from what direction.

November 15, 2016

Most Democrats Don’t Want Their Party To Work With Trump

Most voters think Democrats should work with Donald Trump once he’s in the White House, but Democrats strongly disagree. Still, voters are more hopeful about the parties cooperating than they’ve been since President Obama’s inauguration in 2009.

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November 15, 2016

The New Key to Immigration Reform: More High-Skilled Immigrants by Michael Barone

One of the issues President-elect Donald Trump says he wants Congress to act on is immigration. That's not entirely surprising, given that he spotlighted just that issue, in incendiary terms, after gliding down that escalator in the Trump Tower and announcing he was running 17 months ago.

November 14, 2016

32% Say U.S. is Heading in Right Direction

Thirty-two percent (32%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending November 10. Two out of the five nights in the survey follow Republican Donald Trump's election as the next president of the United States.

November 14, 2016

Democrats More Dubious Than Others About Election Results

Most voters are confident in the outcome of last week's election, but few trust the media coverage that led up to it.

JStone / Shutterstock.com
November 14, 2016

What Should Trump Do First?

President-elect Donald Trump in a “60 Minutes” interview on CBS last night made it clear that Obamacare and the U.S. Supreme Court are high on his list of action items, and voters think that’s a good place to start.

November 12, 2016

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending November 12, 2016

Misperceptions, misleading reporting and mistakes all around – that seems to be a large part of the surprise story of Donald Trump’s victory.

November 11, 2016

Did Voters Vote for Trump or Against Clinton?

Maybe it was lucky for Donald Trump that he was running against Hillary Clinton or he wouldn't be president-elect today.

November 11, 2016

Most Say Trump, Clinton Set Right Post-Election Tone

Most voters are reassured by the first post-election speeches President-elect Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton gave, but Democrats are apparently in a less forgiving mood.

November 11, 2016

Wrapping Up Some Related State Surveys

Pulse Opinion Research conducts the field work and provides the methodology for all Rasmussen Reports surveys. Pulse did a number of state tracking surveys during the presidential election season for the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers and the Entertainment Software Association.

Here’s the Auto Alliance’s analysis of those survey results.

White letter R on blue background
November 11, 2016

Memo to Trump: 'Action This Day!' By Patrick J. Buchanan

"In victory, magnanimity!" said Winston Churchill. 

White letter R on blue background
November 11, 2016

Donald Trump's Astounding Victory: How and Why By Michael Barone

 Astounding. That's the best word to describe the tumultuous election night and the (to most people) surprise victory of Donald Trump. Hillary Clinton hoped to win with votes of Northeasterners, including those who have moved south along Interstate 95 to North Carolina and Florida (44 electoral votes). Instead, Trump won with votes along the I-94 and I-80 corridors, from Pennsylvania through Ohio and Michigan to Wisconsin and Iowa (70 electoral votes).

November 11, 2016

Most Voters Want To Eliminate Electoral College

With Hillary Clinton holding a 0.9% lead over Donald Trump in the popular vote, 2016 appears to be the fourth time in U.S. history that the president-elect lost the overall vote but won the Electoral College to take the White House. Even before the election results came in, a majority of voters said the Electoral College needs to go.

November 10, 2016

More Voters Support Legalizing Recreational Pot

California, Massachusetts and Nevada are the latest states to legalize recreational use of pot, and nearly half of voters favor such a law where they live.