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December 16, 2016

Lessons of Aleppo -- for Trump By Patrick J. Buchanan

In this world, it is often dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, said Henry Kissinger in 1968, but to be a friend is fatal.

The South Vietnamese would come to appreciate the insight.

December 16, 2016

Fewer Voters Say Russia Is America’s Friend In Fighting ISIS

President-elect Donald Trump has repeatedly cast Russia as potential ally in the fight against the radical Islamic State group (ISIS), contrary to the Obama administration's view that the Russians are an obstacle to its hopes of overturning the regime of Syrian despot Bashar al-Assad. U.S. voters are showing a bit more skepticism these days about which side Russia is really on.

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December 16, 2016

What's Trump up to on Foreign Policy? by Michael Barone

What is President-elect Donald Trump up to on foreign policy? It's a question with no clear answer. Some will dismiss his appointments and tweets as expressing no more than the impulses of an ignorant and undisciplined temperament -- no more premeditated than the lunges of a rattlesnake.

December 15, 2016

Voters More Supportive of Pulling Troops Out of Europe

Voters still think the United States needs to spend more on defense, but they’re also more inclined to pull U.S. troops out of Europe if the countries there don't meet their fair share of the costs.

Michael F. Hiatt / Shutterstock.com
December 15, 2016

39% Blame Outside Factors for Clinton's Loss

In the aftermath of one of the most stunning electoral upsets in U.S. history, Democrats have been searching for reasons why their candidate Hillary Clinton lost to Republican Donald Trump. Most voters agree it was the candidates themselves who decided the election, but a sizable number blame Clinton's loss on outside factors, primarily the FBI’s pre-election announcement that it was reopening its investigation of her.

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December 15, 2016

Incumbent Reelection Rates Higher Than Average in 2016 By Kyle Kondik and Geoffrey Skelley

With Republican Sen.-elect John Kennedy’s triumph in the Louisiana runoff last weekend, victories by two other Republicans in Louisiana House races, and Gov. Pat McCrory’s (R) concession last week to Gov.-elect Roy Cooper (D) in North Carolina, the winners of 2016’s House, Senate, and gubernatorial races are now set. This allows us to do a little housekeeping. Kennedy’s win confirms that this is the first cycle in the history of popular Senate elections that every state that held a Senate election in a presidential cycle voted for the same party for both president and for Senate (34 for 34 this year). Also, finalizing these results permits us to give a final assessment of our down-ballot Crystal Ball projections for 2016: We picked 32 of 34 Senate races correctly, along with 10 of 12 gubernatorial races and 428/435 House races.

December 15, 2016

Voters Forecast Less Business for Trump

Even his fellow Republicans aren’t buying. It looks right now like Donald Trump’s organization is likely to lose business because of his election as the next president of the United States.

December 14, 2016

Americans Want Christmas in Schools

Americans still strongly believe Christmas should be honored in public schools and should have a place on public land.

December 14, 2016

Democrats See Russia as Election Culprit, Others Don’t

Democrats, still searching for a reason for Hillary Clinton’s surprise defeat, now blame the Russians, but other voters don’t see it that way.

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December 14, 2016

A New Victim in the War on Small-Biz Bakeries By Michelle Malkin

It is not enough for family-owned pastry shops to bow to the gay marriage mob. Now, they're being targeted by the social justice mafia.   

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December 14, 2016

Skating to Freedom by John Stossel

My last Fox Business Network TV show airs Friday.

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December 14, 2016

All the Fake News That’s Fit to Print! By Charles Hurt

Long after the rest of America gave up on the mainstream media, the Old Gray Lady has finally discovered the fake news we have complained about for decades. And as with most things, The New York Times takes it to a level and sophistication that is the envy of the establishment media firmament.

December 14, 2016

Americans Are Decking The Halls

Americans appear to be in more of a decorating mood this holiday season than ever before.

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December 13, 2016

Where Are We? By Thomas Sowell

We are now in a kind of political no-man's-land between an administration on its way out and a new administration taking shape. Predictions are always risky -- and nowhere more so than in times like these.   

December 13, 2016

Holiday Shoppers Are Finishing At A Slower Pace This Year

While most Americans say they’ve started their holiday gift shopping, they are slower to finish this holiday season compared to previous years.

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December 13, 2016

Will Trump Defy McCain & Marco? By Patrick Buchanan

When word leaked that Exxon CEO Rex Tillerson, a holder of the Order of Friendship award in Putin's Russia, was Donald Trump's choice for secretary of state, John McCain had this thoughtful response:

December 13, 2016

Should Trump Be Forced to Sell All His Businesses?

President-elect Donald Trump has announced that his two older children will run his businesses while he is in the White House, but voters suspect Trump will still be involved. They stop short, however, of demanding that he sell all of his businesses to prevent any conflict of interest.

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December 13, 2016

Some Free Advice for the Democratic Party by Michael Barone

Herewith some unsolicited free advice for the Democratic Party. Whether it's worth more than the price I leave up to Democrats to decide.

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December 12, 2016

35% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Thirty-five percent (35%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending December 8.

December 12, 2016

Will Trump Try To Make Money in the White House?

Most voters believe Donald Trump is likely to do things as president to make himself more money but still think he is no more unethical than other politicians.