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February 3, 2017

The Case for Left Nationalism By Ted Rall

Make America Great Again. Trump's campaign slogan was a direct appeal to nationalism. As a son of the Rust Belt city of Dayton, Ohio, I wasn't surprised to see that it worked.

February 3, 2017

Americans More Confident in Children’s Futures

More Americans see a brighter future for the kids.

February 3, 2017

Voters See Gorsuch in the Judicial Mainstream

What does America want in a Supreme Court justice?

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February 3, 2017

The Coming Clash With Iran By Patrick J. Buchanan

When Gen. Michael Flynn marched into the White House Briefing Room to declare that "we are officially putting Iran on notice," he drew a red line for President Trump. In tweeting the threat, Trump agreed.

His credibility is now on the line.

February 3, 2017

Most Voters Think Trump, Unlike Obama, Puts U.S. Interests First

Most voters think President Trump agrees with them and will put America first on the world stage unlike his predecessor.

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February 3, 2017

Trump's 2nd-Week Follow-through by Michael Barone

Donald Trump's second week as president has been full of surprises and Sturm und Drang.

February 2, 2017

40% Say Election Has Hurt a Close Relationship

A lot of Americans have hard feelings after last November's presidential election.

txking / Shutterstock, Inc.
February 2, 2017

Most Still Favor Refugee Freeze

Despite continuing protests and legal challenges, just over half of voters favor President Trump's temporary refugee ban, although there's a lot less concern about the threat of domestic Islamic terrorism.

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February 2, 2017

2018 House: The Ground Moving Under Their Feet By Kyle Kondik

Election years are separate but also connected. Assuming he is confirmed by the Senate to be the next secretary of Health and Human Services, Rep. Tom Price (R, GA-6) will be vacating his suburban Atlanta seat sometime soon. He would be replaced by the winner of a special election, which could be held as soon as this spring. All candidates from all parties will compete in a single “jungle primary,” and barring anyone winning a majority of the vote, the top two finishers will advance to a runoff election.

February 2, 2017

Most Say All Trump’s Nominees Deserve A Senate Vote

While Democrats plot to delay or stop President Trump’s Cabinet choices and his first nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court, voters strongly believe all his selections deserve a final vote by the full Senate.

February 1, 2017

Americans Feel Much Better About the Economy

Americans are far more optimistic about their economic future since Donald Trump's election as president.

February 1, 2017

Voters Are Wary of NAFTA But Still Like Mexico

Voters feel more strongly these days that Mexico is a U.S. ally but are less sure about the benefits of the NAFTA trade deal with our southern neighbor which President Trump has vowed to renegotiate. Many suspect the U.S.-Mexico relationship is going to take a turn for the worse over the next year.

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February 1, 2017

Trump Bubble Bursts By John Stossel


The bubble burst. My fantasy died.    

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February 1, 2017

Not All Refugees Are Welcome By Michelle Malkin

For years, left-wingers would contest my use of the term "open borders lobby" because, they sternly rebuked me, nooooobody in America seriously believes in open borders.

IDN / Shutterstock, Inc.
February 1, 2017

50% Favor Major Cutback In U.S. Funds To UN

President Donald Trump is reportedly preparing to dramatically reduce the amount of money the United States gives to the United Nations, and half of voters support such a move. Republicans strongly approve.

January 31, 2017

Voters Think Democrats Unlikely to Stop Trump

A majority of voters - including half of Democrats - don’t think Democrats in Congress will be able to halt President Trump’s agenda.

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January 31, 2017

People Need to Get Over the So-called ‘Muslim Ban’ By Charles Hurt

Look, global elites, nobody said self-governance would be easy. Or pretty. But it is what it is. Get over it.

January 31, 2017

Most Want Mexico to Pay for At Least Some of the Wall

Most voters aren’t as insistent as President Trump but think Mexico should pay for at least some of the new border wall. Perhaps in part that’s because they still question Mexico’s willingness to stop illegal immigration.

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January 31, 2017

The First Firestorm by Patrick J. Buchanan

That hysterical reaction to the travel ban announced Friday is a portent of what is to come if President Donald Trump carries out the mandate given to him by those who elected him.

January 30, 2017

47% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Forty-seven percent (47%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending January 26.