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February 16, 2017

Most Still See Visa Scofflaws As Threat, Want Them Deported

Most voters continue to believe that those who illegally overstay their visas to this country are a likely national security threat and that the federal government needs to work harder to send them home.

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February 16, 2017

2018’s Initial Senate Ratings By Kyle Kondik

At first blush, one might think that the Democrats have a decent chance of taking control of the Senate in the 2018 midterm. After all, midterms frequently break against the president’s party, which has lost an average of four seats in the 26 midterms conducted in the era of popular Senate elections (starting with the 1914 midterm).

February 16, 2017

Federal Regulations: Gain One, Lose Two?

President Trump feels strongly that federal government overregulation is hurting the economy and has signed an executive order mandating that every time a government agency adds a regulation, it needs to cut two others. Most Republicans approve; most Democrats don't

February 15, 2017

Voters Want More Regulation of Financial System

Voters are more confident in the government's oversight of the banking industry but also look more favorably on increasing that supervision.

February 15, 2017

Most See Increased Danger from New Middle Eastern Refugees

While President Trump’s refugee freeze is tied up in the courts, the State Department has sped up acceptance of newcomers from the Middle Eastern terrorist havens targeted by the freeze. Most voters think that’s making America less safe.

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February 15, 2017

Bumps in the Road: Trump vs. Obama By Michelle Malkin

The resignation of national security advisor Michael Flynn has the anti-Trump media declaring the new administration a "mess," in "turmoil" and thrown into "chaos."

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February 15, 2017

Repeal! No, Wait! By John Stossel

Republicans promised to repeal the Affordable Care Act. But now they are hesitating.    

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February 15, 2017

Media and Liberals Think They've Finally Caught Their Prey By Charles Hurt

Mike Flynn was right to quit. You don’t lie to the vice president of the United States and let him go out on national television and lie to the American people.

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February 15, 2017

Tax and Regulatory Reform Will Mark the End of Obama's War on Business by Lawrence Kudlow

On the very day President Donald Trump's incentive-based tax and regulatory policies are put in place, former President Barack Obama's war on business will have officially come to an end. No longer will American companies be punished by uncompetitive rates of taxation and unnecessary rules and regulations.

February 15, 2017

Is The Future Female?

Hillary Clinton recently declared that "the future is female," and nearly half of voters - regardless of gender - agree there will be more women leaders in the near future. But younger voters are more convinced of this than their elders.

February 14, 2017

Voters Agree Judges Play Politics But Frown on Criticizing Them

President Trump has been highly critical of the judges who stopped his temporary refugee and visa ban. While just over half of voters agree with the president that most judges play politics, they still don’t think public criticism of judges by name is a good thing.

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February 14, 2017

Is the Left Playing with Fire Again? By Patrick J. Buchanan

To those who lived through that era that tore us apart in the '60s and '70s, it is starting to look like "deja vu all over again."

February 14, 2017

Americans Say No To Body Cameras For Teachers

Though Americans place a lack of discipline high on the list of problems in public schools today, most don’t think teachers in the United States should follow the lead of some in the United Kingdom who are wearing body cameras to record students’ behavior.

February 13, 2017

45% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Forty-five percent (45%) of Likely U.S. Voters think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending February 9.  

February 13, 2017

Many Voters Are Unsure Who Soros, Koch Brothers Are

Money talks big time in U.S. politics, but three of the most influential behind-the-scene “talkers” - billionaires George Soros and brothers Charles and David Koch - are unknowns to a sizable number of voters.

February 13, 2017

Americans View Teaching As Important But Not Desirable Profession

Americans continue to place high importance on teaching as a profession but don’t think many are clamoring to become teachers.

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February 11, 2017

Should I Stay or Should I Go? By Ted Rall

The Clash asked once, and now I am too: Should I stay or should I go?   

February 11, 2017

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending February 11, 2017

The slugfest continues as Democrats battle President Trump for every inch of ground.

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February 10, 2017

Sanders Still Democrats’ Choice for 2020, But It’s Close

Bernie Sanders has the edge, but it’s a close contest when Democrats are asked who should be the party’s nominee against President Trump if he seeks reelection in 2020. One-quarter of all voters, however, say the party should look for a new face.

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February 10, 2017

Free Trade's Effect on 'Earned Success' By Michael Barone

Amid all the hurly-burly of President Donald Trump's first weeks in office, let's try to put the changes he's making and the feathers he's ruffling in a longer, 20-year perspective. Start off with his trademark issue -- one that clearly helped him win the 64 crucial electoral votes of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin: trade.