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September 19, 2017

Most U.S. Voters Consider Iran An Enemy

As President Donald Trump mulls his options on the Iran nuclear deal, most voters continue to view Iran as an enemy but have mixed feelings on how Trump has dealt with the Middle Eastern nation.

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September 19, 2017

Trump ‘Experts’ Let Imaginations Run Wild with Dog-Whistle Political Attacks By Charles Hurt

Isn’t it funny how all the great political experts who never met a Trump supporter and never thought President Trump could win the White House are suddenly the greatest experts on how upset Mr. Trump’s voters are with all the president’s wheeling and dealing with dirty Democrats?

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September 19, 2017

Who Truly Imperils Our Free Society? By Patrick J. Buchanan

"The Barbarian cannot make ... he can befog and destroy but ... he cannot sustain; and of every Barbarian in the decline or peril of every civilization exactly that has been true."

September 19, 2017

More Than Half of Americans Know Someone Who Committed Suicide

A new study from Columbia University finds suicide attempt rates among American Adults on the rise, and more than half today say they’ve lost someone to suicide.

September 18, 2017

31% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Thirty-one percent (31%) of Likely U.S. Voters now think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending September 14.

September 18, 2017

Voters See ‘Antifa’ Protesters Chiefly as Troublemakers

Voters are following the actions of the so-called “antifa” protesters and aren’t impressed with what they see.

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September 18, 2017

Trump Turnaround Puts New Tax-Cut Writing on the Wall By Lawrence Kudlow

Financial markets and most media pundits are missing the new writing on the wall. For a variety of reasons surrounding shrewd moves by President Trump, the chances for significant tax cuts in the next 10 weeks have risen sharply.

September 18, 2017

Support for Single-Payer Health Care Continues To Grow

Bernie Sanders and 16 Democratic senators have presented a new single-payer health care plan to Congress.

September 16, 2017

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending September 16, 2017

Democrats and President Trump have been sparring publicly ever since a White House dinner on Wednesday evening over what consensus had been reached on how to handle immigration policy and border security. 

September 15, 2017

Americans Aren’t Pulling for an Internet Sales Tax

Congress is currently debating whether online retailers like Amazon should charge sales tax on purchases, even if the seller and buyer aren’t in the same state. A majority of Americans do at least some shopping online, and they are not fans of taxing those purchases.

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September 15, 2017

House Republicans' Frustrations May Doom Their Majority By Michael Barone

The Founding Fathers didn't expect that serving in Congress would be a lifetime career. And for a century, it mostly wasn't. The first election in which more than half the incumbent members of the House of Representatives were re-elected was in 1898. Since then, the majority of House members have been returned in every election except the one in 1932.

September 15, 2017

52% Not Confident Medicare Will Pay Them All Promised Benefits

Senator Bernie Sanders is now proposing a taxpayer-funded Medicare plan designed to cover all Americans, but a majority of voters lack the faith that they’ll even receive the benefits the current system has promised them.

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September 15, 2017

A 'Read-My-Lips' Moment for Trump? By Patrick J. Buchanan

"Having cut a deal with Democrats for help with the debt ceiling, will Trump seek a deal with Democrats on amnesty for the 'Dreamers' in return for funding for border security?"

The answer to that question, raised in my column a week ago, is in. Last night, President Donald Trump cut a deal with "Chuck and Nancy" for amnesty for 800,000 recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program who came here illegally as youngsters, in return for Democratic votes for more money for border security.

September 14, 2017

Americans Don't Support Bailouts for Cities Like Hartford

Hartford, the state capital of Connecticut, is close to declaring bankruptcy, saying it won't be able to pay all its bills within 60 days. But just as they did when Detroit was nearing bankruptcy in 2013, Americans don’t want the government getting involved.

mark reinstein / Shutterstock.com
September 14, 2017

Voters Break Even on Medicare For All

Democrats are beginning to line up to challenge President Trump in 2020, and many are now embracing Bernie Sanders’ plan to offer taxpayer-funded Medicare to all Americans.

September 14, 2017

57% Say Immigration Reform Unlikely in Next Six Months

President Trump has given Congress six months to come up with an immigration reform package if it wants to protect the so-called "Dreamers" from deportation, but most voters think passage of such legislation is unlikely in the near future.

September 13, 2017

Americans Say Sales Tax Fairest of Taxes

Even as the fight over charging sales tax for online retailers ensues in Congress, Americans still think sales tax is the most fair type of tax they pay. But they’re nearly as likely to see income tax as both the most (and least) fair type of tax today.

September 13, 2017

Most Americans Agree With DeVos on Sexual Misconduct on Campuses

During a speech at George Mason University's Antonin Scalia Law School last week about sexual assault on campus, education Secretary Betsy DeVos stated...

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September 13, 2017

Never Forget: Muslim Hate Crime Hoaxes By Michelle Malkin

Another year. Another Sept. 11 anniversary. Another opportunity for grievance-mongering Muslim agitators to decry the imagined "epidemic" of "Islamophobia."   

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September 13, 2017

Clinton's 'What Happened' Blames Everyone Else for Presidential Loss, But We Knew That Already By Charles Hurt

Finally! The collusion with Russia we have all been looking for!

Russian operatives working for the Kremlin reportedly spent $100,000 posting “divisive social and political messages” on Facebook during last year’s presidential campaign.