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December 6, 2017

I Hate The New York Times By John Stossel

My hometown paper drives me crazy.

I read The New York Times because it often has good coverage. The newspaper pays to send reporters to dangerous places all around the world.

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December 6, 2017

Pyongyang on the Prairie, Part I By Michelle Malkin

A criminal justice system that operates in the dark is arbitrary, unjust and criminal.

December 6, 2017

Most Like Melania Trump, Don't See Her As Policy Player

Despite a Vanity Fair article that claims Melania Trump didn’t want to be first lady, voters generally like her but believe she is less involved in day-to-day business at the White House than her predecessor. As with virtually all things Trump, there is wide partisan disagreement over the first lady, though.

December 5, 2017

Half Anticipate Tax Cuts By Year’s End

The Senate passed the GOP’s tax reform bill in a middle-of-the-night vote over the weekend. Half of voters think it’s likely that Congress will go through with the tax cuts before the end of the year, but they’re torn on whether they will end up cutting taxes too much or not enough.

December 5, 2017

Most Americans Say Return For Journalists Fired Over Sex Assault Allegations Likely

Most Americans think the journalists who’ve lost their jobs over allegations of sexual harassment will bounce back in the near future. 

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December 5, 2017

I'd Vote for It. You Should, Too By Lawrence Kudlow

Warts and all, if I were a voting member of Congress, I would certainly cast a yea for the tax-cut plans passed by the Senate and House that are headed for conference (to work out minor differences) in the weeks ahead.

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December 5, 2017

Is Flynn's Defection a Death Blow? By Patrick J. Buchanan

Why did Gen. Mike Flynn lie to the FBI about his December 2016 conversations with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak?

Why did he not tell the FBI the truth?

December 4, 2017

35% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Thirty-five percent (35%) of Likely U.S. Voters now think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending November 30.

December 4, 2017

Voters Reject Government Shutdown To Protect ‘Dreamers’ Program

A top Senate Democrat is threatening to force a federal government shutdown unless Congress does something to protect the nearly 800,000 illegal immigrants who came to this country as children who now face possible deportation.

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December 4, 2017

Flynn Just the Latest Juicy Kill in Swampdom By Charles Hurt

The swamp is really bubbling now. The slobbering jackals with glowing eyes are slipping and sliding on their own drool, in a frenzy ready to feed on the juiciest kill in all of Swampdom.

December 4, 2017

Voters Aren’t Giving Trump’s Tweets Many Likes

Voters remain critical of the role social media plays in modern politics and really don't like President Trump's use of Twitter.

December 2, 2017

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending December 2, 2017

The big names in media and government accused of sexual abuse and assault continued this week to fall like dominoes. NBC Today Show host Matt Lauer and Minnesota Public Radio star Garrison Keillor were both fired on Wednesday.

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December 1, 2017

Trump, The Tape and a Bunch of Lazy Journalists By Ted Rall

"The tape, without question, is real."

I expected better from The New York Times.

December 1, 2017

Trump Job Approval Holds Steady in November

When tracking President Trump’s job approval on a daily basis, people sometimes get so caught up in the day-to-day fluctuations that they miss the bigger picture.

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December 1, 2017

'Hurtling' Republican Tax Bill Actually Serious By Michael Barone

"The Republican tax bill hurtling through Congress is increasingly tilting the United States tax code to benefit wealthy Americans." That's the beginning of a 37-word first sentence in a stage-setting front-page story in The New York Times on the tax bill under consideration in the Senate this week.

December 1, 2017

Americans Less Likely To Say Credit Cards Tempt Spending

The holiday shopping season is now in high gear, but fewer Americans are concerned that having credit cards tempt people to spend more than they can afford. That doesn’t mean they don’t see the need to cut back on spending though.

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December 1, 2017

Little Rocket Man's Risky Game By Patrick J. Buchanan

In the morning darkness of Wednesday, Kim Jong Un launched an ICBM that rose almost 2,800 miles into the sky before falling into the Sea of Japan.

North Korea now has the proven ability to hit Washington, D.C.

November 30, 2017

Would You Drink Beer Brewed on Mars?

Budweiser recently announced plans to send barley seeds, one of the key ingredients in beer, to space to determine if it’s possible to make and drink beer on Mars. But Americans aren’t particularly anxious for a taste of Martian brew.

November 30, 2017

The Winner of the 1st Annual Fake News Trophy Is …

Voters agree with President Trump that so-called “fake news” is a serious problem in America today. If a Fake News Trophy were to be awarded this year, the winners should be...

November 30, 2017

Approval of Congress Falls Even Lower

The Republican-led Congress earns its lowest job approval marks this year, perhaps in part because of its failure to pass any major legislation. Most voters are steadfast in their opinion that the more important job for Congress is passing good laws rather than stopping bad ones.