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February 8, 2018

Americans Are Tuning in to Winter Olympics

The 2018 Winter Olympic Games began today in Pyeongchang, South Korea, with the official opening ceremony tomorrow night. Most Americans are planning to watch at least some of the games and feel pride when U.S. athletes take home the gold.

February 8, 2018

50% Think Senior Law Enforcement Officials Broke the Law to Block Trump Presidency

A once-secret memo released last week scrutinizes the FBI and Justice Department officials for their surveillance practices of a former Trump campaign adviser, and half of voters think those officials went too far.

February 8, 2018

Americans Support Paid Family Leave

Twenty-five years after the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was enacted, most Americans support expanding the Act to include government-mandated paid family or medical leave for full-time workers, though less than half say they’ve had to take unpaid leave.

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February 8, 2018

Senate 2018: Republicans Still Have Plenty of Targets By Kyle Kondik and Geoffrey Skelley

The victory by Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) in a special election in December did provide Democrats a potential path to a Senate majority, albeit a narrow one. The Democrats need to defend all 26 of the 34 seats they currently hold,[1] and then flip two of the eight Republican-held seats. Those would most likely be Arizona, an open seat, and Nevada, where Sen. Dean Heller (R) is seeking a second term.

February 7, 2018

Voters Now More Confident U.S. Is Winning War Against ISIS

The United States is expected to begin pulling troops out of Iraq after the government there declared victory over the Islamic State Group (ISIS), and more voters now agree that  America  and its allies have won that war.

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February 7, 2018

Memo to Dan Rather: Shut Up About Memos By Michelle Malkin

Old liberal media liars never fade away. They just rage, rage against the dying of their dinosaur industry's light.

February 7, 2018

Just 42% Think Russia Meddled More in 2016 Election Than FBI

Most voters are now unwilling to give the FBI a pass when it comes to playing politics in the last presidential election.

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February 7, 2018

Silk Road By John Stossel

Ross Ulbricht was a quiet nerd -- an Eagle Scout who never cursed.

February 7, 2018

Voters Say Health Care Good for Them, Bad in General

Voters still give the health care they receive high marks but are more critical of the U.S. health care system than ever.

February 6, 2018

54% Support Harsher Penalties For Police Attacks

Several states are considering a law that would make an attack on law enforcement officers a hate crime, and most voters continue to support a so-called “Blue Lives Matter” law.

February 6, 2018

"No" Tops "Yes" for Topless Beaches

While topless sunbathing is commonplace in many European countries, it is still not allowed on most public beaches in the United States. At least two states are trying to change those laws, but nearly half of Americans are more comfortable sticking with the status quo.

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February 6, 2018

Nunes Duels the Deep State By Patrick J. Buchanan

That memo worked up in the Intel Committee of Chairman Devin Nunes may not have sunk the Mueller investigation, but from the sound of the secondary explosions, this torpedo was no dud.

February 5, 2018

42% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Forty-two percent (42%) of Likely U.S. Voters now think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending February 1.

February 5, 2018

Most Want Citizenship for Dreamers – And A Wall

Most voters favor the immigration reform plan detailed by President Trump in his State of the Union speech and think it’s likely to finally produce a secure southern border.

February 5, 2018

Super Bowl 2018: Who Do Americans Think Will Win?

In the past 10 years, the New England Patriots have won two Super Bowls and made it to the big game four times. Perhaps it’s no surprise, then, that nearly half of Americans think the Patriots will win the championship this year.

February 5, 2018

Voters Forecast: More Division Ahead

The nation is better off economically than it has been in years, but most voters see America as an increasingly divided land with worse still to come.

February 3, 2018

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending February 3, 2018

With the release Friday of a House Intelligence Committee investigative memo that Republicans say shows the FBI engaged in politically motivated, anti-Trump activities, and with fans siding up for the Super Bowl kickoff, this promises to be an especially contentious weekend.

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February 3, 2018

Democrats Could Lose Again This Fall By Ted Rall

You're reading this, so you probably follow political punditry. And if you follow political punditry, you've been hearing the usual corporate suspects predict that one of two things will happen in this fall's midterm elections: either the Democrats will win big (win back the Senate), or they'll win really big (the House, too). Outta the way, Congressional Republicans: here comes the Big Blue Wave!

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February 2, 2018

A Never-Trump Press in Near Panic By Patrick J. Buchanan

"All the News That's Fit to Print" proclaims the masthead of The New York Times. "Democracy Dies in Darkness," echoes The Washington Post.    

February 2, 2018

Player Protests Affected NFL Viewing Habits This Season

As this weekend’s Super Bowl brings football season to an end, more than one-in-three Americans say on-field protests by NFL players who took a knee during the national anthem deterred them from tuning in to this season’s games.