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February 15, 2018

Voters Want Balanced Budget But Know Congress Isn’t Listening

Congress just passed a bipartisan budget with billions of dollars in new defense and domestic spending. The president has proposed a new budget that would spend even more, projecting deficits long into the future. Most voters think a balanced budget is a better way to go economically, but they don’t foresee that happening anytime soon.

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February 15, 2018

Most Democrats Still Credit Obama for U.S. Economic Gains

Over a year after President Obama left office, a sizable number of voters - including most Democrats - remain convinced that he's responsible for the continuing boom in the U.S. economy.

February 14, 2018

Odds Are At Least One-in-Ten Know a Lottery Winner

More than one-in-ten say they know someone who has won a major lottery, but with at least one winner fighting to keep her winnings anonymous, perhaps Americans know more lottery winners than they realize. But would Americans quit their jobs if they did win? Nearly half say no.

February 14, 2018

Over Half of Voters Aren’t Cheering for a Military Parade

President Trump has proposed holding a massive parade in Washington, D.C. to showcase America’s military strength, but most voters don’t want it.

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February 14, 2018

Success Academy By John Stossel

Kids who attend New York City's Success Academy charter schools do remarkably well.   

February 14, 2018

Americans Not Feeling the Love for Valentine's Day

Americans don’t place a lot of importance on Valentine’s Day, and while some look forward to it, for most, it’s just another day.

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February 14, 2018

Science, Secrecy and Lies in Oklahoma By Michelle Malkin

As the Oklahoma attorney general's office fights to keep hidden from public view the results of secret hearings on the DNA science flaws and falsehoods in former Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw's case, two prominent experts have stepped forward to shed bright light on the government's myriad mind-boggling failures.

Michael F. Hiatt / Shutterstock.com
February 13, 2018

Voters Wonder Where Conservatives Are in Washington

Senator Rand Paul stood as a lone dissenting voice late last week as Senate leaders rammed through a bipartisan budget that dramatically increases military and domestic spending.

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February 13, 2018

Is US Being Sucked Into Syria's War? By Patrick J. Buchanan

Candidate Donald Trump may have promised to extricate us from Middle East wars, once ISIS and al-Qaida were routed, yet events and people seem to be conspiring to keep us endlessly enmeshed.

February 13, 2018

Democrats Still Obsessed with Russia, Other Voters Less So

For Democrats, the possible Trump-Russia connection remains the burning issue of the day. For the rest of voters, pocketbook issues and illegal immigration are priorities.

February 12, 2018

43% Say U.S. Heading in Right Direction

Forty-three percent (43%) of Likely U.S. Voters now think the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey for the week ending February 8.

February 12, 2018

Voters Prefer Government Shutdown to More Spending

The government shut down for five- and-a-half hours Friday night as Congress wrestled to agree upon a spending bill to keep the government running, but voters would rather see a shutdown until Congress can cut spending.

February 12, 2018

35% Say #MeToo Movement Has Gone Too Far

The #MeToo movement is sweeping the nation, but a sizable number of Americans think it has gone too far.

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February 12, 2018

Swamp Creatures Stir to Life As Big Spending Sparks Bipartisanship By Charles Hurt

Any time you hear Washington talk about bipartisan agreement, America, grab your wallet and run!

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February 10, 2018

Why Do The Democrats Take Trump's Trolling Lying Down By Ted Rall

This is advice for the Democrats. Democrats never take my advice. So why do I keep giving it to them?    

February 10, 2018

What They Told Us: Reviewing Last Week’s Key Polls - Week Ending February 10, 2018

President Trump at week’s end was enjoying his best favorable ratings since early in his tenure in the White House, while Congress was off on a spending spree.

February 9, 2018

Consumer Spending Update: Confidence Rockets to New Four-Year High

Economic and consumer confidence have jumped to four-year highs.

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February 9, 2018

Gentry Liberals Own the Democratic Party By Michael Barone

Amid the brouhahas about the Nunes memo and immigration, an item from Greg Hinz of Crain's Chicago Business caught my eye. Demographers crunching census data estimate that Chicago's black population fell to 842,000, while its white non-Hispanic population increased to 867,000. National political significance: In our three largest cities -- New York, Los Angeles and Chicago -- gentry liberals have become the dominant political demographic.

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February 9, 2018

Trump -- Middle American Radical By Patrick J. Buchanan

President Trump is the leader of America's conservative party.

February 9, 2018

Few Think Russia is Only Olympic Rule-Breaker

Russia has been banned from the 2018 Winter Olympics following exposure of a government-run program using performance enhancing drugs, but Americans don’t think they’re the only rule-breakers.